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1、 英语故事格林童话:圣母的孩子Our Lady”s Child 圣母的孩子 Hard by a great forest dwelt a wood-cutter with his wife, who had an only child, a little girl three years old. They were so poor, however, that they no longer had daily bread, and did not know how to get food for her. One morning the wood-cutter went out sorrow

2、fully to his work in the forest, and while he was cutting wood, suddenly there stood before him a tall and beautiful woman with a crown of shining stars on her head, who said to him, “I am the Virgin Mary, mother of the child Jesus. Thou art poor and needy, bring thy child to me, I will take her wit

3、h me and be her mother, and care for her.“ The wood-cutter obeyed, brought his child, and gave her to the Virgin Mary, who took her up to heaven with her. There the child fared well, ate sugar-cakes, and drank sweet milk, and her clothes were of gold, and the little angels played with her. 大森林边住着一位樵

4、夫和他的妻子。他们只有一个孩子,是个三岁的女孩。可是他们特别穷,连每天要吃的面包都没有,更不知道该拿什么东西喂孩子。一天早晨,樵夫愁眉苦脸地到森林里去砍柴,他的面前突然消失了一位高大、漂亮的女人,她的头上还戴着一顶饰满了闪耀的星星的宝冠。她对樵夫说:“我是耶稣的母亲,圣母玛利亚。你很穷,需要帮忙。把你的孩子给我吧。我情愿把她带走,做她的母亲,好好照料她。”樵夫听从她的话,把孩子带来,交给了圣母玛利亚。圣母玛利亚把孩子带到了天堂。孩子在天堂里过得很舒适,吃的是糖饼,喝的是甜牛奶,穿的是金衣服,陪她玩的是小天使。 And when she was fourteen years of age, th

5、e Virgin Mary called her one day and said, “Dear child, I am about to make a long journey, so take into thy keeping the keys of the thirteen doors of heaven. Twelve of these thou mayest open, and behold the glory which is within them, but the thirteenth, to which this little key belongs, is forbidde

6、n thee. Beware of opening it, or thou wilt bring misery on thyself.“ The girl promised to be obedient, and when the Virgin Mary was gone, she began to examine the dwellings of the kingdom of heaven. Each day she opened one of them, until she had made the round of the twelve. In each of them sat one

7、of the Apostles in the midst of a great light, and she rejoiced in all the magnificence and splendour, and the little angels who always accompanied her rejoiced with her. Then the forbidden door alone remained, and she felt a great desire to know what could be hidden behind it, and said to the angel

8、s, “I will not quite open it, and I will not go inside it, but I will unlock it so that we can just see a little through the opening.“ “Oh no,“ said the little angels, “that would be a sin. The Virgin Mary has forbidden it, and it might easily cause thy unhappiness.“ Then she was silent, but the des

9、ire in her heart was not stilled, but gnawed there and tormented her, and let her have no rest.她长到十四岁时,圣母玛利亚有一天把她叫到面前,对她说:“亲爱的孩子,我要出一趟远门。这是天国十三座门的钥匙,由你保管。你可以翻开其中十二扇门,看看里面的美景。这把小钥匙是开第十三扇门的,但是你千万不要把那扇门翻开,不然你会遭到不幸的。”小女孩同意肯定听圣母玛利亚的话。等圣母玛利亚走了之后,她开头参观天国的住房。她每天翻开一扇门,直到十二扇门被她一一翻开。她看到每一扇门里都坐着一位耶稣的门徒,四周一片光芒绚烂

10、。这辉煌的景象让她万分高兴,也让昼夜陪伴她的小天使们特别快乐。现在只剩下那扇制止被翻开的门了。她特别想知道这扇门的后面藏的是什么,便对天使们说:“我不把门全翻开,也不进去。我只想翻开一条缝,好让我们大家看看里面有什么。”“啊,不行,”小天使们说,“那样做是罪过。圣母玛利亚制止你翻开它,你要是不听话,可能很简单遭到不幸。”她听到这话便不吭声了,可她心中的愿望并没有就此消逝,而是在不停地熬煎着她,让她得不到片刻的安静。And once when the angels had all gone out, she thought, “Now I am quite alone, and I could

11、peep in. If I do it, no one will ever know.“ She sought out the key, and when she had got it in her hand, she put it in the lock, and when she had put it in, she turned it round as well. Then the door sprang open, and she saw there the Trinity sitting in fire and splendour. She stayed there awhile,

12、and looked at everything in amazement; then she touched the light a little with her finger, and her finger became quite golden. Immediately a great fear fell on her. She shut the door violently, and ran away. Her terror too would not quit her, let her do what she might, and her heart beat continuall

13、y and would not be still; the gold too stayed on her finger, and would not go away, let her rub it and wash it never so much.一次,天使们全都出去了,她便想:“现在只有我一个人,可以进去看一眼。我想谁也不会知道的。”她找出钥匙,一拿在手里就把它插进了锁孔,一插进锁孔就转动了一下,门一下子就开了。她看到里面在火与光之中坐着“三位一体”(基督教认为圣父、圣子、圣灵原为一体,故称“三位一体”译者注)。她站在那里,惊异地望着一切,然后用手指碰了碰火光,她的手指立即变成了金的。她立

14、刻可怕极了,猛地关上门,逃走了。可是无论她想什么方法,她都无法消退她的恐惊。她的心总是怦怦直跳,怎么也静不下来,而且手指上的金子怎么也去不掉,无论是擦呀还是洗呀,那金子还在那里。It was not long before the Virgin Mary came back from her journey. She called the girl before her, and asked to have the keys of heaven back. When the maiden gave her the bunch, the Virgin looked into her eyes a

15、nd said, “Hast thou not opened the thirteenth door also?“ “No,“ she replied. Then she laid her hand on the girl”s heart, and felt how it beat and beat, and saw right well that she had disobeyed her order and had opened the door. Then she said once again, “Art thou certain that thou hast not done it?

16、“ “Yes,“ said the girl, for the second time. Then she perceived the finger which had become golden from touching the fire of heaven, and saw well that the child had sinned, and said for the third time “Hast thou not done it?“ “No,“ said the girl for the third time. Then said the Virgin Mary, “Thou hast not obeyed me, and besides that thou hast lied, thou art no longer worthy to be in heaven.“圣母玛利亚不久



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