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1、2023年关于叶芝经典英文诗欣赏|叶芝八首经典诗歌英文3篇(叶芝的英文诗)下面是我整理的关于叶芝经典英文诗观赏|叶芝八首经典诗歌英文3篇(叶芝的英文诗),以供参考。关于叶芝经典英文诗观赏|叶芝八首经典诗歌英文1The Lake Isle of Innisfree 茵尼丝弗莉湖岛 中英双语比照:William Butler YeatsI will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;Nine bean rows will I have there

2、, a hive for the honeybee,And live alone in the bee-loud glade.我就要起身走了,到茵尼斯弗利岛,造座小茅屋在那里,枝条编墙糊上泥;我要养上一箱蜜蜂,种上九行豆角,独住在蜂声嗡嗡的林间草地。And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;There midnight's all a-glimmer, and noon

3、 a purple glow,And evening full of the linnet's wings.那儿安静会驾临我,安静渐渐儿滴下来,从晨的面纱滴落到蛐蛐歇唱的地方;那儿半夜闪着微光,中午染着紫红光彩,而黄昏织满了红雀的翅膀。I will arise and go now, for always night and dayI hear the water lapping with low sounds by the shore;While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,I hear it in the dee

4、p heart's core.我就要起身走了,因为从早到晚从夜到朝我听得湖水在不断地轻轻拍岸;不论我站在公路上还是在灰色人行道,总听得它在我心灵深处呼喊。(飞白 译)其它译文:茵尼思弗梨湖中小洲现在我要动身了,去到茵尼思弗梨,在那儿用泥土和茅茨盖一间小屋;我将在那里种九亩豆,又养一箱蜜蜂,孤独地隐居在蜂鸣营营的林间。我将在那里得些安静,因为安静是缓缓地滴下来的,从早晨之幕里滴下来,到那有蟋蟀歌颂的地方;那里夜半只是一缕微光,正午是一片紫色的闪烁,而暮色中充溢了红雀的羽翼。现在我要动身了,因为整日整夜地我常听得湖水拍岸的微声,当我站在大街上,或灰色的铺道上的时候,我在深厚的心底听到这种声

5、音。(施蛰存 译)茵纳斯弗利岛我就要动身走了,去茵纳斯弗利岛,搭起一个小屋子,筑起泥笆房;支起九行云豆架,一排蜜蜂巢,独个儿住着,荫阴下听蜂群歌颂。我就会得到安静,它缓缓下降,从朝雾落到蟋蟀歌颂的地方;午夜是一片闪亮,正午是一片紫光,傍晚到处飘舞着红雀的翅膀。我就要动身走了,因为我听到那水声日日夜夜轻拍着湖滨;不管我站在车行道或灰暗的人行道,都在我心灵的深处听见这声音。看了关于叶芝经典英文诗的人还看了:1.关于叶芝英文诗歌观赏2.最经典美丽的英文诗观赏3.叶芝经典英文诗歌阅读4.有关叶芝英文诗歌阅读5.叶芝经典英语诗歌:Sailing to Byzantium关于叶芝经典英文诗观赏|叶芝八首经

6、典诗歌英文2the white birds 白鸟-by: w.b. yeatswould that we were, my beloved, white birds on the foam of the sea!we tire of the flame of the meteor, before it can fade and flee;and the flame of the blue star of twilight, hung low on the rim of the sky,has awakened in our hearts, my beloved, a sadness that

7、may not die.敬爱的,但愿我们是浪尖上一双白鸟!流星尚未陨逝,我们已厌倦了它的闪烁;天涯低悬,晨光里那颗蓝星的幽光唤醒了你我心中,一缕不死的悲伤。a weariness comes from those dreamers, dew-dabbled, the lily and rose;ah, dream not of them, my beloved, the flame of the meteor that goes,or the flame of the blue star that lingers hung low in the fall of the dew:for i wo

8、uld we were changed to white birds on the wandering foam: i and you!露湿的百合、玫瑰梦里逸出一丝困倦;呵,敬爱的,可别梦那流星的闪烁,也别梦那蓝星的幽光在滴露中低徊:但愿我们化作浪尖上的白鸟:我和你!i am haunted by numberless islands, and many a danaan shore,where time would surely forget us, and sorrow come near us no more;soon far from the rose and the lily, an

9、d fret of the flames would we be,were we only white birds, my beloved, buoyed out on the foam of the sea!我心头萦围着多数岛屿和丹南湖滨,在那里岁月会以遗忘我们,悲伤不再来临;转瞬就会远离玫瑰、百合和星光的侵蚀,只要我们是双白鸟,敬爱的,出没在浪花里!-傅浩 译关于叶芝经典英文诗观赏|叶芝八首经典诗歌英文3When You Are Old当你老了When you are old and gray and full of sleepAnd nodding by the fire,take do

10、wn this book,And slowly read,and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once,and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true;But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face;And bending down beside th

11、e glowing bars,Murmur,a little sadly,how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overhead,And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.当你老了袁可嘉译当你老了,头白了,睡意昏沉,炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌,渐渐读,回想你过去眼神的柔软,回想它们从前浓重的阴影;多少人爱你青春欢畅的时辰,仰慕你的漂亮,假意或真心,只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂,爱你苍老了的脸上苦痛的皱纹;垂下头来,在红光闪烁的炉子旁,凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情的消逝,在头顶的山上它缓缓踱着步伐,在一群星星中间隐藏着脸庞。1893


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