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1、九年级英语再教设计 设计人:李永红Unit5 It must belong to Carla.Section A一、 学习目标:1. 学会使用情态动词must, could/might, can 表示推测。2. 正确运用belong to, make up, because of, worry二、 学习重点: 学会使用情态动词表示推测。三、 学习过程: Step 1. (预习检测) 1. 属于 belong to 2. 在野餐 at the picnic 3. 去野餐 go for/on a picnic 4. 野餐 have a picnic5. 在音乐会期间 during the conc

2、ert 6. 去听音乐会 go to the concert7. 举行音乐会 give a concert 8. 由于考试 because of the test9. 在与某人约会中 at sb. appointment 10. 和某人约好,与某人约会 have an appointment with sb.11. 占期末考试的30% make up 30% of the final exam 12. .的所有者 the owner of . Step 2. (合作探究)A. 相约情态动词表推测:观察:1. The dictionary must be mine. It has my name

3、 on it. 2. The CD might could belong to Tony because he likes listening to music.3. The hair band cant be Bobs. After all, he is a boy!结论: 一定;肯定_ 有可能;也许_/_ 不可能;不会_练练吧!用must, might, could, cant 填空:1. Whose earrings are these? They _ be Marys. She wears earrings sometimes.2. Gina _ come to the party t

4、onight, but Im not sure.3. The phone is ringing, but nobody answers it. He _ be at home.4. Is this Lan Qings boxing gloves? Yes, it_ be his. Theres his name on them.5. Wheres Lucy? Im not sure. She _be in the school library.6. Is Peter here yet? Not yet, but he_ be here soon. He is usually on time.7

5、. The man in the office_ be Mr. Black because he phoned me from London just now.8. The red bicycle _be Hus. She has a blue bicycle.9. The hair band _belong to Linda. It was on her desk.10. The MP3_ be Li Yings, I always saw her listen to music with it.B. “因为”有所不同观察: 1. I cant go out because it is ra

6、ining now.2. I cant go out because of the rain.结论: because 为_词,表示原因,后面必须接一个_. because of 是复合介词,后面接_名_词、_代_词、或 名词性短语 如:what he said练练吧! 1. We didnt go fishing _ it rained heavily. We didnt go fishing _ the heavy rain.2.He didnt come to work because of his car didnt work halfway.(改错) _.3.Fred didnt go

7、 to the party not_ the weather but _ he didnt feel well. A. because of, because B. because, because of C. because, because D. because of, because of4.My brother is often absent(缺席) from work_ illness. A. because of B. because C. as D. since5.由于雾火车晚点了。 The train was late _ the fog.C. belong to “属于” 谁

8、?1.The English book belongs to Tom.2.The English book is Toms.结论: belong to 是不及物动词,常和 to 搭配使用,无进行时态,也不用于_ 语态。提示: belong to 后接代词作宾语时要用宾格,后接名词时,不能用其所有格。练练吧!( )1. - May I go swimming now? - No, you _. You must finish your homework first. A. mustnt B. may not C. couldnt D. neednt ( )2. - Excuse me. Where is the zoo? - Sorry, I dont know. Ask that policeman. He _ know.A. shall B. may C. need D. would ( )3. -_ I finish the work today? -No, you neednt. A. Must B. May C. Can D. Need ( )4. - Need I go there with you? - Yes, you _.A. need B. may C. must D. can


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