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1、Unit 1 Tales of the unexplainedPeriods 1-2Teaching aims and demands:1 To revise words and expressions in this unit.2 To enable the Ss to recite and use the important sentence patterns.一. 词组复习1. a _ boy= a _ boy 一个失踪的男孩2. _/_/_ an interview 进行采访3. be full of _ 充满未解之迷4. _ _ science and technology 当今先进

2、的科技5. _ sth/sb =_ sth/sb 偶然遇见6. _ the existence of aliens 相信外星人的存在7. _ the research 加速研究8. s_ interest in=show an interest in 对感兴趣9. go to sleep _/_ 早睡/晚睡10. stay _ late 在外面呆得很晚11. _=turn up 出现12. put _ his favorite CD 播放他最喜爱的CD13. strange-l_ creatures 样貌奇怪的生物14. _/_ research on sb. 对进行研究15. _ out t

3、he possibility that+句子/of sth 排除的可能性16. look_ 调查17. _ a story/an excuse/a lie/ a dialogue 编造18. take _ of 负责19. find _ evidence 找到令人信服的证据20. a_ to 根据21. make much _ 取得很大进步22. s_ for other w_ 寻找其他目击证人23. b_ with 从开始24. carry out _ space explorations 进行外太空探险25. l_ sth into space 把发射到太空26. the first hu

4、man _ travel in space 第一个太空旅行者27. go on to do; 接着做另一事 go on doing;继续做原来的事 go on with 继续某事28. _ of doing sth 梦想做某事29. come _ 梦想等的实现30. s_ from 从分离31. pick them up 把它们拾起; pick up some English 学得一些英语; pick up the news 收听新闻32. take off their spacesuits; 脱下航空服 (a plane)take off 起飞; take a day off; 休假一天33

5、. the s_ s_ 太阳系34. many sunken ships 许多沉船35. chat in an internet _ room 在网络聊天室聊天36. take the u_ 乘地铁37. at a time; 一次 at one time; 曾经 at times; 有时at no time; 决不 in no time 立即38. divideinto; 把分成 separate from 把和分开39. a_ d_ sth/sth 避免做40. f_ a rule 遵循规则41. go shopping at Smiths 在Smith店买东西42. buy a new

6、t_ 买一件外套43. _ questions 不恰当的问题44. in the _/_ few months 在过去的几个月里45. g_ sb in an appropriate m_ 恰当地问候某人46. in r_ 作为回应47. intend to do; be intended for; had intended to do=intended to have done 打算做但没做48. be included in the next i_ 包含在下一期49. ask questions _ an order 按次序问问题50. a number of questions; 许多

7、the number of 的数目51. d_/_r_ a conclusion 得出结论52. a_ the students interest in doing 引起学生们做某事的兴趣53. take m_/s_ to do sth. 采取措施做54. the most popular activity 最受欢迎的活动55. be willing to do 甘心做56. make recommendations 提出建议57. in a remote area 在偏远地区64. a man-like c_ 一个长得象人的生物65. run _ 追赶66. _ average 平均 67.

8、 play a j_ on sb 开某人玩笑68. run with a_ speed and s_ 以惊人的速度和体力奔跑69. make its way to (feel/find/fight/struggle/lose/crawlones way)70. be six feet tall with huge shoulders 六英尺高,宽大的肩膀71. s_ the mystery 解迷72. l_ out 删除73. a d_ of sth 对的描述二. 根据课文填空并背诵:1. 谈论外星人 _ _ _2. 做采访 _an_3. 我们居住的世界充满了神秘,甚至 The world_

9、_ _is full of_今天先进的科学和技术也无法解决。 _ever by_ _ _and _.4. 你在喜马拉雅山可能碰见野人,或 You_ _ _a Yeti in the Himalayas,者只是看见几个脚印,但是你仍然会 or just see a few_, but youd still be是幸运的。 _!5. 一艘沉船 a_ ship6. 即使在今天,建筑埃及金字塔的原因 The reason_ _ _ _in仍然不清楚。 Egypt is still_ even today.7. 你相信不明飞行物,野人和怪物这样 Do you_ _ _things such as一些不可

10、理解的事情吗? UFOs, Yetis and _?8. 如果有一天你看见不明飞行物或者一 If you_ a UFO or a monster_ _,个怪物,你会怎么做? what_ you_?9. 奇怪的事情有时后会发生在普通人 Strange things sometimes_ _身上。 _people.10. 美国警方现已加紧对一名15岁男孩 Police in America_ _ _their的搜索,这个男孩两天以前失踪了。 _for a_ boy who went _ two days ago.11. 由于大约在他消失的时候,天空中 People have_ _ _ _his出现

11、令人费解的光亮,并且有外星 disappearance_ _ _ _人来访的报告,因此人们对他的失 _ _in the sky and reports of alien踪表现出很大的兴趣。 visits_ the time of his_.12. 贾斯廷的母亲那天晚上因为头疼睡 At first, Justins mother, who went to sleep early得很早,起初她以为这孩子那天晚 that evening_ _ _ _,上是和一个朋友在一起。 thought that the teenager was spending the night with a friend.13. 当贾斯廷第二天没有在家里午餐上 When Justin did no



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