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1、风险管理世界从网络搜集 http:/www.R description in safety & environment dept.认真贯彻上级有关安全、环保和劳动保护方针、政策。在搞好安全环保及劳保管理工作的同时,加强内部治安管理,维护内部秩序,打击各种刑事犯罪分子的破坏活动。严密安全防范措施,保卫公司生产建设的顺利进行,保卫矿山资源和人民生命财产安全。To implement principles and policies conscientiously about safety, environmental protection and labor protection are under

2、 the instruction of superiors. In the course of implementing these works, strengthen internal security management, and crack down on all kinds of criminal activities are in order to protect company production, mineral resources and the safety of peoples lives and property. 安全环保职责Responsibilities of

3、safety & environmental protection1. 汇总编制年、季安全环保工作计划,并组织检查监督有关部门的落实情况To collect yearly, quarterly plans of safety and environmental protection, and organize relevant departments to inspect and supervise its implementation.2. 组织有关部门和单位制定、修改安全环保管理制度,并监督检查执行情况To organize relevant departments and units e

4、nacting or amending the related management systems. Supervise and inspect its implementation.3. 制止和纠正违章指挥和违章冒险作业,对重大事故隐患下达安全生产指令书To check and rectify illegal command and operations. Instructions for production safety must be made to major potential cause of an accident4. 随时掌握安全生产动态,定期组织不同形式,不同范围的安全检

5、查,加强对重点危险源的检查,督促落实预防措施To master the development of production safety at any moment, organize security check with different forms and areas regularly. Strengthen the inspection of key sources of danger and inspect and supervise the implementation of preventive measures.5. 负责对员工(包括新进民工)的三级安全教育。安全生产,环境

6、保护,劳动保护的宣传教To be responsible for safety educations of personnel (including new comers) which include production safety, environmental protection and labor protection.6. 负责组织特殊工种的安全技术培训,考试与颁发操作证To be responsible for taking and organizing safety technology training, and examination, operator licenses

7、issuing for special technical workers7. 参与公司新建、扩建或重大工程的设计会审和竣工验收To be involved in the design audit and acceptance for expansion and major project in company8. 组织重大伤亡事故和职业中毒事故的调查分析,提交事故分析报告,制定落实预防措施To organize investigating analysis for the accidents of heavy casualties and occupational poisoning, su

8、bmitting analyzing reports and enact relevant preventative measures.9. 负责伤亡事故的违章建制台帐,及时进行分类统计分析,定期上报To be responsible for recording of accidents and casualties. Statistical analysis and categories must be made timely, and reported periodically.10. 监督检查防护用品、保健食品与防暑饮料的发放,负责粉尘有害物质、高温、噪声的检测工作,组织有关部门研究预防

9、职业病和职业中毒的措施To supervise and inspect the distribution of PPE, health food and cool drinks. Responsible for the testing work of harmful substances, heat and noise and organize relevant departments to study the prevention of occupational diseases and poisoning measures.11. 定期向上级领导机关报告安全环保工作情况Safety env

10、ironmental protection going must be reported to higher level periodically.一 保卫工作职 Responsibilities of security work1. 宣传教育员工,增强遵纪守法观念,依靠群众搞好安全保卫工作Publicity work and education for employees should be done to enhance the concept of discipline and the law. Relying on the masses to do a good job in secu

11、rity work2. 严格治安管理,严格各项安全保卫措施,保卫公司的生产生活的正常秩序Security management and security measures must be strict. To make sure working and daily life of company is in order. 3. 以防火、防汛、防毒、防盗、防爆为重点,维护矿山秩序,保护矿产资源To focus on maintaining order in mine, such as fire, waterproof, anti- virus, anti-theft, explosions, t

12、o protect mineral resources4. 严格执行党的政策,及时请示报告,认真完成领导交办的各项任务To implement Partys policies strictly, ask for instruction timely, fulfill the various tasks what entrusted by leadership earnestly 安全环保部部长职责1. 服从董事长、总经理的直接领导,在总经理的具体领导下开展工作,是董事长、总经理在安全环保工作中的助手,对职责范围内因工作失误而导致的伤亡事故负责2. 制定安全生产制度、劳动保护制度、安全操作规程和

13、安全环保审批手续3. 开展安全和环保教育,制定实施年度安全环保计划及编制长期安全环保规划4. 事故现场调查,查明原因、分析责任、拟定改进措施,防止事故再发生5. 监督检查公司所属部门各专业管理工作及工作计划实施情况,并指导完成各项计划6. 监督检查公司的环境保障、环境治理工作7. 组织企业生产部门重大事故的现场调查处理和改进措施8. 参加各种生产会议,参加新建、改建、扩建以及大、中、小各类工程的初步设计和方案的审查和竣工验收,提出安全生产、工业卫生方面的建议和要求。保卫主管岗位职责Responsibilities of security supervisor1. 在公司主管领导和部长的直接领导

14、下负责开展保卫日常工作To be in charge of daily security work under the direct instruction of leaders and directors of company 2. 认真贯彻党的路线、方针、政策,负责部室的政治思想教育工作To conscientiously implement the principles and policies of Party for the political and ideological education work in department.3. 负责制定完善各种规章制度,管理规定To be

15、 responsible for formulating and improving various rules and management regulations 4. 负责公司黄金生产的保卫工作,确保黄金产品在生产运输销售过程中的安全保卫To be responsible for security work of gold production in the company, to make sure in the course of gold transport, production and sale are safe.5. 负责组织治安防范检查工作,督促各单位对检查中发现的隐患问题进行整改,负责对火灾事故及治安案件的调查工作To be responsible for organizing security inspection work, supervise and inspect all units in the hidden dangers that issue must be rectified and reformed. In charge of investigation work for fire incident


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