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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.n更多企业学学院: 中小企业业管理全全能版183套讲讲座+8897000份资料总经理、高高层管理理49套讲座座+1663888份资料中层管理理学院46套讲座座+60020份份资料国学智慧慧、易经经46套讲座座人力资源源学院56套讲座座+2771233份资料各阶段员员工培训训学院77套讲座座+ 3324份份资料员工管理理企业学学院67套讲座座+ 887200份资料工厂生产产管理学学院52套讲座座+ 1139220份资料财务管理理学院53套讲座座+ 117944

2、5份资料销售经理理学院56套讲座座+ 1143550份资料销售人员员培训学学院72套讲座座+ 448799份资料n更多企业学学院: 中小企业业管理全全能版183套讲讲座+8897000份资料总经理、高高层管理理49套讲座座+1663888份资料中层管理理学院46套讲座座+60020份份资料国学智慧慧、易经经46套讲座座人力资源源学院56套讲座座+2771233份资料各阶段员员工培训训学院77套讲座座+ 3324份份资料员工管理理企业学学院67套讲座座+ 887200份资料工厂生产产管理学学院52套讲座座+ 1139220份资料财务管理理学院53套讲座座+ 1179445份资料销售经理理学院56

3、套讲座座+ 1143550份资料销售人员员培训学学院72套讲座座+ 448799份资料云南师范大大学统一一考试大学英语(11)期末末考试卷卷(体育艺艺术)学院 年年级 专专业 班级 姓名名 学号号 考试方式: 闭卷卷 考试时时量:1120分分钟 试卷编编号: A卷题号一二三四五六总分评卷人Part Liisteeninng CCompprehhenssionn ( 220%)Sectiion ADirecctioons: Lisstenn too thhe sstattemeentss twwicee annd cchooose thee seenteencee thhat is cloose

4、sst iin mmeanningg too eaach of thee sttateemennts youu haave heaard.1. A. Hee iss frrom Itaaly. B. Thhey comme ffromm Ittalyy.C. Shhe ggoess too Ittalyy. 2. A. Thhey donnt driink juiice. BB. TTheyy allwayys ddrinnk jjuicce. C. Thhey selldomm drrinkk juuicee. 3. A. Shhe iis sstuddyinng nnow. B. Shhe

5、 sstuddiedd yeesteerdaay. C. Shhe sstuddiess evveryydayy. 4. A. Maaybee thhey diddntt goo thheree. BB. TTheyy arre ggoinng tto ttherre. C. Theey wwentt thheree. 5. A. Shhe rran to thee suuperrmarrkettB. Shee waalkeed tto tthe suppermmarkket.C. Shhe ddrovve tto tthe suppermmarkket. 6. A. I alwwayss e

6、aat iit. BB. II seeldoom eeat it. C. I donnt eeat it. 7. A. Itts nnot thee tiime to go to schhooll. BB. IIts ttimee too goo too scchoool. C. It wass thhe ttimee too goo too scchoool. 8. A. Id llikee too haave a ccup of teaa. BB. IId llikee too haave sommethhingg too eaat. C. Id llikee too haave a cc

7、up of cofffeee. 9. A. Saam ggetss itt. B. Tomm geets it. C. Tomm seendss itt. 10. AA. HHe wwantts tto pplayy foootbballl. B. He is holldinng aa foootbballl. C. Wee caant ffindd hiis ffoottballl. 11. AA. SSomee off thhem wennt. BB. NNonee off thhem wennt. C. Noot aall of theem wwentt. 12. AA. IIts nn

8、inee ocloock noww. B. Thee sttudeentss arre iin tthe lannguaage labb noow. C. Thhe sstuddentts aare goiing to go to thee laanguuagee laab. 13. AA. HHer ansswerrs wweree coorreect. BB. HHer queestiionss weere corrrecct. C. Shhe ccorrrectted thee annsweers. 14. AA. TThe cupp iss pllasttic. BB. TThe ha

9、nndlee iss pllasttic. C. Thhe bbox is plaastiic. 15. AA. HHe wwentt too cllasss byy taaxi. B. Shee maay ggo tto cclasss. C. Hee caalleed aa taaxi.Sectiion BDirecctioons: In thiis ssecttionn, yyou willl hhearr 2 shoort passsagges reaad ttwicce. At thee ennd oof eeachh paassaage, yoou wwilll heear som

10、me qquesstioons. Affterr yoou hhearr a queestiion, chhoosse tthe besst aanswwer froom tthe fouur cchoiicess maarkeed AA, BB, CC annd DD.Passaage 116. AA. IIt wwilll bee addverrtissed andd wiill be solld. B. Itt wiill be advverttiseed bbut willl nnot be solld.C. Itt wiill be madde bbeauutifful. D. Th

11、he rreall esstatte aagennt wwilll buuy iit. 17. AA. HHe bbougght thee hoousee hiimseelf. B. Hee reebuiilt thee hoousee. C. Hee addverrtissed thee hoousee. D. Hee puulleed ddownn thhe hhousse. Passaage 218. AA. IItally. B. Spaain. C. Jappan. D. Alll oof tthe aboove. 19. AA. DDulll. B. Noiisy. C. Intt

12、ereestiing D. Quiiet. 20. AA. EEat a sspecciall foood. BB. TThroow tthinngs awaay. C. Cllimbb a mouuntaain. DD. EEat nooodlees.Part Reaadinng CCompprehhenssionn (300%)Direcctioons: Inn thhis secctioon, theere aree thhreee paassaagess foolloowedd byy soome queestiionss. CChooose thee beest onee frrom thee foour sugggesstedd annsweers marrkedd A, B, C andd D. Thhen youu shhoulld mmarkk thhe cco



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