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1、【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】Case Study 1 Age and Status 两位同事的矛盾使一家数据处理公司的总经理遇到了麻烦。一方 是一位踌躇满志的法裔加拿大小伙子,另一方是一位有特许签证 的年长的中国女性,而此前两人确实很好的合作伙伴 Case description:A manager in a data-processing company was having difficulty dealing with a conflict between a young, ambitious French Canadian male and his co-worker, an olde

2、r Chinese woman who was on a special visa from China. She had recently become uncooperative and had made it clear to the manager that she would not be willing to travel to the capital with her co-worker to hold discussion with legislators about a new product with great enthusiasm.When the manager as

3、ked her what the problem was, he received no clear explanation. When he asked her co-worker, the young man had no insights to offer. The young French Canadian was clearly annoyed, however, that the Chinese woman was refusing to share her data with him. That meant he couldnt make the presentation to

4、the legislators because she had all the key data on her computer disks.The manager repeated questions to her but her “problem” got nowhere. So he changed his approach. He began explaining his concerns, as manger and as spokesperson for the company, about the upcoming meeting with legislators. His ex

5、planation about his position was unemotional. In that climate she then felt she could explain her position. She revealed she felt that that as an older, and to her mind, more senior person, she should not be sent to the capitol with a younger employee who would do the presentation of material she ha

6、d worked hard to develop. That would diminish her status, she felt. The general manger knew the root of his headache. Questions: 1What do you think caused the conflict?2. What would you do to resolve the conflict if you were the general manager?矛盾冲突 这位年长的中国女士投入极大的热情和精力开发产品却在最后 的关键时刻拒绝与年轻的同事一同去向议员做推介

7、:当经理和同 事问其原因她并未做任何明确的回答:而当经理改变策略,不 再直接询问原因,而是迂回地讲起自己的困境时,她才道出自己 的顾虑。 在这位资深年长的中国女士看来,同一位比她年轻的 同事一同去国会,并且由对方来做推介会影响到她的地位和威 信,因此她无法同意:原因分析 造成这一矛盾的文化因素有两方面对地位、年龄的不同态度以 及这种不同的表达方式。人对权力的认识因文化背景的不同而不 同。根据霍夫斯特的调查研究,“低权力距离”国家的人强调个 人的能力和信用,人与人之间权利和关系的平等,而”高权力 距离”国家,如中国、日本、纬国,强调地位、经验、年龄、资 历等,人与人之间存在级别差距;因此在这位年

8、轻的加拿大人看 来,在工作上他与这位女士是平等的合作伙伴,并没有地位的差 别,自己也有能力参与项目并做最后报告。而在这位中国女士看 来,以自己的年龄、资历、以及工作中的付出,与一个年轻人一 同去国会,并且由对方来做报告对她来说是一件丢面子的事: 另外.双方表达方式的不同也导致了矛盾的加深。根据霍尔的理 论,加拿大是“低语境”国家,中国属于“高语境”文化国家, 因此,当她的加拿大同事没有充分考虑到她所处的位置.而是直 接问她原因时,这位中国女士采用了婉转回进的策略,没有直接 说出自己的想法。而当经理改变方法迂回地说到自己的难处时, 在这种语境下她才说出自己的顾虑。Low power distan

9、ce country on individual ability and credit, the relationship between rights and equality, and. high power distance countries, such as China, Japan, weft kingdom, emphasizing the status, experience, age, qualifications, existing gap between people level。So in the young Canadian opinion, in the work

10、he and the woman are equal partners, and the difference in no position, also has the ability to participate in project and do the last report. And in the Chinese women seem to, in their own age, qualifications, and work in pay, and a young man together to congress, and by each other to do the report

11、 for her is a lose face:Outside. Both sides expressing way different led to the deepening of contradictions. According to the theory of hall, Canada is low context countries; China belongs to high context culture countries, 文化沟通 当与不同文化背景、年龄、地位的人进行跨文化交流合作时,我 们应当充分了解对方价值观中对这些个人因素的看法,决策前应 采用合适的方式进行有效的协

12、商,以便避免和化解因文化背景、 价值观不同引起的矛盾。本案例中的经理在理解她的难处之后, 可以在全公司内正式的公布这位女士的工作成果,给予高度的认 可同时在议会的报告中也应体现出其工作的重要意义,使之得, 得到应有的重视。This case of manager in understanding her difficulty after can in all the company released within the formal the ladys work, to give high recognition. At the same time in the parliamentary

13、report should reflect its importance, make, and get the attention it deserves.Case Study 2 Praising Japanese in Public Workplaces (在工作场所 当众表扬日本人)琼斯先生(美国经理) 当众表扬苏琦木拓(日本员工)工作做 得很棒,本以为苏琦木拓会高兴的接受,却不料Case description:American: Mr. Sugimoto, I have noticed that you are doing an excellent job on the assemb

14、ly line. I hope that the other workers notice how it should be done.Japanese: (He is uneasy). Praise is not necessary. I am only doing myjob. (He hopes other Japanese workers do not hear.)American: You are the finesse, most excellent, dedicated worker we have ever had at the Jones Corporation.Japane

15、se: (He blushed and nods his head several times, and keepsworking.)American: Well, are you going to say “thank you,” Mr. Sugimoto, or just remain silent?Japanese: Excuse me, Mr. Jones May I take leave for five minutes?American: Sure. (He is annoyed and watched Sugimoto exit). I cantbelieve how rude

16、some Japanese workers are. They seem to be disturbed by praise and dont answer you just silent.Questions:Why was the conversation between Mr. Jones and Mr. Sugimoto not so pleasant?Why did they have such different reactions towards praising in public workplaces?If you were Mr. Sugimoto, would you accept praise from Mr.Jones in public workplaces?If were Mr. Jones, how would you deal with the situation more appropriat



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