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1、课程名称:英语教学设计姓名:刘君君 学号:班级:英语教育1班Lesson 1: Li Mings Big FamilyTeaching aims: By the end of the session, most students will be better able to acquire the required information. This will be achieved by:1. Knowledge Objective: 1.1 Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of the names of t

2、he family: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, uncle, aunt and cousin.1.2 Be able to talk about the members of the family by using these sentences: This is my family. I have.I have two _ and _.My _ have one child: me.I dont have _ or _.2. Ability Objective: Be able to talk about ones family me

3、mbers and introduce their relationships fluently3. Moral Objective: 3.1 Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing3.2 Care more about yourself and your family membersTeaching contents: Grade 5 Unit 5 Lesson1: Li Mings Big FamilyTeaching key points: make Ss to read the new word

4、s and sentences correctly and fluently.Teaching difficult points make Ss learn to draw a family treeTeaching procedures:Step1:Lead-inIntroduce the origin of the word “family”.T: (write down “family” on the blackboard) F.A.M.I.L.Y means “father and mother I love you”. Everyone has a family. Do you wa

5、nt to know how to introduce your family?Ss:Yes!Then show a picture of my family. Introduce my family to the students and draw a family tree of my family.T: Look, this is a picture of my family. This is my father and mother.( then point to my grandparents on the picture) Who are they? Can you guess?S

6、s: Your grandfather and grandmother.T: Yes, they are my grandfather and my grandmother.( write down these two words in the blackboard)T: Who is she? Can you guess? She is my sister. I have two sisters. I dont have brothers. (then draw a family tree)Step2 PresentationShow the video of this lesson to

7、the Ss. Then let them find the answer to these questions in groups:(1) How many grandfathers and grandmothers does Li Ming have?(2) Does Li Ming have brothers or sisters?(3) Who is Dachao and who is Meiping?(4) Does Li Ming loves his family?(check the answers)listen to the video again and read the t

8、ext. Then do the exercise:(1) Fathers mother is my _(2) Mothers father is my _(3) Fathers _ is my uncle.(4) Fathers _ is my aunt.(5) My brother is mothers _(6) My sister is fathers _(check the answers to these question)Let Ss discuss about their families in group. Then ask some students to introduce

9、 their family by using the sentences like: “This is my family. I have.”Homework:1. Recite the new words of this lesson and write them down in the exercise book.2. Draw a family tree of your family.3. Read the text for three times.教学设计自评:教材分析:本课是冀教版小学英语五年级上册,第一单元第一课,本单元学习My Family,介绍自己家人的有关信息.这节课主要讲述

10、李明的大家庭,先从自己的小家庭入手,从而学习大家庭成员之间的关系。教学问题分析: 学习本课的学生为五年级的小学生,他们具有好动、好奇、模仿能力较强等特点。本单元教授的内容是与学生们日常接触有紧密关系的有关家庭及成员的内容。学生们会对这方面的内容较感兴趣且较容易理解。 教学策略与方法:为了更好的突出重点,突破难点,按照学生的认知规律,我采用讲授型和任务型教学模式,传统课堂与多媒体辅助教学相结合。通过师生交流、小组交流及成果展示充分调动学生积极性、主动性。多媒体课件的运用是本课教学的一个亮点,它使知识变得直观形象、生动有趣,符合学生的年龄特点和认知规律。他她评:1. 教学目标明确,以练习的形式进行的成果展示紧扣知识目标,能够充分调动学生的积极性。 评价人签名:2. 教授的内容是与学生们日常接触有紧密关系,学生们会对这方面的内容较感兴趣且较容易理解。 评价人签名:


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