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1、四年级下册英语测试卷学号 姓名 班级 一、 找出你所听到的单词,将序号填入题前的括号内。(10分)( )1、A、cat B、hat C、pat( )2、A、name B、game C、same( )3、A、net B、wet C、jet( )4、A、play B、gray C、Monday( )5、A、pen B、hen C、red二、 选出你所听到的句子将序号填入题前的括号内,。(15分)( )1、A、We need 4 tents. B、We need some water. C、We need a torch.( )2、A、Are they fighting? B、Is the goat

2、 playing? C、Is the duck swimming?( )3、A、Its cloudy today. B、Its hot today. C、Its cold today.( )4、A、Im going to the library. B、Im going to the park. C、Im going to the mall.( )5、A、Lets buy a T-shirt for him. B、Lets buy a jacket for him.C、Lets buy a skirt for her.三、 根据听到的问答,选择正确的答案序号填入题前的括号内.。(18分)( )1

3、、How is the weather? Its A、rainy B、sunny C、cloudy( )2、How much is it? Its . A、36 yuan B、15 yuan C、38 yuan( )3、Whats in the box? Its . A、a duck B、a dog C、a turtle( )4、Wheres the jacket? Its . A、on your bed B、in your bedroom C、under the sofa ( )5、What do we need for camping?We need . A、a tent B、a knif

4、e C、some food( )6、What are the cows doing? Theyre . A、playing B、fighting C、sleeping四、听对话,连线。(12分)supermarket park library 五、连词成句,注意标点符号。(18分)1、you with us? go Can ?2、Lets him. gift for a buy .3、today. windy is It .4、beautiful Girls flowers. like .5、much How it? is ?6、it bird? Is a ?五、 单词拼写。根据所给字母写出正

5、确的单词。(18分)1、 2、 3、 ckae fael ehn 星期五4、 5、 6、 nunsy dyFir cheab 7、 8、 9、 rssed oatc hrsoe 六、 从右栏中选出正确的答语回答左栏的问题,将序号填入题前的括号内。(14分)( )1、What day is it today? A、Speaking.( )2、How is the weather? B、5:30pm.( )3、May I speak to Lily? C、Its under the sofa.( )4、What time is it now? D、 Sure.( )5、Where is my jacket? E、Theyre seeds.( )6、Can you go to the park with us? F、 Its sunny.( )7、What are these? G、Wednesday.


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