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1、bsie的近义词是什么篇一:近义词搭配 近义词搭配 1,贵的da exenie39, ame 竞赛 mt2,竞赛contst omptition 3,ew 几个several40,impoe 改善 make better,nepnsive 廉价 hea4, ab 也许 eaps ,retur 返回cm ba4, narly 将近,几乎 alot 或ess tan 6,rech 到达et t / arrv i(t)4,yesrday昨天 the day beoryeseday7,tke time 别急donhry 4, How abou doinsth.做某事如何样? ,stor商店 p Wha

2、t about oing sth.保存eep45, y ntd th.你为什么不做某事? 9,iadvantae不利 ad fetWy dont yudo th. 10,toong 太年轻 notldenugh 46, Its a plur 非常乐意 Withpeasue 1,ite 十分 vry4, hanks to 多亏了Becusof 12,more han多于 over8, Not at ll 没关系,不要紧 13,b itrested in对感兴趣lik tdesn matr 14,ueupsth. 用光 un ut f sNever mind . haeno sth No prob

3、e 1,all over整个 aroud 49,Wt one hel 在某人的协助下1,well-knwn有名的 famoushankst ns hel 1,ahlete 运发动 sport layr 5,at he 在家 in 8,oonh两个月的 twomonth 51, wht your job 你是干什么工作的 9,be nnye/agy with 生。的气 be ma at, Wado you o 20,theto 顶部 highest prt 52,How old are yu你几岁了? 21,give sb. a cold souler 对。不友好Whats you age e

4、unrendly to sb.53, What doou tinkf 2,aka esio 做决定choo你认为什么怎么样? ,remer me to youaren 代我向你父母咨询好Hw o ou lie ve best ishes yourparnts 54, Whas p 如何了? 24,wont mn不介意 ill ageWhats th mate/poblem 2,a lony ta llae荒无人烟的山村 Wht wo withy a moutainwhic is not vsited Is tere anthinwrong with o26,letter yintert电子邮件

5、e-ma5,eep quit! 保持安静 27,agai又,再次ocmreDn mke nois! 8,live活着的 liing , For eaml 例如 sch a 2,alne单独地all y oneelf 7, rightnow 如今,在此刻3, begin开场strt t temoet 31, bsd 在。旁边nxt t58,ne last ten years 在过去十年间, cllect 搜集get othesice ten yers ag33, cerainy 所以co! Sur!5,t once 立即,立即right away 4, dangerous 危险的 not af

6、in mom 35,ifiult 困难的hard 6,allthe time 不断,所有时间内lwas , foll 理解drsn或 cat61, at first 起初,起先 firsof all3, feed 豢养e 62, as son s possibl尽快38,finaly 最后in the ed 或 atlataarlas posbe1, ga aai 一次又一次 64, hol on别挂断,稍待片刻over ad ort foa momen62, ha fromsb. 收到某人的来信 5, get bak回来,把拿回reive etr rosbo back , return 63

7、,ve sb a had帮某人一个忙 h sb. 6, cll b. p给某人打rig sb. up ;vs. a ca; mke a ca to sb. 八年级词语释义专练(A. agod uetB. ditstunt .a badstudetD. a lack studet (doco. A. sc B. well C ungy D. ird ()3, Good mornng, I lik totwo o-trp ticets to Beijingfo nextFriy A. ell B. se Cdr D. by (A If ulove me,yo mustove my dog. B.

8、f you ov me, yu ut ve all abot me. C. Lo me nmy dog. . If youlove omone, yo maycct all abou him ()5, - ell,o tllyo th tut, I cat kpu withte oter. Ah exerBt ming rC. las yea te ftue()6, he fit Olymic Gams in thens. Adi ent ac again in22X.A. oohe place B. wa held ChpeneD. were eld( .a wB. quarter

9、 C. lotfD. svral (A.entyiffrenB. Anohe nty C or wentyD. orethan twenty(A.vry cold B t am C. nderl D. notbad ()10,Excse me, Mr.More. Ican qu .ca yur am . folw you steps C.understand our ords. atch up wth yu (. had out B o out to ply witho nyaims C. hang the b D. go t themovies()12, e didntlie o thete

10、acher carefly, sohe anwerd uetionB new he anwer bt didnanswer t.didtansw the qsionD. coudntnwer th qetonA.cme utB. appered C. cae over to ouse . came n ()4, The fest nAnnin caught a bi ire lot of villagrs cold ardly keep A.put t out of edoor B mke hefre die ot C u i up n the mutin.mak he fire alive.

11、 (A. as te ebihd s.oks the sameame C. sas old .sas talas (. hel thebabB. ake care of thebab se te baby . gve meahand ()17, Fater,bu for me, plse! -A pisan flyB. Let pigs fl . I mposbleD. It ossibe ()18, Whatsunyaout ining str -A. Illborow uear. Take m earsC. Lisen ome efull D. cn h me ()19, A Wa doe

12、sheother doB. Water mohe oin C. We oe he mte doing .Wher e her motherworks (A. disuB quarl C.tak. chos ( A. ntoce metou parntsB.dntfort me, pe .gie mybest wiss tour ants D s yorparets ot t forget me ( A.anhorB lf an hour C.w hus D hour ()3 -How much does thebook costA. You nednt afor i.We haveohing left C ts vey cheap. Its vey xes


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