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1、Allegro 和 ADS 的联合仿真Allegro软件版本16.6.ADS的软件版本:ADS20121,采用ADS自带的工具Allegro DFI files将PCB导入到ADS中,具体的步骤如 下。1,在Allegro中使用ADS的脚本插件。点击file-Script,出现如下的对话框。在打开文件的路径中输入:C:AgilentADS2012_08ialscripts (其中c: Agilent为软件的安装路径)注意需要选中change direc to ry。3,点击 replay聲 Scripting ,. _ 芙II.cript File |Browse.Name: |C: /Agi

2、l ent/AD S 2 012_ 08/ial/scriptsyee m Loca ICi厂 Mdcro record modeLlUldPr1.Generate.neuord/nupidjr11RecordReplayC ancelHElp=1出现如下的对话框item:Setupbefore |Which Allegro Platfornn Tools doou want to configure?7 Enable in Allegro PCB and all the Allegro based tools that use only allegrailinit Files(comma s

3、eparated list of Allegro SPB tool names)Standalone (no ADS availableC ancelC:VgilentThe Allegro DFI setup script will configure _your local Allegro Platform environment in the directory: C: /U sers/Adminis trator/A ppD a ta /R oani ng/S PE!_D at/pctienvHow dovj jjou warit to use lhe Allegro DFI?( In

4、tegrated with Advanced Design Siistem (ADS)_Export_StateStart Advanced DesieEnable in Package Designer, SiP or other Allegro based tools when specific .ilinit files are active 厂 Allegro Package Designer (apdj厂匚adence SiP (ednsip)I- ther 尸_冷 Agilent EEs of EDA, A legro Design Flov; Integration Al egr

5、o DFI) Setup臣 Add menu item to strt Advanced Design System17 Specif ADS_LICENSE_FILE (needed to start ADS):Select ycur Allegro DFI menu load setting?审 Enable automatic load of the Allegro DFI menu(* Use default location before 厂 Select a specific position in the menu structuref cli |戶丫二hi-inSelect d

6、irectory path to Advanced Design System 2Q0S Updated or later; |C:/AgileH/ADS2012 08在标红的地方写入 ADS 的 LICENCE 的地址。点击 setup 后,出现如下的对话框点击确认,关闭Allegro,重新启动后,看到Allegro的目录中出现Eile Edit View Add Display1 口git Place Flowan Eoute Analyze anutacDjre loo為丰 A fi-gro P匚P C-signe-r l-a-5 Pi-r+ai-fflanEff L;: RADID_V

7、1 -1 -gra und_iest brd Frajet:匚:.ADS.2O1 JjDS/ial/scripts2,将 PCB 文件导入到 ADS 中。1,对导入工具进行设置。点击Export to ADS-set up,弹出如下的对话框。选择sample finesetting B.2,选择需要导入的走线,过孔和焊盘。点击Export to ADS-Select Traces。弹出如下的对话 框。1,选择走线,采用Pick Nets。将需要仿真的走线选中,同时需要选择射频走线的参考地。2,选择层叠的对应关系。3将需要仿真的部分从PCB中挖出来,不需要做整版的仿真,鼬 Select Geom

8、etry Place PortsCockie CutterPick Shape and BuildInitial shape:Expansion distance MIL:Display line width (MIL):G elect 2 Layfar Signal NeUcookie cutter around itcutter around the signal nelsEdit Cookie CutterMove vertices and sidesi to start right click Done to finishid能Hove I Click cut|r-EHi-beudar

9、y by卫釧Edit J Click cutterpolygon tc start right click Dane to finish1) T races Ready3) Cuer Ns Ready5) Port?Nat Ready2 Layer s R eady4J Camponent/Pins Net Ready扌 AutcZcom I- Auto 匚訓引 K| Cancel为了能将区域显示出来,需要打开此层。I Options5itd=ty Find - 口 Dtmnm| Manuf-acturinq |口 Eem_S cratchBActive Class and Subclass:

10、编辑需要仿真的区域如下:HE4,导入需要仿真的元器件以及PIN的管脚。iMln1jSjflSTElnssJ1iMzii聲 Select Geometry an- Plsc& Ports4) Component/Pin SbIbgI | 5 Ports |1) Trace Select 2) Layer Select 引匚 ookie CutterSelect Comporients for Export to ADS or EMProAvailableSelected7 8 9 0 17 Q13111225122444 匚 c c c 匚CLLLLRRstate-save state.5,导出

11、所选择的部分。Export to ADS-Export-Select as.保存为后缀为.ads的文件。3,在ADS软件中导入版图文件。打开 ADS 的 layout,选择 file-import,注意 file type 选择 ESG Archive Format.导入中选取后缀为a的文件。H RADIO_VL-l-groL nd_t-t My Libra ry_lib: RADIO_V1-1. -ground_l&tt layout (导入成功后如下图。囲 RADIQ_V 1-1 -grau nd_tetT |MyLibray_ ib 恥口1口_V1 l-gr-curtsTtyDj gyout.:l 1File* Edi? 5 削 sd: View nueH Opbcins gjk Schem-rtt EM Winder DeignGuide- Hlp. RADIO_Vl-l-groundj0sLa|_J RATIO_V1 -l-gn


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