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1、Unit 7 Health一、短语。1. keep (1) link-V 保持 继续处于状态 keep + adj (adv . prep) eg: keep silent 保持沉默 肃静 keep fit (healthy) 保持健康 keep calm 保持镇静 (2) 使保持状态 Keep + sb(sth) + adj(V-ing、V-ed、adv、prep) eg: keep the door open. 让门开着。 Keep sb waiting. 让某人等。2. 过生活 live a life 过幸福的生活 live a happy life 过艰苦的生活 live a hard

2、 life3. 做早操 do moring exercise4. 不再 not any more eg: People cant smoke in the office any more.5. It wont be very long before 过不了多久就6. 让某人做某事 make sb do sth7. 帮助某人做某事 help sb to do sth8. 事实上 in fact 9. 对有影响 have effect on10. 在很多情况下 in many cases11. 吸入 breathe in 呼出 breathe out 12. 导致 lead to 13. 成千上万

3、、数以万计 hundreds of thousands of 14. 死于 die from (间接原因引起) die of (直接原因引起)15. 不但 而且 not only but also16. 强迫某人做某事 force sb to do sth被迫做某事 be forced to do sth17. 戒烟 stop smoking (give up smoking、 quit smoking)18. 尽可能快 as soon as possible 19. 只要 as long as20. 全世界 all over the world21. 被动吸烟者 passive smoker

4、 22. 有决心做某事 have determination to do sth23. 小心台阶 watch your step (mind your step)二、句子1. Smoking is not allowed here. 此处禁止吸烟。2. 谢谢你不要吸烟。 Thank you for not smoking.3. For those who dont smoke, it is much easier not to start smoking than it is qo quit it. 对于那些不吸烟的人来说,一开始就不吸烟比戒烟要容易得多。4. 吸烟者应尽快戒烟。 Smoker

5、 should give up smoking as soon as possible.5. You must be careful or you will fall down. 你必须小心否则会摔倒。6. Thank you for reminding me.谢谢你提醒我。Unit 8 The Bussiness World一、短语。1. 处理、对付 deal with (常与How 连用)2. 好转、变好 take a turn for the better3. 为某人提供某物 offer sb sth = offer sth to sb provide sb with sth = pro

6、vide sth for sb supply sb with sth = supply sth to sb4. 赠送、发放 give away5. 对感兴趣 be interested in 6. 如此以至于 so that 7. 变疯、发狂 go mad8. 出毛病、不对头 go wrong (go 为系动词、“变得”、往坏的方向转变)9. 要价、要求 ask for10. 从那时起 from then on 11. 把制成 make into 12. 或者或者 要么要么 either for 13. 无论 或者 whether or 二、句子1. 一粒种子不能决定是变成大树还是鸟的食物。

7、A seed cant decide whether to become a big tree or to become food for birds. 2. 一天,他突然想到一个主意。 One day , an idea came to his mind. 3. 你想要喝什么? What would you like to drink (have) ?你想要喝点什么吗?Would you like sth to drink ?Unit 9 Advertisement一、短语。1. 被用来做某事 be used to do sth 习惯于做某事 get ( be ) used to doing

8、 sth 过去常常做某事 used to do sth2. 时装表演 fashion show3. 通过 手段(方式) by means of 4. 使 成为 bring to 5. 或多或少 more or less 6. 在起重要作用 play an important role in7. 确信、确保 make sure8 . 许多、大量 a graet deal of + 不可数名词9. 公众 the public10. 一直 all the time 11. 使 引起 的注意 bring to the attention12. 领着(陪着)某人走 walk sb 13. 忙于做某事 b

9、e busy doing sth be busy with sth14. 等等 and so on 15. 把 送给 send to16. 据说 It is(was)said that 17. 众所周知 It is (was) known that 18. 对 有影响 have effect on 对 有好的(坏的)影响 have a good (bad) effect on19. 是必要的 It is necessary that 20. 事实上 in fact 21. 出差 on business22. 依赖 rely on二、句子。1、越容易记越好。 The easier to remember , the better.2、据说电视上的广告有很好的影响,因为电视正在变得越来越受欢迎。 It is said that ads on TV have a very good effect because TV is becoming more and more popular.3. 众所周知一些广告给出了错误的信息来误导消费者。 It is known that some ads give false information to miskead consumers.


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