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1、音标对应字母组合1) i: 字母组合:ee ea e iethree tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she me piece receive ceiling 2) i发音字母 i y esit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious 3) ae 发音字

2、母 abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) e 字母组合 ea e a head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any 5) : 字母组合ir ur ear er or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday bu

3、rger learn earn earth heardterm her nerd serve work worm work world 6) 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasure familiar collar dollar together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite arou

4、nd account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan chinamen listen famulus Saturday 7) a: 字母组合 ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm 8) 发音字母 u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome mother dose brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood9) : 字母组合 al or

5、au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumnfour mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter 10) 发音字母 o a dog hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar notwant wash watch 11) u: 字母组合 oo o u food moon room gloom broom doom go

6、ose tooth shoe do tworuler true truth blue full prude 12) u 字母组合 oo ou u o look good foot book wood should could put full bull pull pushwoman wolf 13) ei 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate plane April play say may way great break rain paint plainthey grey 14) ai 发音字母 i y ghtbike fine find die ni

7、ne light night high my try fly eyenight15) au 字母组合 ou ow house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse flower down now cow how town16) u 发音字母 o ow oa home cold go no phone host ghost know low below grow blow show flow boat coat goal17) i字母组合oy oiboy toy joy oil soil voice choice 18) i

8、 字母组合 eer ear ere ea beer deer ear near here fierce idea19) 字母组合ear air erepear bear chair hair fair there wherecare20) u 字母组合our ower urehour tour flower showersure cure dure pure21.b发音字母 b bed bag book22. p发音字母 p pot pig put 23. d发音字母 d dog dig duck24. t发音字母t tooth teacher tea25. g发音字母g grandpa gi

9、rl green26. v发音字母 v five very vent 27. l发音字母l look leg lake28. m发音字母m mum moon morning29. n发音字母n moon nut needle30. r发音字母r rain radio room31. j发音字母y yellow yes you32. 发音字母s measure pleasure leisure usually33. f发音字母f phfather fat footphone34. s发音字母s csmall study buscity35. z发音字母z sjazz zoo zerorose36

10、. d发音字母j g(e)jack job changeorange37. h发音字母h whhello hurry heywho38. w发音字母w whwindow wake weekwhere39. k发音字母k c q ck chkitecatqueenblackschool40. 发音字母th those these that 41. 发音字母th eighth forth tenth three42. dz发音字母ds beds odds codes43. ts发音字母ts students coats cats44. dr发音字母dr dress drink drain45. t

11、r发音字母tr tree truck train46. t发音字母ch chair chicken lunch 47. 发音字母sh cash shoe ship 48. 发音字母n n(g) ink link ring Spring英语国际音标共有48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。英语字母共有26个,其中有五个元音字母和21个辅音字母。对一个初学英语者来说,若采用集中教学,要学会48个音素的发音的确不容易。分离教学字母,不把音标考虑在内,学生完全读准字母也很难。 一、音素教学,即48个音素的教学 首先,20个元音音素的教学。 1、先教12个单元音,并按发音部位把单元单分为前元音

12、:i:、i、e、,中元音:、 。后元音:后元音可以根据口腔的张口大小程度依次教学生读。如u:、u、o、:,口腔的张口程度由小变大,让学生拿一面镜子对照发音图和自己口腔的变化而发音,这种教元音的方式,学生可以把音、形结合在一起记,便于学生提高记忆效率。1.I: 有头+: 2. i 有头 3. e 头大大 4. 蝴蝶音 5. u: 有尾巴+: 6. u 尾巴 7. o 全部来 8. 半边脸 9. 救命 10. : 没有勾+:3勾 11. 没有勾 12 倒勾 15. ai 带安全帽尾巴 16.au 带安全帽有头 17.i 半边脸有头 。2、双元音的教学。ei、ai、u、au合口双元音,i、u、 i、ju: 集中双元音。 双元音的教学和单元音的教学是相互联系的,先让学生观察其特点,由哪几个音组成,然后教学生合二为一的读法。学生这样记和读就容易多了。教学生读熟后,再教学生写音标,这样学生就能很熟悉地记住20个元音音素。其次教28个辅音音素。 在教28个辅音音素的过程中,要先抓主干,然后再带学其它的元音。即先教学生学习十对清、浊辅音。 清辅音:p、t、k、f、s、t、tr、ts 浊辅音:b、d、g、v、z、 、d、dr、dz 教学生掌握十对清、浊辅音的发音方法和发音部位。 然后教剩下的几个音标:h、r、w、j、l、m、n、 最后将辅音音素与元音音素结合起来拼读,让学生掌握两个合


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