湖北大学张晓路 TBICO技术支持.doc

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1、 个人简历照片基本信息姓 名:张晓路性 别:男出生日期:1989/07/20联系电话: 13971637124E-Mail: Messenger ID: 经验技能 语言能力:通过 CET 6 口语较好 IT技能(开发语言,操作系统,数据库等)技能名称 熟练程度 使用时间Java应用 熟练 月sqlserver 熟练 10月 Struts2 一般 5月+ 熟练年 office2003 精通3年项目经验 2011年9月 2012年2月 学生成绩管理系统项目。项目描述:学生:选课,退课,查看成绩,修改个人成绩老师:开课,打分,修改个人信息管理员:添加学生,老师,及修改其信息。添加教学楼,教室,班级,

2、年级,学院。添加,修改,删除课程。工作职责描述:负责学生,老师模块的设计与实现。操作系统:win7所用技能:# 2012年6月 2012年7月 图书管理系统项目。项目描述:管理员:添加,修改,分类,删除图书。学生:借书,还书,续借 工作职责描述:全部功能模块的设计与实现操作系统:win7所用技能:jsp 2012年3月 2012年6月 简易java聊天小程序项目。项目描述:能够通过本程序的客户端实现相互聊天交流,查看聊天记录。工作职责描述:全部功能模块的设计与实现操作系统:win7所用技能:java,sqlserver教育背景 2009年9月 现在,在湖北大学学习 专业:软件工程 学位:专业学

3、士 课程或学习情况描述:能够较好完成学业,无挂科现象,平均分80分,专业科平均分85分以上 担任职务或获奖情况描述(可选):在校期间,担任生活委员职务,积极组织班级各种活动,总是能够起到带头作用。2010-2011学年,获得国家二等奖学金和“优秀班干”称号。所获证书与培训情况 2012年7月 2012年9月,在文思创新科技公司进行java培训详细描述:其中出色完成了图书管理系统的项目工作,获得老师们的一致好评,java和数据库设计方面得到很大的提高,能够熟练掌握java编程,及数据库设计和优化。 2011年12月 2012年12月,获得大学英语六级证书 其中在2010年月获得大学英语四级证书。

4、自我评价本人自从07年接触到电脑后,就深深地爱上了这一行业,由其是大学的专业教育,使我更加陶醉这一行业之中,愿以余生奉献于行业,为公司尽职尽责!以科学,严谨的态度对待工作。善于思考、观察!凡是有关方面的知识,本人都愿意也有兴趣刻苦钻研!本人性格略偏外向,喜欢广交好友。业余爱好广泛,尤爱打篮球!ResumeBasic InformationName:ZhangXiaoluGender:maleBirthday:1989/07/20Mobile telephone number:13971637124E-Mail:Messenger ID: Accomplishments Language Ski

5、lls Pass CET 6 Spoken English: good IT Skills(developing language、OS、Database etc.) Skill Name Skill Level Experience Java application skilled 8 monthssqlserver skilled 15 monthsStruts2 good 5 monthOffice2003 proficient 3years+ skilled 2yearsWorking Experience2011 / 9 2012 / 2 Student management sys

6、tem project.Project description: Administrator: add, delete, and update student, teacher and their basical informationStudent: select and cancel courses, check the score, update personal informationTeacher: select and rate the courses, update personal informationResponsibility description: the parts

7、 of student and teacherOperation system: win7Skills description: C# 2012 / 3 2012/ 6 Books management system project.Project description: Administrator: add, delete and update information of booksStudent: borrow and return booksResponsibility description: all parts of the projectOperation system: wi

8、n7Skills description: jsp,sqlserver 2012 / 3 2012/ 6 Simple java chatting system project.Project description: chat with each other with the clientResponsibility description: all parts of the projectOperation system: win7Skills description: java, sqlserverEducation2009 / 9 present, HuBei University,

9、Major: software engineering Degree.:bachelors degreeCourses or description: Well done in my major courses, and passed all courses in college, the average of major course scores exceeds 85Awards(optional):2010 /9 present Hubei University, Position:life Secretary Awards(optional): Always having a hand

10、 in all activities, I made a deep impression on my classmates, which naturally droved them to take a part in all activities, so I got an excellent class cadre title 2011.9 I got second-class scholarship.Training 2012/ 7 2012 / 9, position: Vance, attend java training Description: Excellent completed

11、 the books management system project, which won the praise of my teachers. Java and database design been improved greatly, and mastering Java programming, and database design and optimization.PersonalSince I touched computer in 2002, I have felled deeply in love with it, especially having taken the

12、professional graduation of university, I lost myself in IT. I will devote my left life to IT domain and be surely conscientious to my work.Thanks to the help of my teachers and classmates, I got an A in my major, which always makes me feel good about myself during college time, and thanks again to my teacher and classmates, May good for them.I am a little extroverted, making friends is always being a very good thing for me, May all real friendship forever. I have a lot of hobbies in my spare time, among which basketball is my favourite. Thanks for reading.文思创新软件技术有限公司 电话:010-828


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