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1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A(1a 2d)教学设计教学目标:知道used to ,并会运用 used to组句子学会used to的各种句式不同句子之间的转换。教学重点难点:会运用used to组句子学会used to的各种句式不同句子之间的转换。教学活动预设【导入】教学活动预设 复习单词填写1. humorous(adj. )t (adj.)沉默的t (adj.)有帮助的滑稽有趣的2.得分;进球2. score(n. &v.)3. silence(n.)4. help(v.)答案:1.有幽默感的3. silent 4. he

2、lpful【讲授】讲授新课川.句型填词1. 你过去矮,是吗?Youshort, didn,you?2. 他现在什么样?henow?答案:1. used to be 2.What s;like3. 他过去戴眼镜吗?hewear glasses?4. 比利的变化是如此的大!Billy has changed!答案:3. Did; use to 4. so much观察句子used to是什么意思,它后面跟动词的什么形式 ? 句中的its是什么意思,该句的前半句是什么时态?1. He used to be so shy and quiet.2. It been three years since w

3、e last saw our primary school classmates.答案:1. used to意为 过去常常”后接动词原形,表示过去的动作和状态。2. it 是it has的缩写,该句的前半句为现在完成时。4. used to 过去常常【语境领悟】*1 used to be afraid of the dark.我过去常常怕黑。*Did he use to play soccer?他过去常踢足球吗?*I didn use to be very quiet.我过去不是很文静。*You used to be short, didn you?你过去很矮,是吗?【自主归纳】used to

4、 的用法(1) used to意为过去常常;以前经常”后接动词原形,表示过去的习惯,暗指现在此状态不存 在了或动作不发生了。(2) used to的否定句、一般疑问句、附加疑问句常借助于助动词did/didn 但也可用used/usedn。【妙辨异同】used to do sth. , be used to (doing) sth. 与 be used to do sth.used to do sth.意为过去常做某事”只用于过去时态She used to have long hair.她过去留着长发。be used to(do in g)sth.意为习惯于(做)某事”只用于现在、过去、将来等

5、多种时态He is used to gett ing up early.他习惯于早起床。be used to do sth.意为 被用于做某事”只被动语态,不定式表示目的,用于多种时态Wood is used【学以致用】 He used to be short.( 改为一般疑问句)heto be short? Her father used to get up late.( 改为否定句)Her fatherto get up late.答案:Did; use didn use (2013 安顺中考)Shelive alone. But sheliving alone because she f

6、eels Ion ely.A. used to; doesn used toB. is used to; was used toC. used to; is not used toD. was used to; doesn used to课后练习I .用所给词的适当形式填空1. My gra ndfather used to(walk)to work in the past.2. Are you used to(get)up early to read En glish?3. What do you think of your Chin ese teacher?He is very(humor

7、).4. All of them are worki ng in(sile nt).5. Why is he so popular?Because he is very kind and(help).答案:1. walk 2. getting 3. humorous 4. silenee5. helpfuln.单项选择1. My sister used to be, but now she is outgo ing.A. funny B. friendly C. active D. shy2. She used toin a small house, but now she lives in

8、a big apartme nt.A. livedB. livesC. liveD. livi ng3. He used to be tall,?A. doesn he B. didn heC. does he D. did he4. I like playing basketball and I mthebasketball team.A. onB. with C. atD. for5. Ittwo years since wethe army.A. was; joinB. was; joi nedC. has bee n; jo inD. has bee n; jo ined教学反思:本节课主要学习了 used to的用法,相对来说这个句型是比较简单的,学生还是掌握比较好的 在做题的过程中能够灵活运用短语,应该说是比较好的完成了教学目标。今后还应该多加努力。


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