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1、SIMO N & SCHUSTE R Rockefelle r Cente r1230 Avenu e o f th e America sNe w York, NY 1002 0Copyrigh t 1997 by M. Scot t Pec kAll right s reserved , includin g th e righ t o f reproductio n i n whol e o r i n par t i n an y form .SIMO N & SCHUSTE R an d colopho n ar e registere d trademark s of Simo n

2、 & Schuste r Inc .Designe d b y Irvin g Perkin s AssociatesManufacture d i n th e Unite d State s o f Americ a1 3 5 7 91 08 6 4 2Librar y o f Congres s Cataloging-in-Publicatio n Dat aPeck , M . Scot t (Morga n Scott) , date .Th e roa d less travele d an d beyon d : spiritua l growt h in an ag e of

3、anxiet y / M. Scot t Peck .p .cm .Include s bibliographica l references .1. Spiritua l life. 2. Peck , M. Scot t (Morga n Scott) , 1936 -.I. Title . BL624.P4 31997158dc2 096-4339 1CI P ISBN 0-684-81314-9I acknowledg e with gratitud e th e cooperatio n o f all m y publishers , includin g Banta m Book

4、s , HarperSanFrancisco , Harmon y Books , Hyperio n Books , Simo n & Schuster , an d Turne r Publishing , fo r citation s an d quotation s fro m m y variou s books . Lyrics fo r Can t Kee p I t In, b y Ca t Stevens , ar e reprinte d b y permissio n o f Salafa Limited/Sony/AT V Musi c Publishing .to

5、my fellow travelersContentsIntroduction11Editors Preface15PART I: CRUSADE AGAINST SIMPLISM1: Thinking23The Point of Having a BrainSimplism and SocietyWhats in Fashion Isnt Necessarily FashionableAssumptions, Stereotypes, and LabelingCommon Criminal ThinkingThinking Too Little Is Your ProblemThinking

6、 Too Much Is Somebody Elses ProblemThe Good, the Bad, and the In-betweenThinking and Listening Freedom and Thinking Time and EfficiencyParadox and Thinking with Integrity2: Consciousness63The Mystery of Consciousness Revisiting Our Frontal Lobes Lessons from Genesis 3Good and EvilEvil, Sin, and Othe

7、r DistinctionsThe ShadowConsciousness and Competence The Consciousness of Death Traveling with God8CONTENTS3: Learning and Growth95The Role of the Soul Passive Learning Growth and WillOut of NarcissismNarcissism Versus Self-loveNarcissism, Death, and the Learning of DyingUnlearning and FlexibilityLe

8、arning as AdventureValues and Learning Choices Learning from Role Models Group LearningPART II : WRESTLING WITH THE COMPLEXITY OF EVERYDAY LIFE4: Personal Life Choices139The Path of Smart Selfishness Versus the Path of Stupid SelfishnessChoices of Responsibility Choices of Submission Choices of Voca

9、tionThe Choice of GratitudeThe Choice to Die GracefullyThe Choice of Emptiness5: Organizational Life Choices167Civility Systems EthicsInterdependence and Collaboration Accountability and Structure Boundaries and Vulnerability PowerCultureDysfunction Versus Civility6: Choices About Society203The Para

10、dox of Good and Evil The Paradox of Human Nature The Paradox of EntitlementThe Paradox of ResponsibilityCONTENTS 9The Paradoxes of Time and MoneyA Personal Case StudyPART III : THE OTHER SIDE OF COMPLEXITY7: The Science of God241Science and God Spirituality and Religion Stages of Spiritual GrowthPsy

11、chospiritual and Historical BaggageIntegration and Integrity Grace and Serendipity RevelationThe Ego and the SoulKenosisPrayer and Faith Process Theology GloryCocreation8: The Poetry of God287Acknowledgments307Notes309IntroductionI AM SIXTY YEARS OF AGE. Tha t statisti c mean s differen t thing s fo

12、 r differen t people . Fo r me , sinc e I a m no t i n th e bes t o f healt h an d fee l Iv e live d enoug h fo r thre e lifetimes , bein g sixt y mean s tha t i t i s tim e I shoul d star t settin g m y affair s i n order , a s the y say. I t seem s prope r fo r m e thes e day s t o b e abou t th e

13、 busines s o f tyin g u p loos e end s o f m y life insofa r a s i t i s i n m y powe r t o d o so . I writ e thi s boo k i n tha t endeavor .I wrot e The Road Less Traveled a t th e vigorou s ag e o f forty . I t wa s a s i f a spigo t ha d bee n opened , an d othe r book s hav e com e pourin g ou

14、t eve r since : nine , t o b e exact , no t countin g thi s one . Eac h tim e peopl e hav e aske d m e wha t I hope d t o achiev e b y a particula r book , a s i f I generall y ha d a gran d strateg y i n mind . Th e trut h i s I wrot e the m no t ou t o f strategy , bu t simpl y becaus e eac h boo k ha s said , Writ e me. Howeve r har d sh e migh t b e t o define , ther e i s suc h a thin g a s a muse , an d I hav e alway s an d onl y operate d unde r he r orders .S o i t i s n



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