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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date新广州版四年级英语下重点知识Unit1 He looks like a cookUnit1 He looks like a cook重点词汇 Like look like which with Glasses know her him Policewoman policewomen uniform重点句型1.He looks like a cook. 他看起来像厨师。

2、 拓展: She looks like.I look like. They look like . We look like .2.Whos that woman/ man? 那个妇女/男的 是谁拓展: Whos that man with glasses? 3.And that man in a white hat? 戴白色帽子的男人是谁?拓展: Whos that man in blue jeans ?4. I dont know him. 我不知道他或我不认识他。 I dont know.语法:Look like 看起来像。通常指外表看来像 Like 为介词, 当主语为第三人称单数时,l

3、ook要加sThe one with glasses. With 有。 带有。 介词, 不能做谓语 表示修饰 Beside 介词 在。旁边 同义的短语还有 next to , near , close toAnd that man in a white hat? In a white hat 表示 “带着白色帽子的” in + 颜色 ,表示“穿着。颜色的衣服”In red T-shirt in a blue jacket in a black uniform熟悉有关职业的单词: cook teacher policewoman builder doctor nurse farmer athle

4、te painter pilot worker fireman Actor actress driver scientist掌握复数形式的名词Glasses 眼镜 jeans 牛仔裤 shoes 鞋子 Trousers 裤子 这些词要表示数量时,要加量词 ,通常用 a pair of glasses / jeans /trousers /shorts policemen 男警察 policewomen 女警察Unit 2 she is very kind重点词汇 Kind what is . Shy round friendly重点句型She is very kind.What is she

5、like? She has green eyes and a small mouth?And she is very young and shy.语法What is she like ? 询问某人的外表怎么样? 回答时通常要描述人的外貌特征。Be + 形容词 be 动词后可以跟形容词 例如 be kind be friendly be shy 描述一个人的外貌特征的句型 : she/he has . Eyes and . Mouth 学会描述人的外貌特征Green eyes big eyes small mouth big mouth round face big nose Long hair

6、 short hair straight hair curl hair brown hairYoung and shy happy Beautiful strong and kindPretty and friendly lovelyTall and thin Unit 3 Its time to get up重点词汇Get up go to school half past sevenTime for class time for lunch time for dinnertime to go back home Time to do my homework 重点重型What time is

7、 it?Its time to .Its time for.Its half past seven Its a quarter to ten.Its eight oclock.Im so tired.语法:1.What time is it? What time 询问具体的时间,表示几点几分。例 what time do you go to school in the morning?回答通常用 its + 数字时间 (oclock)2. 时间的表达方法 : 当是整点时,直接用 数字+ oclock 当时间不是整点时,可直接读数字 例如 九点二十 读成 nine twenty 用past ,t

8、o 来表达,此时分钟在前,小时在后 如果分钟小于三十,则用past表达,past是“过了”如果分钟大于三十,则用to来表达 ,to 意思是 “差” 例如:九点二十 可说成 twenty past nine 十点半 可说成 half past ten 两点五十 可说成 ten to three 六点四十五 可说成 q quarter to sever3. 句型 its time to + 动词短语 its time for + 名词例 its time to go to school. Its time to get up . Its time for dinner. Its time for

9、class.Unit4 when do you have class?重点词汇吃早餐 _ 起床 _ 做运动 _上课_ 去跑步 _ 去游泳_做作业 _ 在早上的七点 _从四点半到六点半 _ 我明白了 _重要句型1 when do you have breakfast?2 I usually have breakfast at 7 oclock in the morning.3. I have classes from 8 oclock in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon.4. I usually go .5. Do you take exercise?

10、 Do you . ?语法 一般现在时1. 频度副词 always 总是 usually通常 often 经常 sometimes 有时 never 从不 表示的频率由 高到低,含有这几个词的句子经常使用一般现在时2 一般现在时,描述经常性或有规律性的动作或事情,动词一般用原形,当主语为第三人称单数,即she ,he ,it或单个名词时,动词要用第三人称单数形式(加s或es)Eg: I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning. Jiaming usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning,too. 这句话主语为第三人称单数,动

11、词为gets3 go + 动词-ing 形式表示 进行。活动 例 go shopping go running go fishing go boating go swimming go hiking 去徒步旅行 Unit 5 what day is it today?重点词汇Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday, Saturday, Sundaymusic, PE, maths art English Chinese science Computer On Wednesday /Monday .Have two PE lessons have a music lesson Favourite 最喜欢的重点句型1. -What day is it today? - Its Saturday.2. Why do you like Wednesday? 3. I love Wednesday. 4. I love sports/ singing.5. I dont like . So I dont like.6. My favourite day is .1. 语法:What day is it today ? 问今天是星期几 Whats the date today ?问的是


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