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1、Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.Period 5 Section B(2a-2e)一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词1.The twin boys are not only of the same _(重量),but also of the same height.2.Jack hurt his _(肩膀)when he carried a heavy bag yesterday.weightshoulder/shoulders3.The boy _(踢)off his shoes and went to bed without washin

2、g his feet.4.If you want to go into the hall,please _(拉)the glass door.5.Is it my _(过失)that you cant catch up with the others?kickedpullfault二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空6.We once had four _(coach)and they were all strict with us.【点拨】“four”后用名词的复数。以“ch”结尾的名词变复数时加“es”。故填coaches。coaches 7.You can

3、t join the singing club without your parents _(agree).【点拨】根据“without your parents(agree)”可判断用名词形式;without 为介词,后跟名词,agree 的名词形式为agreement,故填agreement。agreement 8.How funny!The toy keeps _(nod)its head.【点拨】keep doing sth.表示“一直做某事”。“nod”的-ing 形式是“nodding”。故填nodding。nodding 9.They do not have the _(enco

4、urage)to apologize for their actions.【点拨】句意:他们没有勇气为他们的行为道歉。动词“have”后缺宾语,定冠词“the”后面填名词“courage”表示“勇气”。故填courage。courage 10.Bob and Bert are both my _(teammate)in the football game.【点拨】根据Bob and Bert 可知是复数;故填teammates。teammates 三、根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子三、根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子11.我宁愿待在家里也不愿出去。I prefer to stay at home _

5、 go out.rather than12.彼得,不要让你的父母失望!Peter,dont _ your parents _!let down13.大多数人一致赞同蔬菜有益健康。Most people are _ that vegetables are good for health.in agreement14.让我们齐心协力抗击洪水吧!Lets _ to fight the flood!pull together15.李磊被他的教练开除的消息是真的吗?Is the news that Li Lei was _ by his coach true?kicked off16.你不应该对自己过于

6、严苛。You shouldnt _ yourself.be too hard on17.我的妈妈很伤心,因为我又使她失望了。My mother was sad because I _ her again.disappointed18.除了唱歌,露西还会弹钢琴和跳舞。_ singing,Lucy can play the piano and dance.Besides19.使他轻松的是,他的队友都支持他。To his _,his teammates all support him.relief20.很遗憾,他错过了射门,没有赢得比赛。Its a pity for him to miss scoring that _.He lost the game.goal


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