读后续写 10篇读后续写汇编.docx

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1、读后续写 10篇读后续写汇编1:个人成长(人与自我)题目来源:重庆市高2023届高三第一次质量检测题目:阅读下面材料.根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。The sound of glass breaking is instantly recognizable. Id been telling my best friend Missi a silly story and had spun around in the living room when I heard that sound and froze.When I looked down at the carpet,

2、 it was covered with pieces of sparkling red, pink and clear glass. Missi said. Oh, no, not the vase.Why? What did I do? My face reddened.Abby, that glass vase was one of the few items my relatives brought when they came to America, Missi replied nervously. If youd broken anything else in the apartm

3、ent, 1 wouldve gladly said I did it. But youre going to have to tell my mom that it was your fault, and shes going to be really mad. ”1 was terrified. Id destroyed a priceless family heirloom (传家宝).Why did I have to spin around like that?We gathered up the shattered pieces. 1 kept saying that maybe

4、it could be fixed, but Missi said gently it didnt look possible. I insisted we keep the pieces. The glass was so fragile, like a colorful, swirly light bulb had exploded. Some of it broke even more as we tried to sweep it up carefully.Missi said her mom would be home by six. My stomach was in knots.

5、 Would her mom yell at me or punish me? Would she tell me I couldnt stay in their apartment for the weekend? I couldnt stop playing the” fifteen seconds over in my mind, me spinning fast and the sound of glass crashing. The only thing I could think of to say was “Im sorry. ”A couple of minutes after

6、 six we heard a key turn in the door. Her mom was home. Right from the start, we could see she was in a good mood. Hello! Its hot today. I want to treat you girls to that frozen yogurt I know you like, Lets go! ” her mom said. She pointed at the open door.注意;1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragra

7、ph 1: “Before that, I need to tell you something” I said.Paragraph 2:Hearing my apology, Missis mother erupted into a loud scream of joy.话题:个人成长主要内容:Abby无意间打碎了Missi家的传家宝-一只玻璃花瓶,为此她非常忐忑不安。 她诚实地向Missi的妈妈道歉,她没有责怪Abby, 宽慰她不要自责。这件事对Abby影响深远,使她成年后对人更加宽容和包容。参考范文:“Before that, I need to tell you something,”

8、 I said.“We can talk at the yogurt place, her mom smiled. “No. I need to tell you now. Its important,” I insisted. I could feel my voice shaking and tried not to cry. “What is it, dear? she gently asked, closing the door and walking closer to me. Our hands almost touched. With her eyes studying me,

9、my heart beat faster. “Im sorry,” I blurted out.“I. I was talking and laughing with Missi when I spun around and accidentally broke the vase.” I further explained that we saved the pieces but tried in vain to fix it. It still looked like small pieces of glass.Hearing my apology, Missis mother erupte

10、d into a loud scream of joy.She embraced mc, kissing me on both cheeks. “Oh, thank you! I always hated that ugly vase. Now its gone! Youve done me a huge favor! her mom exclaimed with delight. Although relieved to have apologized, I was still in shock, for this was not at all the reaction I had expe

11、cted. It wasnt until I reached my adult years that I recognized what a profound gift her mothers generosity in welcoming my apology was. Now, when I receive a genuine apology, I always consider the peoples feelings and make sure my response shows them their apology was fully heard and truly apprecia

12、ted.022:助人篇(人与社会)题目来源:2023届广州市高三年级阶段训练题目: 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。On a snowy day Steve sat down on the usual seat in the Union Square. Every Thanksgiving for nine years he had sat down there at one in the afternoon. Every time, a wonderful thing happened to him, which made his heart fee

13、l full of joy.On those other Thanksgiving Days, Steve usually had been hungry. But today Steve was not hungry. He had come from a dinner so big that he had almost no power to move. His body had suddenly become too big for his clothes; it seemed ready to break out of them. They were torn. You could s

14、ee his skin through a hole in the front of his shirt. But the cold wind, with snow in it, felt pleasantly cool to him.The dinner had not been expected. He had been passing a large house near the beginning of that great broad street called Fifth Avenue, where lived two ladies of an old family who had

15、 a deep love of tradition that on Thanksgiving Day food will be offered to the first hungry person to walk by. Today Steve happened to be the one to pass by on his way to the park.Steve sat in the park, appearing to be waiting for somebody, but appearing not to expect something to happen. Suddenly h

16、is eyes grew wider and his breath stopped. For the old gentleman was coming across Fourth Avenue toward Steves seat.Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years the old gentleman had come there to find Steve on his seat. Then he had led Steve to a restaurant and watched him eat a big dinner, which had been a part of Thanksgiving Day. The old gentleman was thin and tall and sixty. His hair was whiter and thinner than it had been last year. His


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