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1、九年_级_英语_科集体备课定案 仁爱版九(下)英语Unit 6 Entertainment and FriendshipTopic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?Section B 主备人:古俊芳 执教者_ 一、课时安排 第二课时二、教学目标:1. Knowledge aims: Words and phrases: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语。2. Skill aims:1)能通过图片判断对话的核心内容,做出听前预测。2)能听懂有关文学作品和作者的对话,并能够提取有用信息, 做出判断。3)能用英语交流对各类文学和艺术形式的看法。4

2、)能读懂对作家的简介,并进行适当的仿写。3. Emotional aims:1)敢于用英语表达对文学作品的不同看法。2)培养学生对西方文化的好奇。4. Learning strategies:1) 能够对语言规律进行自主总结。2) 能够使用工具书阅读文学性文章,如阅读诗歌。三、教学重难点:1. Words and phrases: society, moving, scene, kiss,poetry, poet, drama2. Sentences:1) Steve and his Chinese teacher, Miss Yang, are now visiting a literary

3、 society.2) He is considered to be one of the best romantic poets in China.3) The passage I read about him said that he was as great as the British poet William Shakespeare.3.Grammar:复习定语从句和被动语态。个性彰显四、教学方法:1)听说法。2)任务型教学法。五、教具:多媒体课件,李白、莎士比亚、曹雪芹、冰心、马克吐温、伊索的人物图片,准备几首李白的诗。六、教学步骤:Step1 Review 1. Greeting

4、s. 2. Do the exercises and check the answerStep2.Presentation 1.Talk about famous persons:Li Bai (701-762 ) poet, Tang dynasty Shakespeare (1564-1616 )poet,playwright, England (导入1a)Step3.Consolidation 1. Look, listen and say. ( 1a ) 1. Listen to 1a and mark T (True) or F ( False) .Finish 1a.2. The

5、whole class listen and repeat.Then act it out.Step4 Practice 1. Come to 2a. Talk about famous persons:Cao Xueqin、Bing Xin、 Mark Twain 、 Aesop.2. Come to 2b. Complete the following passage with the information you have got3. 2c The groups who have selected the same writer work together to share what they have written.4.Master the key points.5.Summary the section.Step5 Homework1.Write down the key words of the conversation to introduce their favorite writers.2.Finish off the exercises of Section B.3.Preview Section C.七、教后反思


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