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1、Trnsation fUsefulExprsioshise xpressnsEnglish Tanaon黄河流域YeowRir Valley文化融合,政治统一Cultal fusion andpoliicl uniy游牧部落noadictribese疆域Teritr; ralm;fontie小农经济The smal-cale peaantcoy封建主经济Suzerain/ nl / ownr-peasnt conomy自然经济形态henatural comic pat农、林、牧、副、渔Ariltue, fretion, erding, fiing ad hir indutr cooperaio

2、n中原Th ntalpains重农轻商Encorage farming, liit mee24节气he 24 Sola Term战国时期The Warring atesperio男耕女织Th manultivatg th an n thewoanwevinahom自给自足得自然经济Slf-suficientatral economy一盘散沙A shet of looesand草根阶层e asoots level人头税Theol ax水能载舟,亦能覆舟he waer that crre t boatcan also oerurn i、多元一体ntegrted pluals吐故纳新Dscar e

3、l an ebrac te w炎黄子孙thedscendnt of Yaiand Hadi礼仪之邦helan of ceeony and rpriety大一统观念heconcepn ofgreanatina unit甲骨文Th scripionsontrtoseshell nimal bons铭文The inritins o bronze r copp rs象形、指事、会意、形声(examples)Pictogrphs, sefexplaatory, assoaie pd,pictophonti mehod四书五经TeFou Boosanhe Fve Cassics书同文、行同伦Te tand

4、ardize wite langugeand behavirs儒、道、佛、法家ofuciansm, lassic aoist thinkig, Budhi, the Lgalist Scho焚书坑儒Burn boks and ury ofuan scoalive无为而治o govrny doingthing独尊儒术、罢黜百家Pay suprm trite to oucnism wilbnning llohr chools ofthghts四大发明Four reatInentin of Anciet China:1) t invenion of paper makigtehnolog2) he

5、ropintig3) h makg o the gunpower4) thepas守内虚外Intrna deese nd xenl slacnng重文轻武Ly stesseculua aevemet while make lightof th milita plots清明上河图The scolof panting: eetil of Pre Bihtness o th RvrChinese expssinsEnglisTrnlatio求与谐,主平衡ek for Hrmony anMiniig Equibrium消灾祈福Avrt clamties and pra for blssin临时抱佛脚C

6、ls Buddas fetwhe n tuleseek el atte at moet六合h realsof Heavn an arth, Est ndWes, Nrh and Sou 内圣外王Iternalize ascultivaion an extrnalie a gvnane o vru真诚、正心、修身Sincerity, ineityd nteletucultivation齐家治国平天下Keep oramilyin ode, gvern steeffivey and ringee to te worl中庸e goe me天人合一Oneness o man an nture大一统Gre

7、t Naina nt集体利益Values o Colectivism/Coleive interst人伦Human relains普天之下莫非王土,率土之滨莫非王臣All he an under e u belons to king;al the people withinthiscou re the isujcts、史记Te Historial ecords宗族关系T patriarchal relats赴汤蹈火Go throuh fire an wter中华民族得脊梁The sritual tower of Cnes ntin否极泰来ut of de o misfrtune sliss以柔

8、克刚Couer herigid wit the gentle一张一弛Alterntetensi with relaxtion仁者爱人The benoen lov ohers仁政enevolent gvernment 以民为本Peopl are he onatio ofte sat民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻Pole e rst, the tate escond and the ing tr性善论Tehory f riinl godness of human tue小国寡民 al state wth a smll poulaion无为而治 Th rue of inaction汉代经学Ipeialon

9、ucinsm int Han Dynas课堂重点1) Te Four oks (The Great Learning , The Dorinof theMea,e Cfucian Analects , and The ok of encius ) andTe FveClassis (The Bk of Poetr , Te Boo f isory ,ThBook of Rt , The okf hangs , nd The Sring and AtumnAnnals ) covr a e rage fujects dae he mostimportant tetboksortheConfcia

10、n shrsto diseinate the eatiol thouhs of he Cofucin Sho na mus for acientschlar ho had o ssh imperl petive exmintion t eeonmen oiil、 2) h Gea Lenis abouhctvto f oes mral hracer andth wisdomsof veng a cuntydrig the “dxue” (o gret leanin or hher edcati) period ofnciethina、 3) Th Cfcan Analcs orTheAalec

11、tsembodisthe Confucin conceptf ren or humaniy or benvoece, andanoh cncept o y or riheosnss、4) TheWorks of enius modis te hioopi ndpliica thinkng Menius、 He deeloped nd eriched te “re andyitheoy” of Cnucis nd supoe evey man sgood b natur, nd alefor eneolentgovernment、5) Theoo o Hisorys an inplete cll

12、eton of the hitry oancitCin、 It is an inaluable rrceo the study fhe prmtiveand fedal societiesi aciet Chnaandis he source of arrativewritin in Chin a wll、 Thibok conits f tree part:the ehortaions, tsoreclaratiosby the lodsto thirsbects; the advice or ugests f th sjts to their lr; foklores orthe mterias6)h Sin and Autumn Annas is acanonl bo ofhiory、 I cosis



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