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1、新目标七年级Unit1单元测试. 慧眼识珠。你能很快找出正确的答案吗?( ) 1. _ name is Tina. _ am a girl.A. I; My B. My; I C. My; My( ) 2. Please _ your name. T-O-N-Y, Tony.A. spell B. meet C. look ( ) 3. Whats this? _ whats that?A. Hello B. And C. OK( ) 4. Whats her _ name? Its Alice.A. last B. family C. first( ) 5. Im Cindy Jones.

2、Jones is my _.A. first name B. last name C. name( ) 6. This is a boy. His name is _.A. Zhang Haitao B. Zhang Hai Tao C. Zhanghaitao( ) 7. What _ your phone number?My phone number _ 212-5369.A. is; amB. is; is C. are; is( ) 8. Whats your name? _.A. You are NickB. Your name is NickC. My name is Nick(

3、) 9. Hello! Im Gina. Im Jenny. _.A. ThanksB. Im fine C. Nice to meet you( )10. Whats her name? _. A. Her is Mary B. Names Mary C. Mary . 阅读下列对话,根据相关信息完成后面各题。(G=Girl, B=Boy)G: Hi! My names Mary. Whats your name?B: My names Bob. Nice to meet you. G: Nice to meet you, too.B: Mary, is your last name Mil

4、ler?G: No. My last name is Green. Whats your last name?B: My last name is Brown. G: Oh, whats this, Bob?B: Its my phone. Look! Its blue.G: Whats the phone number? B: Its 442-7882. G: 422-7882.B: Oh, no. Its 442-7882. G: Thanks. 11. 写出Girl的全名: _12. 写出Boy的全名: _13. 判断句子的正误(T/F):( ) Its Marys(玛丽的) phone

5、. 14. 回答问题:What color is the phone?_15. 根据上下语境,写出画线句子的汉语意思:_. 词汇训练营A) 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。16. last(反义词)_17. two(同音词)_18. hello(近义词)_19. girl(对应词)_20. answer(反义词)_B) 根据句意及首字母提示填入恰当单词,完成下列句子。(10分)21. Hi!Im Kim. N_ to meet you.22. L_! This is his ID card.23. Two and three is f_.24. This is my sister (姐妹). H

6、_ name is Mary.25. My name is Kim Martin. Kim is my f_ name. 交际用语A) 从栏中找出与栏相匹配的选项。( )26. Whats your name? ( )27. Hello, Kate! ( )28. Nice to meet you. ( )29. Whats your family name? ( )30. Whats your phone number? A. My family name is Brown.B. Gina.C. Hello, Nick!D. Its 867-2356. E. Nice to meet you

7、, too.B) 填入恰当的单词将对话补充完整,每空一词。A: Hi, Nick! B: Hi, Tony! Look at the 31_! Whats her name? A: Her 32_ Zhang Ling. B: Zhang is her first name, right?A: No. Ling is her first name. B: Whats her 33_ name?A: Zhang. B: How strange(奇怪的)!34_ her telephone number?A: Its 528-8968. B: Oh, Tony. Its your telephon

8、e number. A: Sorry(对不起). Her 35_ is 286-9942. . 从方框中选择恰当的单词填入空白处,使短文意思完整。 this, black, his, it, familyThe boy is my brother(兄弟). 36_ name is Wang Ping. My name is Wang Hai. Wang is our(我们的) 37_ name. Look! 38_ is his telephone. Oh, no. Its my telephone. 39_ is white. His telephone is 40_. Whats his

9、phone number? Its 13352698857. 根据单词和括号中的标点提示,连词成句。41. is, what, name, his (?)_42. to, nice, you, meet (!)_43. name, family, what, is, your (?)_44. ID, it, card, her, is (.)_45. my, is, phone, number, 586-5449 (.)_. 根据汉语提示,填入恰当的单词将下列句子翻译完整,每空一词。46. 布朗是他的姓。Brown is _ _ name. 47. 她的名字叫詹妮。_ _ Jenny. 48.

10、 你的电话号码是多少?_ your _ number?49. 我的身份证号是151220199805238557。My _ _ number is 151220199805238557. 50. 我叫吉姆。很高兴认识你!_ Jim. Nice to _ you! . 练我神笔根据所给的ID卡信息,请为Peter Smith写几句简短的自我介绍。要求:句子正确,无语法错误。 _参考答案:. 1-5 BABCB 6-10 ABCCC. 11. Mary Green 12. Bob Brown 13. F 14. Its blue. 15. 噢,不。是442-7882。 . A) 16. first

11、 17. to 18. hi 19. boy 20. questionB) 21. Nice 22. Look 23. five 24. Her 25. first. A) 26-30 BCEADB) 31. girl 32. names 33. last / family 34. Whats 35. number. 36. His 37. family 38. This 39. It 40. black. 41. What is his name? 42. Nice to meet you!43. What is your family name? 44. It is her ID card.45. My phone number is 586-5449. . 46. his last / family 47. Her names 48. Whats; phone / telephone 49. ID card 50. Im; meet. One possible version: Hello, boys and girls! Im Peter Smith. Nice to meet you. Peter is my first name, and Smith is my last name. Whats my phone number? Oh, its 702-5836.


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