Unit 2 At Home.doc

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1、Unit 2 At HomeLesson 7【教学目标】(一)知识与技能目标:1能听懂,会说,认读和书写词汇:do, my, homework, read, book2能认读,理解和运用基本的句型结构:In the evening, I _.3能理解并口头运用下列用语和句子:In the evening, I do my homework. I read a book.I write a story. I draw a picture for my story.(二)情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口.(三)学习策略目标:注意倾听,积极思考.【教学重点】1词汇:do, my, homework, r

2、ead, book2句型:In the evening, I do my homework. I read a book. I write a story. I draw a picture for my story.【教学难点】write, story的读音.【教学过程】Warm upGreetings: Hello! How are you?Sing a song: Hes wearing red trousers.T: This unit, well learn some words and sentences we can use to talk about home. (简单用汉语介

3、绍一下第一单元的内容,让学生对所学知识有一个总体的认识,这样可以做到有备而学.)New Concept1What do you do in the evening?Introduce: homeworkHome: the place where we live with our family.Work: the things you do.Homework: some work we take home from school and that we do at home and then return it to class the next time we are there.Demons

4、trate the four pictures:First look at the four pictures, discuss what happened.Then look at the video, follow to read.Ask: What does Li Ming do in the evening?Discuss: What do you do in the evening?Practice: Say and Act: Teacher says the sentences, students do actions. Students say the sentences, th

5、e teacher does the actions.Pair work: What do you do in the evening?Do you _?Yes, / No, I_ in the evening.2Lets play!3Lets sing!Discuss the pictures: How many days are there in a week?Look at the pictures, what is Jenny doing?Sing the song, do actions.4Lets play!ExercisesActivity book.【作业布置】Write Part one.Read the text.Talk with your friends.【板书设计】HomeworkWhat do you do in the evening?I do my homework.I read a book.I write a story.I draw a picture for my story.


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