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1、 2022年6月大学英语四级写作高频词汇(二)2022年6月英语四六级考试太难?只是你没有找对方法而已!点击查看秘籍!【手机用户】点击进入免费试听【CET4】 * 【CET6】【电脑用户】点击进入免费试听四六级考试课程!很多:a large number of 加可数名词复数e.g. The Europeans have also saved a large number of institutions and the issue of whether those institutions owed American companies money has not come up. 伯南克对此

2、辩护道,欧洲同样要挽救许多金融机构,压根就不存在这些机构有没有欠美国公司的钱这档子事。a large amount of 加不行数名词e.g. Then you have a huge amount of radioactive gases and particles, and if the primary and secondary containment fails, you have a large amount of radioactive gases escaping into the environment. 这会产生大量的放射性气体和颗粒,假如第一层和其次层安全壳都失效的话,大量

3、放射性气体便会泄漏到外界。a host of 加可数名词复数e.g. The Tang Dynasty produced a host of great poets, such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi. 唐朝有很多大诗人,如李白、杜甫、白居易等。the bulk of 加可数名词复数或不行数名词e.g. The very wealthy pay the most taxes per person, but the bulk of tax revenue comes from those who are not so wealthy.特别有钱的人每人支付的税也

4、最多,但是大局部的税收却来自于那些不那么富有的人。e.g.The bulk of Indian investments were in Nigeria.印度的大局部投资在尼日利亚。a majority of 加可数名词复数e.g. A majority of school kids graduate unable to communicate in languages that they study for 10 or more years. 大多数孩子毕业的时候不能用他们已经学了 10 年或者10几年的语言沟通。a minority of 加可数名词复数e.g. A minority of

5、shrewd billionaires have succeeded in prospering despite the tumultuous conditions. 有少数精明的亿万富翁得以在动乱的环境中猎取胜利。越来越:an increasing/growing number of +可数名词复数=越来越多的e.g. These efforts are in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and rising consumer concerns.这些努力是为了回应越来越多的食品安全问题和消费者的关注。e.g

6、. In the 21st century, an ever growing number of parents are taking a little time out of their week to practice yoga.21 世纪的父母正从劳碌的工作中抽出一小局部时间来熬炼瑜伽,并且这一人数还处在空前 的增长中。increasingly+形容词或副词原形e.g. The contradictions are becoming increasingly acute.冲突日益锋利。e.g. This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically. 这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。


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