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1、U6T 1Section A一.重点词语1. on the first /second floor 在第/二层2. next to my bedroom 在我卧室旁二.重要句型There be 句型:1. There is a study next to my bedroom.我卧室的旁边有一间书房在。2. There is a sofa, a desk, some books and so on.有一张沙发,一张桌子和几本书等等。三、语法内容1 .涵义:表示某地有某物。如:There is a boat in the river.河里有条船。2 .句型1 .肯定式:There is/are+

2、物体+方位介词+地点。2 .否定式:There is/are+ not+物体+方位介词+地点。3 .疑问式:-Is/Are there+物体+方位介词+地点。?-Yes, there is/are. -No, there isnt/arent4 .较近原则如: There some milk in the bottle. There a hat on the desk.如: There some flowers in the basket.如: There a mouse and two pens on the desk.如: There two pens and a mouse on the

3、 desk.Section B一.重点词语in your study 在你的书房里on your desk在你的桌子上next to my family photo 在我家庭口旁边near the desk在桌底旁on the shelf 在书架上(shelves 复数) under the chair 在椅子下二.重要句型1. Are there any English books in your study? 你的书房里有一英语些书吗?Yes, there are.有。2. Is there a computer in your study? 你的书房里有一台电脑吗?Yes, there

4、is. 是的, 有。3. What s in front of the classroom? 班级前面有什么?4. Are there two students in the front of the classroom?班级的前面有两个学生吗?in front of在的前面(在范围之外的前面)in the front of在的前面(在范围内的前面)如:There is a tree in front of the classroom.(树在教室外的前面)The teacher s desk is in the front of the classroom.(讲台在教室里的前面)Section

5、 C一.重点词语1. in the center of在的中央at the back of在的后面2. in the tree (非树本身的东西)在树上 on the tree(树本身白东西)3. on the left/right of 在白内左 /右边二 . 重要句型1. What s on the desk? 什么在桌子上?There are some model planes on it. 有一些飞机模型在上面。2. How many model planes are there? 有多少飞机模型?There are three. 有三架。3. How much water is th

6、ere? 有多少水?Only a little. 只有一点点。三、语法内容划线提问1. 对主语提问一律用 Whats+ 方位介词+某地?结构,如: There are some pictures on the wall.-Whats on the wall?2 .对地点提问要用Where is/are+ 物体 ?如: There is a black car under the tree.-Where is a black car?3 .对主语的数量提问要用How many+主语(复数)+are there?How much+主语(不可数)+is there ?Section DTopic 2

7、 My home is in an apartment building.Section A一 . 重点词语1. live in居住在live with 与一起住look for寻找二 . 重要句型2. It s a townhouse with two floors. 它是两层楼的城镇住宅。3. They live in a big farmhouse in the country. 他们住在乡下的大农房里。4. Michael is looking for an apartment near our school. Michael 正在寻找离我们学校附近的单元房。Section B一 .

8、重点词语1. 地点名词post office 邮局 bookstore 书店 library 图书馆 parking lot 停车场 supermarket 超市 hospital 医院 bank 银行railway station 火车站2. at the end of 在的尽头between and在和.之间next to在近邻二. 重要句型(略)Section C一 . 重点词语a lot of=lots of 许多 close to 靠近far from 远离二 . 重要句型1. There are many old people living here. 有很多的老人居住在这里。句型

9、:There be + sb + Ving + 有某人在某地做某事如: There are many children playing in the park. 公园里有很多小孩子在玩。Section D一 . 重点词语fromto 从到cost of living生活费用生活费用高用 high二 . 重要句型1. Cities are large and interesting but they are noisy. 城市又大有好玩,但是却很吵。2. The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high. 交通是繁忙的并且生活费用是高的。3.

10、 The air is fresh and the life is quiet. 空气是新鲜的并且生活是安逸的。句型:主语+be/系动词+adj(当表语)+(adj用来描述主语的特征等)Topic 3 Which is the way to the hospital?Section A一 . 重点词语1. go along 沿着走go across穿过turn left/right 向左 /右转2. on the first/second/third crossing 在第一/二/三个路口on the corner of 在 的角落 on the left/ right / 在左/右边acro

11、ss from 在对面between and在和.之间二 . 重要句型问路语 Excuse me, is there a bank near here? 请问,这附近有银行吗? Excuse me, how can I get to the library? 请问,我怎么可以到达图书馆? Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital? 请问,去医院是哪一条路?问路句型:1. Excuse me, where is ?2. Excuse me, is there a near here?3. Excuse me, which is the way to

12、?4. Excuse me, how can I get to?5. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to?Section B一 . 重点词语walk on 直走 take Bus No 坐路公交change to 变成二 . 重要句型问路语Dinghao1. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Dinghao Building? 请问,你可以告诉我去 楼的路吗?2. Excuse me, where is Beitai Road? 请问, Beitai 路在哪里? Section C一 . 重点词语get

13、hurt受伤lose one s life失去某人的生命keep safe保持安全obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则cross the street 过街二 . 重要句型1. It s god to help children and old people cross the street. 帮小孩和老人过马路是好样的。句型:It s adj( for sb) to do sth:做某事对某人来说是如: It s good for us to get up early.三、语法学习祈使句:表示请求、命令、禁止、劝告或建议的句子,特点是省略了主语。祈使句无主语动词原形当谓语或者 dont 动词原形;肯定结构:2. Do 型如 :Have a seat here. 这边坐。3. Be 型如:Be careful!要做一个好孩子!4. Let 型。如:Let me help you.让我来帮你。否定结构:如:Dont forget me!不要忘记我! Dont be late for school!上学不要迟到有些可用no 开头 ,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。如 :No smoking! 禁止吸烟 !No fishing! 禁止钓鱼 !Section DGo down. 往下走。


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