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1、2020-2021最新高考英语完形填空专题练习(及答案)一、高中英语完形填空A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处1 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 的最佳选项。Axel Winch was born nearly 13 weeks prematurely ( 早产地).He 12 pounds, 12 ouncesand had bleedi ng in his brain, visi on and heari ng 2. After a week in the 3 inGrand Junction, where pare nts Melissa and Adam Winch liv

2、e, he 4 a life-threate ning intestinal (肠道的)condition. Doctors 5 to airlift ( 空运)Axel and Melissa more than 200 miles to Childre ns Hospital in Aurora.His health rema ined 6 over the next few weeks as his lungs shut dow n. There were many times we did nt think he was going to 7. Adam said. 8, suppor

3、t was on theway. Melissa, 39, is a police officer. The police departme nt in Grand Junction 9 officers in Aurora. Soon, members of the Aurora police department 10 the hospital with offers of help. One brought them banana bread. A detective gave the 11 a place to stay.But the n things got 12 aga in.

4、After weeks of cari ng for Axel in Aurora, the couple had to briefly retur n to Grand Jun cti on on two separate 13. First, their house had bee n un dercon tract and they had to 14 in two days. The sec ond time, Melissas 15 had run out, so she had to retur n to work for a few days. They hated havi n

5、g to aba ndon their son, who had improved but was still facing 16 surgeries.We were afraid he was going to die while we were gon e, Adam says. Aurora police Mike set up a 17 for his officers to spe nd time with Axel whe n his 18could nt he there.They 19the pare nts photos of themselves asleep with A

6、xel and updates from the nu rses.After four mon ths in the hospital, Axel was 20e no ugh to go home.1. A. lostB. measuredC. weighedD. gained2. A. mistakesB. problemsC. systemsD. aids3. A. hospitalB. familyC. pris onD. church4. A. determ inedB. changedC. improvedD. developed5. A. decidedB. promisedC.

7、 waitedD.hoped6. A. stableB. safeC. dan gerousD. harmful7. A. playB. liveC. workD. study8. A. GraduallyB. ObviouslyC. ProperlyD. Fort un ately9. A. con tactedB. firedC. praisedD. persuaded10. A. escapedB. leftC. floodedD. shut11. A. teamB. childC. coupleD. policema n12. A. correctB. toughC. no rmalD

8、. easy13. A. areasB. classesC. occasi onsD. groups14. A. move outB. break down C. pull inD. stay up15. A. ideaB. luckC. energyD. leave16. A. openB. furtherC. previousD. quiet17. A. houseB. companyC. scheduleD. library18. A. classmatesB. friendsC. teachersD. parents19. A. handedB. askedC. textedD. re

9、turned20. A. strongB. braveC. fastD. confident【答案】 ( 1) C;( 2) B;( 3) A;( 4) D;( 5) A;( 6)C;(7)B;(8)D;(9) A;( 10) C;( 11)C;( 12) B;( 13)C;( 14) A;( 15) D;( 16)B;( 17)C; (18)D;( 19)C;( 20)A;【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,早产儿阿克塞尔体弱多病,被转院到奥罗拉的儿童 医院。当地的警察,向这个多灾多难的家庭给予了无私的帮助。在孩子父母不在孩子身边 这段期间,他们轮流在医院照顾孩子,并把孩子的最新消息发送给父

10、母。经过四个月的住 院治疗,孩子终于可以出院了与家人团聚。( 1)考查动词。句意:他重2 磅 12 盎司,脑部出血,视力和听力都有问题。 A. lost 丢“失”;B. measured 测量”;C. weighed 称重量”;D. gained 获得”。根据prematurely, 2pounds, 12 ounces 可知,早产儿的重量只有 2 磅 12 盎司。故选 C。( 2 )考查名词。句意:他重2 磅 12 盎司,脑部出血,视力和听力都有问题。A.mistakes 错误 ”; B. problems “问题”; C. systems 系统”; D. aids 帮助 ”。根据常识判断,

11、早 产儿与正常生产的婴儿相比,身体状况会差一些,身体会有诸多问题。故选B。(3) 考查名词。句意:在父母梅丽莎和亚当温奇居住的当地医院Grand Junction医院,住了一周后,他患上了一种危及生命的肠道疾病。A. hospital 医院 ”; B. family 家庭 ”;C. prison 监狱 ”; D. church 教堂 ”。根据下文可知,医生决定将孩子转院,那么孩子一定是 出生在医院,并在那里住了一周的院。故选A。(4) 考查动词。句意:在父母梅丽莎和亚当温奇居住的当地医院Grand Junction医院,住了一周后,他患上了一种危及生命的肠道疾病。住院一周后,又患上了肠道疾病。

12、A. determined 决“定”; B. changed “改变 ”; C. improved “提高”; D. developed (“开始)患 ”。 故选 D。( 5)考查动词。句意:医生决定空运阿克塞尔和梅丽莎转院到200 多英里外的奥罗拉的儿童医院。A. decided 决定”;B. promised 承诺”;C. waited 等待”;D. hoped 希望”。根据 上文 life-threatening 可知,这种肠道疾病能够危及生命,所以医生决定将空运阿克塞尔和 梅丽莎转院到 200 多英里外的奥罗拉的儿童医院,以寻求更好的救治。故选A。( 6)考查形容词。句意:在接下来的几

13、个星期里,他的健康状况仍然很危险,因为他的肺停止了呼吸。A. stable稳定的”;B. safe安全的”;C. dangerous危险的”;D. harmful有害的 ”。根据 his lungs shut down. 可知,他的肺停止了呼吸,所以健康状况仍然很危险。故 选 C。(7)考查动词。句意:我们曾多次认为他不会活下来。A. play 玩”; B. live 生活 ”; C.work 工作 ”; D. study 学习 ”。根据上文可知以,孩子是早产儿,且患有多种严重的疾病, 所以父母曾多次认为他不会活下来。故选 B。( 8)考查副词。句意:幸运地,他们得到了其他人的帮助。A. Gr

14、adually 逐渐地 ”; B.Obviously 明显地 ”; C. Properly 正确地 ”; D. Fortunately 幸运地 ”。根据 support was on theway可知,他们得到了其他人的帮助,这是很幸运的。故选D。( 9)考查动词。句意:梅丽莎, 39 岁,是一名警官。 Grand Junction 警察局联系了 Aurora 的警官。A. contacted 联系” B. fired 解雇” C. praised 赞扬” D. persuaded 说服”根据 下文可知,奥罗拉警察局的警员涌入向医院向他们提供帮助。所以Grand Junction 警察局联系了

15、 Aurora 的警察,与他们沟通了这件事情。故选 A。( 10)考查动词。句意:不久,奥罗拉警察局的警察涌入医院向他们提供帮助。A.escaped逃脱” B. left离开” C. flooded涌入” D. shut关闭”很多的警察都很热心,愿 意帮助他们。所以 flooded “涌入”符合语境。故选 C。(11)考查名词。句意:一个侦探向这对夫妇提供了住的地方。A. team组” B. child孩“子”; C. couple “夫妇 ”; D. policeman “警察”。孩子被转移到了奥罗拉的儿童医院,父母就需 要陪护和照顾孩子。所以他们身处异地,一定是没有地方住的,所以一个侦探向这对夫妇 提供了住的地方。故选C。( 12)考查形容词。句意:但事情又变得糟糕起来。 A. correct 正“确的 ”; B. tough “有困难 的,棘手的” C. normal正常的” D. easy容易的。根据下文可知,父母由于客观原因, 不能照顾孩子。所以对他们来说,雪上加霜,事情又变得糟糕起来。故选B。( 13)考查名词。句意:这对夫妇在奥罗拉照顾了阿克塞尔几个星期后,因为两个不同的


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