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1、 新概念英语第四册单词学习手册Lesson46【扩】talented有才能的,有天赋的【单词例句】A: These young players are indeed very gifted.B:Yes.some of them will be champions in the future, I”m sure.A:这些年轻运发动真的很有天赋。B:是啊,我敢说他们中的一些人将来确定能成为冠军。psychologist sa”kldst 心理学家spasm ”spz()m 一阵发作Futile1fju:tail adj,无用的【派生词】futility无用,无益【单词例句】A:I tlunk it

2、”s undue to behave like this at the moment.A:找认为此刻这么做是不适宜的。B: Then what do you suggest to do?B:那你建议怎么做呢?grip grp 紧急recuperation rkup”re()n 恢复【单词扩大】rest休息repose休息,睡眠【单词例句】A: I”m so tired.I need recuperation.A:我太累了,我需要休息。B: You can ask half a day”s leave this afemoon.B:你可以下午请半天假。caprice Lka”pri:s任性sed

3、ulously ”sedjulsli adv.孜孜 不倦地【单词例句】A: He has been researching sedulously in the past few years.A:过去这些年他始终孜孜不倦地讨论。B: So he succeeded at last.B:所以最终他胜利了。vivify ”vvfa v使生气勃勃aggravate ”grvet 加剧【单词扩大】intensify加剧【单词搭配】be aggravated at sth. 因某事而发怒【单词例句】A: The bad mood aggravated his illnessA:坏心情加重了他的病情。B:

4、You should not tell him the news.B:你不应当把那个消息告知他。trivia ”trv 琐事【派生词】 trivia 无关紧要的【单词搭配】trifle with玩弄【单词扩大】A: Mr. Qin,the air conditioner is out oforder.A:泰先生,空调坏了。B: Don”t bother me with such trifles.B:别拿小事烦我。gratify ”grtfa v-使满足【派生词】gratification满足【单词扩大】satisfy使满足【单词搭配】be gratified with对感到满足【单词例句】A:

5、Your behaviour gratifies me very much.A:你的表现使我特别满足。B: I”m glad to hear you say so.B:我很快乐听到您这么说。【单词例句】A:Don”t Willful act。B: OK. I”ll study my problem.A:不要任性行事。B:知道,我会讨论一下自己的问题的。satiation,seii”ein 满意frantic ”frntk adj.狂乱的【派生词】frantically疯狂地,狂暴地【单词扩大】drive sb.frantic使某人发狂【单词例句】A: He beat a frantic tat

6、too with his hands on the door.A:他用手疯狂地连续敲门。B: What made him so worried?B:什么事情让他这么焦急?avenge ”ven(d) v.替报复【派生词】avenger报仇者【单词搭配】avenge oneselfupon 问进展报仇【单词例句】A: The lion was avenged on iusenemyA:这头狮子向敌人报了仇。B: He is the real king now.B:现在它是真正的大王了。boredom ”bdm 厌烦clatter ”klt 吵闹的谈话sustenance ”sst()nns; -

7、tn- n.支撵物appetite ”ptat n. 食欲;嗜好【单词例句】A:I have no appetite for the victory at all.A:我一点获胜的欲望也没有。B:You should cheer up.B:你应当振作起来。【单词搭配】bear sb.a grudge对某人怀恨在心【派生词】cynical愤世嫉俗的【单词例句】A: He still harbors a grudge against meA:他对我仍怀有怨恨。B:What did you do to him?B:你对他做了什么?absorb b”zb; -”sb 吸投【单词例句】Plants can absorb the energy from the sun.植物能汲取太阳的能量。banish ”bn vt. 放逐;驱除【派生词】banishment放逐【单词扩大】renounce放弃,抛弃【单词例句】A: Banish all the troubles from your mind.A:淡忘你心中全部苦恼吧。B:I don”t know howI can do itB:我不知道怎么才能做得到。



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