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1、名校内部版高考英语阅读理解精读含答案There are few things in the food world thatevoke(引起) stronger opinions than spices like peppers and chilies.Capsaicin(辣椒素) is the chemical in peppers that provides that burn you know and love . Eating spicy food six or seven days a week even just once a day lowereddeath rates by 14

2、 percent, according to a large 2015 study by Harvard and China National Center for Disease Control and Prevention. “It seems to speed up the bodys fat-burning metabolism,” says Patricia Bridget Lane, aregistered nutritionist. “It helps to break down more fat and burn more energy,whichcan help withwe

3、ight lossandweight management.” A 2012 review articlepublishedin the journal Chemical Senses mentioned that thosewhoeat spicy foods like cayenne pepper noticed areductionin their desires for fatty, sweet, and salty foods. If youreimmersingyour food in too much hot sauce or youre eatingentirelytoo ma

4、ny meals that are ultra-high in spice levels you could be damaging your body as well.According to one scientific study in the National Library of Medicine, capsaicin consumedin abundancecan iritate the lining (膜) of your stomach after you eat it. The resultingsymptomsof too much capsaicin includenau

5、sea,vomiting,abdominal pain, and burningdiarrhea.Rebecca Tung, MD, a Florida-based dermatologist said, “When spicy food createsinflammation(炎症) in thegut from an upset stomach,acid reflux, or othersymptoms sometimes thisinflammationcan also be seen on the skin with flushing,acne breakout, or evenecz

6、ema.” “Spicy foods can also kill sleep efforts because they causeheartburn. Lying down makes heartburn worse, and thediscomfortfrom heartburnhinders sleep,” said the health experts at WebMD.4. How can spicy food help with weight loss?A. By burning less energy.B. By speeding up fat-burning.C. By brea

7、king down more sugar.D. By stimulating the desire for salt.5. What do we know about eating too much spicy food?A. It benefits your skin.B. It affects your sleep.C. It hardly stirs your stomach.D. It does no damage to your health.6. Whats the main idea of this passage?A. Spicy food can extend our lif

8、e.B. Capsaicin does harm to our health.C. Eating spices can prevent diseases.D. Capsaicin is a double-edged sword.7. What is the authors attitude towards eating spicy food?A. Skeptical.B. Opposed.C. Objective.D. Uncaring.BBDCZombie ice(僵尸冰) from themassiveGreenland ice sheet willeventuallyraise glob

9、al sea level by at least 10 inches (27 centimeters)on its own, according to a studyreleasedMonday.Zombieor doomed ice is ice that is still attached to thicker areas of ice, but is no longer getting fed by those larger glaciers. Thats because the parent glaciers are getting less replenishing(补充) snow

10、. Meanwhile the doomed ice is melting from climate change, said study author William Colgan, aglaciologistat the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. “Itis dead ice. Its just going to melt and disappear from the ice sheet,”Colgan said in an interview. “This ice has entered the ocean,regardles

11、s of whatclimate emissionplan we take now.”Whatscientists did for the study was look at the ice in balance. In perfect balance, snowfall in the mountains in Greenland flows down andrechargesand thickens the sides of glaciers,balancing outwhats melting on the edges. But in the last few decades theres

12、 less replenishment and more melting,creating imbalance.Study authors looked at the ratio of whats being added to whats being lost and calculated that 3.3% of Greenlands total ice volume will melt no matterwhathappens with the world cutting carbon pollution, Colgan said.Theunavoidableten inches in t

13、he study is more than twice as much sea level rise as scientists had previously expected from the melting of Greenlands ice sheet. The study in the journal Nature Climate Change said it could reach as much as 30 inches.By contrast, last years Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report predicte

14、d a range of 2 to 5 inches for likely sea level rise from Greenland ice melt by the year 2100.Although 10 inches doesnt sound like much, thats a global average. Somecoastalareas will be hit with more, and high tides and stormson top ofthat could be even worse, so this much sea level rise “will have

15、huge societal, economic andenvironmentalimpacts,”said Ellyn Enderlin, ageosciencesprofessor at Boise State University.8. What does the underlined word “It” in the second paragraph refer to?A. Parent glaciers.B. Doomd ice.C. Thicker ice.D. Large glaciers.9. What can we know about ice balance in Green

16、land?A. The ice is in a perfect state now.B. There is more replenishment and less melting at present.C. Whats being added equals whats being lost in the last few decades.D. Snowfall in the mountains cant balance out whats melting on the edges.10. How does the author prove that Greenland ice is melting fas


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