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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2018-2019学年第1学期期末考试(集中)国际法(双语)题库(供法学院、刑事司法学院、民商经济法学院法学专业2016级选课班使用)一、Please write down the full name of these acronyms.一、请写下这些首字母缩略词的全名。UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea“联合国海洋法公约”联合国海洋法公约ICJ International Court of Justice国际法院国际法院ILC International Law CommissionILC国际

2、法委员会EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone专属经济区IUCN International Union for Conservation of NatureIUCN国际自然保护联盟UNCOPUOS UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer SpaceUNCOPUOS联合国和平利用外层空间委员会IGO Inter-government Organization政府间组织政府间组织NGO non - governmental organizations非政府组织非政府组织UNFCCC United Nations Framework C

3、onvention on Climate ChangeUNFCCC联合国气候变化框架公约IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeIPCC政府间气候变化专门委员会UNDP The United Nations Development Programme开发计划署联合国开发计划署WHO World Health OrganizationWHO世界卫生组织WTO World Trade OrganizationWTO世界贸易组织UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Or

4、ganization教科文组织联合国教育,科学及文化组织二、Definition二、定义Jus cogens强制法A treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts with a peremptory norm of general international law. For the purposes of the present Convention, a peremptory norm of general international law is a norm accepted and recognized

5、by the international community of States as a whole as a norm from which no derogation is permitted and which can be modified only by a subsequent norm of general international law having the same character.如果条约在缔结时与一般国际法的强制性规范相冲突,则该条约无效。 为本公约的目的,一般国际法的强制性规范是整个国际社会接受和承认的一种规范,作为一种规范,不允许减损,只能通过随后的规范来修

6、改。 具有相同特征的一般国际法。Custom习惯Custom generally refers to some certain rules of behavior derived from an early stage, which have not been written down or codified. In international law custom is a practice followed by those states involved because they feel legally obliged to behave in such a way.习惯一般是指某些早

7、期阶段的行为规则,这些规则尚未写下或编纂。 在国际法中,习惯是所涉及的国家所遵循的惯例,因为他们认为在法律上有义务以这种方式行事。State sovereignty国家主权State sovereignty is firmly founded upon the fact of territory. A state enjoys and exercises its sovereignty over its territory, to the exclusion of other states. A political entity cannot be considered as a state

8、without territory.国家主权坚定地建立在领土的事实上。 一个国家享有并行使对其领土的主权,排除其他国家。 政治实体不能被视为没有领土的国家。Monists一元论者The monists claimed that there was only one fundamental principle. No matter national or international law must be based upon this very principle. 一元论者声称只有一个基本原则。 无论国家法还是国际法,都必须以此为原则。Opinio juris Opinio法律(意见法律)O

9、pinio jurisis described as the psychological component of customary international law because it refers to an attitude that states have toward a behavioral regularity. Opinio lawis被描述为习惯国际法的心理组成部分,因为它指的是一种态度,即国家对行为规律的态度。Terra nullius无人区It refers to territory which can be acquired by a single state b

10、ut which is not yet under the territorial sovereignty of that state.它指的是可以由一个国家获得但尚未属于该国领土主权的领土。State responsibility国家责任State responsibility is a fundamental principle of international law. It reflects that states or other political entities possessing international personality must be legally respo

11、nsible for a breach of an international obligation.国家责任是国际法的基本原则。 它反映出拥有国际人格的国家或其他政治实体必须对违反国际义务负有法律责任。International wrongful act国际不法行为In the Draft Articles on State Responsibility, it is provided in Article1 that every internationally wrongful act of a state entails the international responsibility

12、of that state. 在“国家责任条款草案”中,第1条规定“国家的每一项国际不法行为都要承担国家的国际责任”。Such a wrongful act is defined in Article 3 as:a. conduct consisting of an action or omission which is attributable to the state under international law; and b. that conduct constituting a breach of an international obligation of the state.这

13、种不法行为在第3条中定义为:一个。 由国家法律赋予的行为或不作为构成的行为; 和湾 该行为构成违反国家的国际义务。Exhaustion of local remedies用尽当地补救办法A very important customary rule of international law applicable to indirect injuries is that before international proceedings are invoked, the remedies provided by the local state should have been exhausted.

14、 It enables the local state to redress wrongful acts before the claim is to be brought to the international plane. 适用于间接伤害的一项非常重要的国际法习惯规则是,在援引国际诉讼程序之前,应当用尽当地国家提供的补救办法。 它使当地国家能够在将索赔提交国际飞机之前纠正不法行为。Freedom of the seas海洋自由Freedom of the seas is an essential principle of modern international law of the s

15、ea. It stresses freedom to navigate the oceans. It is the right of a merchant ship to travel any waters except territorial waters either in peace or war.海洋自由是现代国际海洋法的基本原则。 它强调自由驾驭海洋。 商船的权利是在和平或战争中除领海之外的任何水域。High Seas公海A term of international law; the open ocean, not part of the exclusive economic zo

16、ne, territorial sea or internal waters of any state.国际法一词; 开放的海洋,不属于任何国家的专属经济区,领海或内水。Right of innocent passage无辜的通道Ships of all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea. Passage shall be continuous and expeditious.所有国家的船舶,无论是沿海国家还是内陆国家,都


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