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1、五年级第一学期期末英语测试题(全卷满分100分,时间60分钟)听力部分(40分)一、听音,选择听到的一项,把编号写在括号里。(每小题1分,共10分)( )1、A. book B. food C. good( )2、A. April B.apple C. August( )3、A. play B. day C.date( )4、A. call B. small C. tall( )5、A. wet B.windy C. winter( )6、A. cone B.bone C.one( )7、A. watch B.wash C.water( )8、A. listened B.helped C.ac

2、ted( )9、A. plane B.plant C.paint( )10、A. island B. Finland C.Iceland二、听音判断听到的内容与图意是否相符,相符的请打 ,否则打.(10分)( )1.( )2. ( )3. ( )4.( )5.( )6.( )7. ( )8.( )9. ( )10.三、听音,标号,连线。(10分)( ) Mr.and Mrs.Green some vegetables( )Jenny some tofu,juice and meat( )Tony some sugar( )Ben some meat( )Gogo some fruit四、听音,

3、选出正确的选项,把编号写在括号里。第1至6小题是听音选答语。第7至10小题是听一段对话然后选答语。(10分)( )1、A、Yes,I did. B、Yes,I do. C、Yes,I am. ( )2、A、Its sunny. B、It was sunny. C、It was Thursday. ( )3、A、Happy birthday! B、Thank you. C. The same to you!. ( )4、A、Hes teaching. B、Hes a teacher. C.Its a mouse.( )5、A、Its cold. B、Its winday . C. Its hot

4、.( )6、A、No, I cant. B、Of course . C、Yes,I can.( )7、Q: How many people are there in Johns family ? A. Five. B. Four C、Six( )8、Q: What does Johns father do ? A. Teacher B.Doctor C.Factory worker( )9、Q: Is Johns mother a doctor ,too? A: Yes,she is. B. Yes,he is. C. No, she isnt. ( )10、Q: Are John and M

5、ary students in a same school ?A. Yes,they are. B. No,they arent. C. Yes,they arent.笔试部分(60分)五、看图,找出相应的单词或句子,把编号写在括号里。(15分)( )1. A. tree B. flower( )2. A. rainy B. windy( )3. A. snail B. tail( )4. A. make a snow man B. go ice skating( )5. A. yell B. yawn( )6. A. March B. May( )7. A. boat B. train( )

6、8. A. wet B. dry( )9. A. messy B. tidy( )10. A. house B. mouse( )11. A. plant B. paint( )12. A. help Grandpa B. help Grandma( )13. A. He carried a box. B. He carried a bag.( )14. A. He washed the dishes. B. He cooked dinner.( )15. A. Hes running. B. Hes jumping.六、 用给出的字母从新组合,在横线上写出正确的单词,然后找出相应图片,把编号

7、写在括号里。(10分)A. B. C. D. E.1. u, t, d, s, y _ ( ) 2. a, e, e, v, l _ ( )3. e, l, b, l _ ( ) 4. d, a, o t _ ( )5. l, i, A, p, r _( )七、选择最佳答案,把编号写在括号里。(10分)( )1.They in the office the day before yesterday.A.work B.working C.worked( )2.He doesnt need apples, he only needs oranges.A.somesome B.anysome C.s

8、omeany( )3.My sister her teeth every day. A.brush B.is brushing C.brushes( )4.Let me your toy monkey now.A.wash B.washing C.washes( )5. do you have? I have a stamp.A.How B.What C.Where ( )6.Look! He .A.come B.coming C.is coming ( )7.I have uncle.A.a B.an C./ D.the( )8.I have something to to his brot

9、her.A.talk B.clean C.watch( )9.It hot yesterday, but its cold today.A.was B.is had ( )10.What trees did you last week?A.plant B.planted C.planting八、选词填空。(10分)1.March is in (winter, spring).2.Its a very hot day today. Lets go (swim, swimming).3. (Yesterday, Today) is the day before (yesterday, today)

10、.4.Its a (birthday, birthdays) party. Lets go and have some (food, foot).5. (When, What) is your birthday, Tony? Its October (11th, 11st).6.Whats the (day, date)today?7.Our National Day(国庆)is on (January, October)1st.九、看图,看例句仿写句子回答问题。(5分)Beijing1.Shanghai2.Guangzhou3.Wuhan4.Harbin5.Tianjin例:Whats th

11、e weather like in Beijing? Its cold and windy in Beijing.1. in Shanghai.2. in Guangzhou.3. in Wuhan.4. in Harbin.5. in Tianjin.十、阅读理解。(10分)Zhuhai is my hometown. It isnt very hot and isnt very cold here. Its cool all the year because it is near the sea. I like it very much. I often go swimming in the sea when the weather is sunny. But when it


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