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1、 教师节英语作文:老师,请您听我说教师,我已经毕业一个多月了,却还是没有士气对您说出我始终想对您说的话,这些话已经在我的心里隐蔽了好久,如今,我想对您一吐为快。The teacher, I have graduated for more than a month, but still do not have the courage to you to say what I want to say to you, these words are in my heart. For a long time, now, I want to you to get it off one”s chest.教

2、师,我始终想告知您,我不盼望您把我当成一个好学生,由于,我觉得做好学生实在太累了,每一次看到同学们欢快地跑出去跳皮筋、踢毽子,我就很是艳羡。但是您交给我的任务实在太重,我不得不把它们完成好才能出去玩。教师,我盼望您的下一届学生没有这样的感受,所以,我盼望您可以一视同仁,给其他同学一些展现自己的时机,其实,每一个人都有自己优秀的一面。Teacher, I always want to tell you, I don”t want you to think of me as a good student, because, I think do students really tired, eve

3、ry time to see the students ran gaily out rope skipping, shuttlecock, I was very envious of. But you gave me the task is too heavy, I have to finish them good to go out and play. Teacher, I wish you the next session of the students don”t feel this way, so, I hope you can make no exception, to other

4、students the opportunity to display their own, in fact, everyone has their own side of good.还记得那一天,我生病了,体温到达了40。您既没有让我落下功课,也没有耽搁了我看病,在我打吊瓶时还不忘向家长询问我的病情。您对我的关心我牢记在心,您就像我的其次个妈妈,无微不至地照看着我,给我灌输了许很多多的学问。Remember that day, I was sick, the temperature reached 40 degrees. You can”t let me fall homework, no

5、delayed my doctor, I play Diaoping also did not forget to parents ask about my illness. Your care for me in my mind, you are like my second mother, take care of me, instilled in me a lot of knowledge.教师,我马上步入初中的大门,是您使我走进了全市的重点中学,我感谢您的教育,没有您,就没有我的今日。以前,我每每观察您严厉的面孔,话到嘴边便又咽了下去,其实,我始终想对您说一声:Teacher, I a

6、m about to enter the middle door, you make me into the city”s only key middle school, I thank you for your teaching, have no you, no I am today. Previously, I often see you serious face, words to his mouth and swallowed it, in fact, I always want to say to you:“教师,感谢您!”“Teacher, thank you for your!“


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