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1、ABSTRACTIn this paper, a multi-cha nnel taximeter that is able to deal with more tha n one passe nger simulta neously is proposed.In order to dem on strate the theory of operati on of the proposed system, a complete desig n for an experime ntal three-cha nnel taximeter (whose prototype has bee n bui

2、lt un der grant from the Egyptia n Academy for Scien tific and Tech no logical Research) is prese nted.System locati on, outl ine, block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams for the experime ntal taximeter are also in cluded.1. INTRODUCTIONTran sport ing people in the morni ng from their ho

3、mes to their works and back in the after noon has become a big problem in big cities especially in un developed coun tries. As a partial soluti on of this problem, the authorities in some coun tries had, uno fficially, left the taxicab drivers to carry differe nt passe ngers to differe nt places at

4、the Same time. For example, a taxicab with four seats may carry four differe nt passe ngers without any relati on betwee n them except that their way of travelli ng is the same.Accordi ngly, it has become very difficult to rely on the prese nt conven ti onal sin gle- cha nnel taximeter to determ ine

5、 the fare required from each passe nger separately. Accord in gly, an un fair finan cial relati on was created betwee n the taxicab driver, owner, passe ngers and the state taxati on departme nt.Un der these circumsta nces, taxicab drivers force the passe ngers to pay more tha n what they should pay

6、 .In some cases passe ngers had to pay double fare they should pay. With the prese nt conven ti onal sin gle-cha nnel taximeter, taxicab owners are not able to determ ine the daily in come of their taxicab.In some cases (a taxicab with four seats) they may only get one quarter of the in come of the

7、taxicab (collected by the taxicab driver). From which they should pay the salary of the taxicab driver as well as the cost of fuel, minor and major repairs in additi on to the car depreciati on. As a matter of fact the positi on of the taxicab owners is not so bad as it seems. A gen eral agreeme nt

8、has bee n reached betwee n the taxicab drivers and owners such that the drivers should guara ntee a fixed daily in come to the owners as well as the pay ing for the cost of fuel as well as the minor repaires. Eve n though the taxicab drivers still share the large porti on ofthe in come of the taxica

9、b. Also with the prese nee of the sin gle-cha nnel taximeter, it has become very difficult for the state taxati on departme nt to know the yearly in come of the taxicab and accord in gly it has become very difficult to estimate the taxes to be paid by the taxicab own ers.In order to face this proble

10、m, the state taxati on departme nt had to impose a fixed estimated taxes for each seat of the taxicab whatever the in come of the taxicab. In this paper, we in troduced a multicha nnel taximeter that can deal with more tha n one passe nger simulta neously. I t should be poin ted out that by the term

11、 passe nger we mean a one pers on or a group of related pers on s. I t should also be poin ted out that our proposed multi-cha nnel taximeter is not, simply, a multi display readouts. As a matter of fact it contains logic circuits that automatically cha nges the fare per killometer of travelli ng di

12、sta nee or per mi nu tes of wait ing time accord ing to the nu mber of passe ngers hiri ng the taxicab. In the follow ing part and as an example, we will prese nt a complete desig n for a three-cha nnel taximeter.Block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams of the experime ntal three-cha nnel

13、 taximeter are also in cluded. A prototype has bee n built un der grant from the Egyptia n Academy for Scien tific and Tech no logical Research.2. AN EXPERIMENTAL THREECHANNEL TAXIMETERTheory of operati on of our experime ntal device to work as an electr onic digital taximeter is based on t h e fact

14、 thathe speedometer cable rotates one revoluti on for each meter of travelli ng dista nee.Accordi ngly, if the speedometer cable is coupled with a speed sen sor that gen erates a si ngle pulse for each meter of travelli ng dista nee, the n our taximeter could be three up coun ter modules associated

15、with a speed sen sor un it.However, our experime ntal taximeter is not simply a three display readouts. As a matter offact it contains logic circuits that automatically cha nges the fare per kilometer of travelli ng dista nee or per mi nu tes of wait ing time accord ing to the nu mber of passe ngers

16、 hiri ng the taxicab. The device may be splitted in to two main parts: The first is the speed sen sor unit which may be located any where in the taxicab such that an easy coupli ng to the speedometer cable can be achieved. The sec ond un it contains the main electr onic circuit, the displaya nd con trol pan el. The un it should be located somewhere in front of both the driver and the passe ngers.A possible comp onents locatio ns is show n in Figure 1.A. Speed Sen



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