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1、全球变暖和保护生态环境文章的中英文资料全球气温变暖的主要原因: 人类活动对气候变化肯定是有变化和影响的。人类燃烧煤、油、 天然气和树木,产生大量二氧化碳和甲烷进入大气层后使地球升温,大气中二氧化碳排放量 增加是造成地球气候变暖的根源。The main reason for global warming: human activities definitely have an impact on climate change. Human burns coal, oil, natural gas which produced a large amount of carbon dioxide an

2、d methane, and it warmed the earth. The cause of global warming is the increased carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.造 成的危害:首先是自然生态会发生变化;土地荒漠化,森林退向极地,雨量增加,冬天更 湿,夏天更旱,旱涝灾害增加,热带将酷热无比,人类难以生存。其次是两极冰块大面积熔 化,使海平面上升,那将使生活在沿海的占世界 1/3 的人口无家可归,世界许多港口城市 淹 没于一片汪洋之中。Harms: first, to change the natural e

3、cology; land desertification, forest back to the polar regions, increased rainfall in winter, wetter, more droughts in summer, increased droughts and floods, tropical would be extremely hot, human difficult to survive. Second, the melting polar ice, a large area, so that sea level rise, which will l

4、ive in coastal areas of the worlds 1 / 3 of the population homeless, many of the world port city submerged in a sea of.由于人类活动的影响,中国的气候在 21 世纪将继续明显变暖,其中中国北方冬天的变暖 趋势最为明显。作为对比,过去100年中,中国的升温幅度仅为0.5C至I0.8C。由于气候暖干,三江平原湿地资源及生物多样性都将减少,濒危物种增加,大面积沼 泽湿地将变成草甸湿地。长江三角洲附近的湿地,则将受至海平面上升的威胁,导致面积减少,质量下降,潮 滩地被淹没和侵蚀。由于气

5、温上升,导致黄河和内陆河地区的蒸发量可能增长 15%左右,北方水资源短 缺以及南方的洪涝灾害都将加剧。温度升高导致冻土融化,也会影响至青藏铁路的安全。As the impact of human activities, the climate in the 21st century China will continue to significantly warmer, which in winter warming trend in northern China the most obvious.In contrast, over the past 100 years, Chinas tem

6、perature rise of only 0.5 C to 0.8 C.As warm and dry climate in the Sanjiang Plain wetland resources and biodiversity will decrease, an increase of endangered species, large areas will become a meadow marsh wetlands.Wetlands near the Yangtze River Delta, will be the threat of rising sea levels, resu

7、lting in reduced size, lower quality, tidal inundation and beach erosion.As temperatures rise, leading to the Yellow River and inland rivers of the evaporation may increase about 15% water shortage in northern and southern floods will increase.Lead to permafrost melting temperature, also affect the

8、safety of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. 由于人类活动的影响,中国的气候在21世纪将继续明显变暖,其中中国北方冬天的变暖 趋势最为明显。作为对比,过去100年中,中国的升温幅度仅为0.5C至I0.8Co由于气候暖干,三江平原湿地资源及生物多样性都将减少,濒危物种增加,大面积沼 泽湿地将变成草甸湿地。长江三角洲附近的湿地,则将受到海平面上升的威胁,导致面积减少,质量下降,潮 滩地被淹没和侵蚀。由于气温上升,导致黄河和内陆河地区的蒸发量可能增长 15%左右,北方水资源短 缺以及南方的洪涝灾害都将加剧。温度升高导致冻土融化,也会影响到青藏铁路的安全。As the im

9、pact of human activities, the climate in the 21st century China will continue to significantly warmer, which in winter warming trend in northern China the most obvious.In contrast, over the past 100 years, Chinas temperature rise of only 0.5 C to 0.8 C. As warm and dry climate in the Sanjiang Plain

10、wetland resources and biodiversity will decrease, an increase of endangered species, large areas will become a meadow marsh wetlands.Wetlands near the Yangtze River Delta, will be the threat of rising sea levels, resulting in reduced size, lower quality, tidal inundation and beach erosion.As tempera

11、tures rise, leading to the Yellow River and inland rivers of the evaporation may increase about 15% water shortage in northern and southern floods will increase.Lead to permafrost melting temperature, also affect the safety of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. 人们过去一向认为,多种植树木有助于减缓全球气温升高的现象。不过,科学家如今指出, 如果地球气

12、温再升高 2 摄氏度,森林反而可能成为二氧化碳的净排放来源。植物会吸收也会排放二氧化碳;健康的森林,尤其是热带地区的森林所吸收的温室气体, 会比它们排放的来得多。不过,如果这些森林受到破坏、生病或是死亡,蓄积在这些森林里 的二氧化碳就会被释放出来。人 类砍伐森林时进行的焚烧和摧毁所释放的温室气体,占了总碳排放量的 20% 森林 可吸收四分之一的总碳排放量,随着它们日益消失,或是成为净排放来源,空气中的二氧化 碳将大幅度增加。”People used to always think that, more than planting trees help slow global warming p

13、henomenon. However, scientists have now pointed out that if global temperatures rise another 2 degrees Celsius, the forest but it may become a net carbon dioxide emission sources.Plants absorb carbon dioxide emissions will be; the health of forests, especially tropical forests absorb the greenhouse

14、gas emissions than they are to much. However, if these forests are destroyed, illness or death, accumulation of carbon dioxide in these forests will be released.When human burning of deforestation and destruction of the release of greenhouse gases, of the total carbon emissions by 20% of the forest

15、can absorb a quarter of the total carbon emissions, as they increasingly disappear, or become a net source of emissions, carbon dioxide in the air will increase significantly.从 以上分析可以看出,影响气候变化的因素极其复杂,天体运行和地球运动的威力比人的 影响不知要大多少倍,它可以使天气变热,也能让地球变冷。而人的力量在大自然面前显得 非常渺小,连一场台风吹来也只有躲避的份儿,大自然的力量是根本抗御不了的。肆无忌惮 地糟

16、践自然,人类必然会受到严厉惩罚。人 类应该尽一切努力,去做好应该也能够做好的事情。大力发展低碳经济已经成了国 际社会的共识。Can be seen from the above analysis, impact of climate change in the extremely complex, and the earth movements of celestial bodies than the human impact unknown power be many times greater, which can make the weather Bianre, Ye make the earth cooler. The power of people in front of it is very small in nature, with a typhoon blowing only escape to but is the



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