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1、意群阅读总结l 现将句子划分意群的一般原则归纳如下: 1名词词组 1)冠词+名词,例:a country 2)名词+名词,例:family members3)指示代词+名词,例:this book 4)形容词+名词,例:natural science 5)作形容词用的名词或分词+名词,例: New Years Day the working class 6)数词+名词,例:thirty-two note-books2介词短语,例: from now on with an effort 3副词短语,例: day and night first of all 4副词+介词短语,例: early i

2、n the morning far into the night 5副词+动词,或动词+副词,例: quite understand study hard 6一些固定的动词词组,例: to take a rest to have a meeting to get ready 7联系动词+表语,例: be at school grow quite well 8主语+谓语,这种句型用于简短语句时,一般划分为一个意群,例: They are very happy 9主语+谓语+宾语,这种句型用于简短语句时,划分为一个意群,例: He gave me a book 10简短的名词性从句,包括主语从句、

3、表语从句和宾语从句,例: That he will come hereis certain(主语从句) This ishow he studies English(表语从句) He told mewhere I could find my book(宾语从句) 11简短的定语从句,例: This is a factorythat makes cloth 12简短的状语从句,状语从句可以放在句首或句末。放在句首时,从句后通常要用逗号;放在句末时,从句一般不用逗号,每个简短的状语从句分为一个意群,例: I waitedtill he come back He cant comebecause he

4、 is ill We worked fastso that we finish our planl 列举一些例子:1. 当出现复合句时,特别是定语从句和宾语从句,若定语从句关系词或宾语从句连接词that被省略,考生常常会打乱意群,读起来不得要领。例如: The crafts people buy include things to decorate their homes,clothes for their children and gifts for their friends,holidays,weddings or special occasionspeople buy是定语从句,限制t

5、he crafts,如果将The crafts people看作一个意群,则后面的buy include things便没法理解了。 He must capture the horseHe knew better man than he had tried此例第二句中的knew后省略了that,better m an than he属于一个意群,是这个宾语从句的主语,若把he knew better放在一起读,下文就读不通了。2. 非谓语动词-ing形式与-ed形式引起的麻烦。例如: Assembly will have limited self- governing powers,Briti

6、sh say it could be as long as 30 years before the North might be in charge of its own affairs这里will have不与 limited一起构成将来完成时,will have后应稍有停顿,lim ited用作形容词,作前置定语,修饰self-governing powers,它们构成一个意群,是“有限的自治权”的意思。 For those who prefer reading the evening newspaper offers the reader the possibility of readi

7、ng the news others see and hear on TV本句中,reading出现两次,第一个reading是名词化的动名词,不能直接带宾语,后面应有停顿,the evening newspaper不是 reading的宾语,它属于下一个意群,是句子的主语;第二个reading是动词的-ing形式, the news是它的宾语。3. 分不清句中词的搭配关系。例如:A few bloodhounds and threats cleared the village of all the Indian inhabitants此句中的of不表示所有关系,因此不与village构成一个

8、意群,它与cleared搭配,clearedof是“从清除”的意思。The petition asked that during June,July,and August the working hours be changed from 8 to 5 with an hour off for lunch to 7 to 3:30 with a half-hour for lunchbe changed以下部分的意群容易搞错,考生正在这里兜圈子,他们的视线停留在be changed from 8to 5,于是看不懂下文了。应该说from与句中的第二个to搭配,from后的8 to 5with

9、an hour off for lunch是一个意群。第二个to后面7 to 3:30with a half-hour for lunch是另一个意群。这样读意思就理解了:要求作息时间从原来的上午8点至下午5点,中间留一个小时吃午餐改为上午7点至下午3点30分,中间留半个小时吃午餐。4. 分不清and所连接的成分在层次上的差别。例如:Among the factors responsible for the higher crop yields per acre are the widespread use of m achinery for power,the development of

10、better fertilizers,the breeding of better varieties,particularly semidwarf wheat and rice and hybrid sorghum and corn,and the more efficient use of irrigation例句中连用了四个and,第四个and连接的部分是第一层次,在particularlycorn这部分中,第二个and连接的是第二层次,第一个与第三个and连接的是第三层次,semidwarf wheat and rice与hybrid sorghum and corn应视作两小项,不可

11、分为四项,semidwarf既修饰wheat也修饰rice;hybrid同时修饰sorghum与corn。5. 分不清thisthesethatthose等是指示代词还是限定词。作指示代词可以代替名词单独使用,而作限定词时,它们修饰名词,不能单独使用。例如:If his savings,pension,and social security are substantial,he can engage in charitable or religious activitiesBut the self-reliant American finds these poor substitutes fo

12、r those social and business activities which once occupied his time and energiesthese是指示代词,代替上文中的 charitable or religious activities而充当 finds的宾语,poor substitutes是宾语的补语,意思是说:发现慈善、宗教活动不能取代原来从事的社交、商业活动。若把 these看作限定词,则these poor substitutes成了一个意群,语意大相径庭。6. 英语句子中那些从逻辑上讲应该接续的成分被分隔时,如果不能确定被分割的成分,也就不能正确读懂意群

13、。例如: The prisoners are overcrowded, with many cells intended for one man occupied by three这句中的关键是要注意with短语中的分隔,即with所带的宾语m any cells与宾补occupied之间被充当后置定语的过去分词短语intended for one man隔开,其意群的划分应该是with many cellsintended for one manoccupied by three,整个句子的意思是:监狱现在过度拥挤,许多原来关一个人的单身牢房现在关三个人。7. exercise Born i

14、n August, 1769, Napoleon was the second of eight surviving children. As a child, he was shy,moody,and soft-spoken. Still, his parents had high hopes for their young son. In 1779, at age ten, he enrolled in the French military school at Brienne. There, his schoolmates mocked and made fun of his small size and thick italian accent, a memory that would haunt Napoleon and shape his character in the years to come. Still, he showed a talent for leadership and for organizing war games.(87 words)



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