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1、沛县歌风中学英语组 高一英语讲学稿 班级: 高一(_) 姓名:_ 主备人:张先存 审核人: 邓永前 编写日期 Dec.1st, 2009 实际教学日期 Dec.2nd, 2009Module 2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 总课题Module 2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained总课时10第7课时课题Project: Telling a mysterious story课型新授教学目标知识目标The project is designed to help students learn and use English by doi

2、ng a group project. The reading material about Yeti is a sample for Ss to see how a mysterious story can be written. Ss are encouraged to write a story on one of the five mysteries in the section welcome to the unit. 能力目标1. Encourage Ss to use what they have learnt in this unit to complete the proje

3、ct.2. Help Ss discuss what mystery they want to write a story about, and collect as much information as they can.情感目标教学重点1run after 2on average 3.on ones way 4with ones own eyes 5be similar to 教学难点1_heavily built and hairy 据说雪人体魄粗壮,浑身长满毛发。2Some scientists even think that these footprints _by people

4、playing a joke 有些科学家甚至认为,这些脚印有可能是那些开玩笑的人有意搞的。3He became convinced that they exist_在研究野人脚印的过程中,他确信野人的确存在。学法指导1.Task-based language learning; 2. Pair or group work. 3. 人们对有关像人一样的生物有种种传说和猜测,请列举你所听到的几种:教学准备1Lecture materials ;2. A recorder课前预习一. 朗读记忆 1. 一个类人的野生动物 a wild man-like creature2. 据说 It is said

5、 that3. 从山水上下来 come down from the mountains4. 袭击村民 attack villagers5. 一名美国登山者 an American mountain climber6. 在中国边界上 on the Chinese side 7. 追赶 run after8. 以惊人的速度和气力 at/ with amazing speed and strength9. 平均 on average10. 14到18英尺长/宽 14 to 18 inches long/wide11. 开玩笑 play a joke (on sb.)12. 往前,艰难前进 make

6、ones way to13. 继续活下去 live on 14. 亲眼看到 seewith ones own eyes15. 支持野人存在的实证 hard evidence supporting the existence of Yeti16. 确信,相信 be/ become convinced 二. 语言点分析:1. It is possible that.2. man-like creatures3. report + n/ pron/ v-ing /report on /report sth. to sbe.g. They went back and reported their fi

7、ndings to the director of the factory.He is going to report on his travel to HongKong.4. similar- similarity5. describe-description 6. be said to do/ have done It is said thatThe book is said to have been translated into many languages.It is said that the book has been translated into many languages

8、.7. heavy- heavily adj.- 重的(相对而言拥有较大重量的) a heavy load.重负大量的 heavy rainfall 大雨浓密的;厚的:a heavy fog.重雾狂暴的;粗暴的:heavy seas.波涛汹涌的海面8. buildbuilt-built be heavily built 身体健壮 9. hair-hairy adj. C/n 毛发(单根)There is a hair in my soup./U/n 头发 have ones hair cut / have long and black hair 10. shoulder shoulder to

9、 shoulder In close proximity;side by side.距离非常贴近地;肩并肩地11. speed at the speed of./ at a fast speed .12. run after 追赶;追逐 追求, He finally became tired of running after her. 他追求她终于追烦了 run into / run across 13. strength-strong 力, 力量, 力气, 实力, 兵力, 浓度 辨析: strength 尤指身体的,精神的或道德上的坚强力量或活力:“enough work to do, an

10、d strength enough to do the work” (Rudyard Kipling). “有足够的工作做,有足够的力量做工作” (露德亚德齐普林)。“We are of course a nation of differences. Those differences dont make us weak. Theyre the source of our strength” (Jimmy Carter). “当然,我们是一个有着许多不同的国家。这些不同没有削弱我们。它们是我们力量的源泉” (吉米卡特)。energy 相比较而言尤指潜在的力量源泉:“The same energ

11、y of character which renders a man a daring villain would have rendered him useful to society, had that society been well organized” (Mary Wollstonecraft). “要是社会秩序良好的话,同样的使一个人成为无所不为的恶棍的性格中的潜力说不定会使他成为一个对社会有用的人”force 指力量或力气的使用:“the overthrow of our institutions by force and violence” (Charles Evans Hu

12、ghes).“用力量和暴力推翻我们的机构” (查尔斯伊凡休斯) 14. hard adv. 努力地, 辛苦地, 坚硬地, 牢固地, 接近地, 猛烈地worked hard all day; stared hard at the accused criminal.一整天都在努力地工作;恶狠狠地盯着那个被控告的罪犯 adj.硬的, 坚固的, (问题, 工作等)困难的, 艰苦的, 猛烈的, 确实的, 有力的,确凿的且不容置疑的:hard evidence.有力的证据 e.g. Hard facts proved that he was guilty.15. make ones way to 朝.方向

13、走去16. some day/ one day 某天,一天 教 学 过 程备 注Step 1预习交流Task 1 Warming up How much do you know about this creature?What else would you like to know about it?Task 2 Skimming1. What do they look like?2. What can they do?3. When and where were they found?Step 2 课堂交流Task 3 True or False1. There are no Yetis in the world according to the report. 2. An American mountain climber said that he saw a Yeti once. 3. Yetis ran with an amazing speed. 4. Footprints of Yetis are similar to human



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