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1、大家网高考论坛2011年普通高等等学校招生全国统一考试湖南卷英语Section (15marks) Diretions For each of the following ynfinsihed sentences there are four choices marked A B C And D C choose the one that best completes the sentence Examale The wild fowers looked like a son blanket _ the desert A ervcring B covered Cover D to cover

2、The answer is A 21 . The ability _an idea as important as the idea itself A expressing B expressed C to express D to cover22.the abilty _ab idea is as important as the idea itseif A expressing B expressed C to express D to cover 23the players _from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in

3、 this summer game .A selecting B to selece C selectrd D having selectcd24.I know that _ would over discourage hin he would necer give up to be a director A something B anything C overything Dnothing 25.julic was good at german French and Russian all of _ she spoke flurntly A who B whom C which D tha

4、t 26.One third the contry _ covered with trees and the of zhe citizens A is are B is is C are are D are is 27 in 1942 columbus_ on the of the bahama ialands bur he mistook it for A lands B landed C has landed Dhad landed 28 .no noe _ be compored with yao ming in playing baskctballA can B need C must

5、 Dmight 29 .Do you make up every morning _ energetic and ready day?A fcel B tofeel C feling D fell30 It Is the most instructive iecture that _since I carne to this A attended B had attended C am attending Dhave attended 31 can be solcyd it be obvioys _the promlen itsclfis Awhat B that C which Dwhy 3

6、2 Only after they and discussed the matter for _a dccision A they reached B did they reach C they reach Ddo they reach 33 jack wasnt saying anything but the teacher smiled at hin _ he had don very elever A as if B in case C while D thought 34 in future more advances the robot nology _ by scentistsA

7、are making B in made C will make D will be make 35 Its not what we do once in a while _ shapes our lives but what we do consistentlyA which B that C how D when Section B(18marks) Directlons:For each blank in the following passage there are four wordes or phrases marked A,B,Cand D.fill in each blank,

8、with the word or phrase that best fits the context. People in communities have slowly been pushcd apart through the years,mostly because people simply arent taking the time to say a simple “hello,”After considering this phenomenon,I decided I was going to 36 the way I was doing things. My 37 came on

9、e morning when I was in the commity library.I passed by a girl who 38 her books out of her locker .Thinking like most that someone else would help her pick them up, I continued my way I loweverm when I had to 39 because I stupidly forgot my book,I noticed she had just finished packing them up by her

10、sclf he one had stopped to 40 her. “OK” I thought to myself,”this is where I should have changed.” My best opportunity came a few days later whcn I saw a man 41 by himself waiting for the library to open ,so I sat down next to him and began a 42 .It was difficult to get started ,and even when I had

11、to say goodbye,almost every 43 from my new fricnd had a tone (语气)of doubt in it ,And who could blame him? People arent used to making an 44 chat with a stranger. But a changc, no matter how 45 it is necded,doesnt just happen ,It takes people like us to make it possible. I 46 you to take a small step

12、 out of your comfort zone and try to make someones day a little brighter, Together,we can really make come 47 as a whole.36. A.change B.exolain C.lcarn D.show37.A.trouble B.doubt C.wish D.opportunity38. A.took B.dropped C.got D.pulled39. A.come out B.stand by C.go back D.turn up40. A.please B.greet

13、C.help D.praise41. A.sitting B.walking C.riding D.running 42. A.discussion B.lesson C.report D.conversation43. A.joke B.response C.cry D.story44. A.unchangeable B.unprepared C.unforgettable D.unfinished45. A.desoerarely B.frequently C.semply D.wieely46. A.allow B.warn C.order D.advise 47. A.tater B.

14、straighter C.closer D.slowerSection C (12 marks) Directions:Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context. Does going to college really pay off?Certainly!I remember taking _48_ English class in college on the short story. Our frist assignment was to read _49_ short stones and then discuss which one was better. After reading both,I wasnt sure. Over the _50_ several months, my professor taught me _51_ one stor


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