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1、八下 Page 62 Unit 8 A country music song changed her life forever北京市育英学校 刘晶 课题八下 Page 62 Reading : A country music song changed her life forever. 学科英语学段:八年级 任教年级初二教材新目标Go for it! 出版社: 人民教育出版社 指导思想与理论依据 义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质。 根据新课程标准的要求,主要培养学生在阅读中运用简单的阅读策略获取信息,加工信息,整理信息,运用信息的能力。 新课程标准还要求我们注意培养学生的文化意

2、识如初步了解英语国家的流行乐队以及美国乡村音乐等。 英语新课程标准要求我们采用任务型教学的模式,提高教学效率需要评价的导向作用。 新一轮教育改革围绕培养学生的核心素养,本课围绕培养学生的思维品质,文化品格,语言能力和学习能力。教学背景分析单元教学内容分析: 新目标英语八年级下册第8单元通过现在完成时(yet, already)和一般过去时,谈论最近的事情和过去的经历,现在完成时为中考必考语法项目,虽属中档语法,但它在日常生活中运用的机率很高。 本单元是现在完成时出现的起始单元,教学侧重点应放在掌握现在完成时的基本概念,基本结构,基础用法。如现在完成时常用时间状语;have / has been

3、 to 与have /has gone to 的区别;现在完成时与过去时的区别;瞬间动词与延续性动词在完成时中的用法等,最终达到正确运用现在完成时和一般过去时描述过去发生的经历。 本单元单元的话题是谈论文学和音乐,Section A 部分的主题是文学,通过对六本文学名著进行相关的停顿或读写的活动,激发学生对英语语言的兴趣,学会如何与人探讨和交流文学作品,发表自己的看法,从而提高学生的文学素养和人文素养。 Section B 部分的主题是音乐。该部分不仅呈现了与音乐话题相关的词汇,还通过停水读写活动进一步巩固学生对目标语言现在完成时的认识和理解,并要求学生围绕音乐进行口头和笔头的语言输出。Sec

4、tion B的重点是用现在完时来谈论最近发生的时间和经历。 本节课教材分析Section B 2a-2e 是阅读板块。通过一个Sarah一个美国乡村音乐迷的故事来引出乡村音乐,并进行了简单的介绍。 文中多次出现现在完成时,体现了时态在语篇中的运用。教学目标At the end of this lesson, students will : 1. summarize the main idea of the reading. 2. write a short summary of the passage within 100words.3. widen the knowledge of the

5、country music. 教学重点,难点及突破重点:引导学生在阅读中能借助关键信息对文章大意进行归纳和概括。重点突破:通过引导学生提问题,抓段落关键信息,一步步体验Summary的过程。 难点:乡村音乐的主题理解和乡村音乐的圣地和著名歌手 难点突破:播放乡村音乐,在倒入环节引入乡村音乐和相关词汇。 教学流程示意Warm-up: 学生谈论自己喜欢音乐类型和歌手及喜欢的原因,播放Country music 音乐,通过说明有一个小姑娘是the fan of country music,来导入新课文的阅读Prediction: 通过题目猜测文章大意1st Reading: 通过课文, 验证猜测,总

6、结段落大意。2nd Reading: 跳读课文,判断正误,提取细节信息。 3rd Reading: 通过自己设计问题,并进行回答,学习如何概括文章大意,并引导学生使用连接词Conclusion: 学生自己总结如何概括文章大意。教学设计:teaching design步骤teachers activitiesstudents activitiesintentionStep1warm-up5 m Ask students to talk about 1. What kind of music do they like?2. Whats their favorite band or singer?

7、And why? ask the students to predict the main idea of the passage: What did she use to be? What country is? Why did country music change her? Is there something special? Talk about the music they like and their favorite band or singer in pairs Predict the main idea of the passage. Review the kind of

8、 music and they reason why students like the kind of music.Lead in the new lesson. Predict the main idea Step2While- readingFirst reading: (8m)Ask students to read passage and try to work out the main idea of each para. 1. Read passage quickly and silently and check their prediction and try to summa

9、rize the main idea of each Para Get the general idea of the whole passage and each paragraph Step3While- readingSecond reading : (7m)1. ask students to read the passage again and check the sentences T or F If it is false, please correct them. 2. ask the students to check the answers in groups Read a

10、nd check T or F Locate each sentence in the text.Check the answer in groups get the detailedinformation of the passages. Pay attention to thenew phrases and the target sentence patternsStep 4While-reading ask the students to read and para 1 and answer the questions (5m)1. Who is Sarah? 2. Where is s

11、he from? 3. How did she change? 4. What does she like? Ask students to sum up Para 1 by using the answers of the questions Ask students to raise questions about para2 and try to summarize Para 2 Ask students to raise questions about para3 and try to summarize Para 3read and para 1 and answer the que

12、stions Sum up Para 1 by using the answers of the questions and proper conjunctions. read and para 2&3 and raise some questions Sum up Para 2&3 by using the answers of the questions and proper conjunctions. Show students how to work out get the key information of each para and summarize it orally. Step 5 Write a short summary within 100 words Step 6homework: write a summary of a story


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