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1、 “My school” 教学设计 一、 教材依据 新课标牛津初中英语预备课程 Unit 5 Visit my school My school (Welcome to the unit) 二、 设计思想Unit5主题是描述学校,物品主要是围绕school things。内容和现实生活很贴近,要学生掌握Is there ?句型及其肯定、否定回答应该不难,但要学生掌握How many are there?句型及回答存在一定困难,因此在学习,教授知识时,采用演示,操练相结合的办法,给学生更多的练习时空;使用实物进行教学,会增强学生的学习效果。事实表明,如果将真实的语言材料引入学习环境,学生的学习效

2、果会事半功倍。也就是说,作为授课的教师。我们要结合所授的内容,努力为学生创造真实的贴近生活的情景。首先可以结合classroom things复习There be 句型,然后给学生展示一般疑问句Is there?并展示其回答方式。在学生经过练习掌握了句型以后,用游戏来加以巩固所学知识,提高学生的运用能力。然后继续结合classroom things给学生展示How many句型及其回答。让学生运用所学句型回答教师有关Whats in our school?的问题、话题由教室转移到学校,并引出新单词。通过“Here is another school”.引出课文内容,让学生听读课文。最后,让学生

3、模仿课文中的对话描述自己的学校,并上台表演。三、 教学目标1、知识与能力重点词汇:computer, how many, football field重点句子:Is there? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.-How many are there? There are 2、情感、态度、价值观:本单元主题是Visit my school,学生通过学习there be 句型的一般疑问句形式及回答和How many句型及回答,了解学校的一些硬件设施,以培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 四、教学重点词汇:computer, how many, football field

4、句子:Is there? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.-How many are there? There are 五、教学难点How many句型的问和答。六、教学准备a recorder, pictures, school things, a box七、教学过程1. Revision1) Revise numbers from 1-30, ask all the students to stand up and count numbers from one to thirty one by one, they cant sit down if they a

5、re wrong.2) Students describe the things on/in their desks, using “ There is/are ”2、Presentation 1)Put a ball on the teachers desk and say: Look! Whats on the teachers desk? Is there a ball on the teachers desk? Help the students answer: Yes, there is. Then ask: Is there a ball behind the door? Help

6、 the students answer: No, there isnt.2)Repeat with other things in or not in the classroom, let the students answer.3、PracticeStudents practise the conversation in pairs according to the things in the classroom. Ask one team to have a train drill.4、 A guessing gameTake out a box and let the students

7、 guess whats in it by using “ Is there a in the box?” Teacher answers: Yes, there is./No, there isnt. If they are right, give the right things to them as a prize.5、 Presentation1) Take out three pens from the bag and ask: How many pens are there in the bag? Help the students answer: There are three

8、pens in the bag.2) Repeat with other things in the classroom and let the students answer. 6、 PracticeStudents practise in pairs.7、 PresentationT: Now we know everything in our classroom. Do you know whats in our school?S: There are many classrooms in our school.T: How many classrooms are there in ou

9、r school?S: There are _ classrooms in our school.T: What else is in our school? Look! Whats this? (Show the picture of a football field) Its a football field. Is there a football field in our school?S: No, there isnt.T: (Show the picture of a computer.) Whats this? Yes, it is a computer. (Then show

10、the picture of a computer room ) And this is a computer room. Is there a computer room in our school?S: Yes, there is.8、DialogueT: Heres another school. Lets listen to the tape and answer the questions: Is there a computer room in the school? Is there a football field in the school? How many classro

11、oms are there in the school? Students listen to tape one time and answer the questions, then repeat after the tape. Let them practise in pairs.9、 ActionT: Please make a similar dialogue about our school and then I will ask some of you to act it out.八、教学反思1、 学生在两两练习之后,应尽量给机会让学生起来展示他们的对话,这样他们在练习的时候才会有动力,才能更投入。2、 操练的对象仅限于教室里的东西,如能利用课件多展示一些画面,学生的练习范围会大一些,也能将句型掌握得更好。3、 设计由易到难,科学合理,环环相扣,过渡自然,比较注重学生的认知心理。4、 善于把握学生的心理特点,从赏识的角度运用多种激励艺术,激发学生内在动力,如游戏环节。


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