Unit1 参考教案.doc

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1、Unit1 参考教案教学目的:让学生通过此课,了解更多体育项目的英语表达方法,并使学生懂得掌握一些日常用语。教学重点:日常用语Are you going to do ?及I am going to教学难点:词组:the 100 metres句子:Are you going to do? 及I am going to run the 100 metres.的理解。教具准备:录音带、PPT、教学卡片及图片、不干胶教学过程:Warming up 游戏“Whats missing?”T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Last week, we had made so

2、me animal friends. Do you remember them? Who can tell me?S: T: Now Miss Zhu will take you to the zoo to see your friends. And you must say what?S: Im going to go to the zoo.T: Yeah, good. And now we are in the zoo, let us call your friends names, ok?(教师拿动物头盔,学生迅速叫出这些动物的名称。)S: T: Ok, now lets play a

3、game “whats missing?” Do you know how to play it?S: T: Yeah, Miss Zhu will take out an animal, and you must guess whats missing.Lead-in T: Yeah, all of you did a good job. Now Miss Zhu will ask you do you like Sports? Who can tell me which sport do you like? S: T:(展示运动图片)Now lets look at the picture

4、 and read it again. S: T: So today we will learn more about Sports.Presentation(分钟)轻松学单词 T: Now take out your book and turn to page 47. Lets learn the new words. Look at the screen. (教师教授新单词是均拿着单词卡片) Lets learn the first phrase: Sports Day. Read after me: Sports Day S: T: And do you know how to say

5、运动会? S: T: for 当老师的手势向上时读升调,当老师手势向下时就读降调。 T:metre 【i:】【i:】【i:】声调【i:】【i:】【i:】降调metre那我们运动会是不是都有一百米赛跑,who can tell me how to say 一百米赛跑 read after me run the 100 meters T:every day T:good luck好运气(并运用手势,伸出双手,竖起大拇指表此词组)T:T:come on(同样运用手势,双手握紧并添加以后同学排路队时,如果有学生一直磨磨蹭蹭就可以这样说)游戏“拍手游戏”T: Ok, now we will play a

6、 game. Look at the blackboard, Miss Zhu will put the name cards on the blackboard; can you guess what am I going to do?S:(教师将五张单词卡片贴于黑板,贴成上、下 、左、右、中,当教师读上面卡片单词时,学生手向上拍,也可教师拍手,学生迅速读出所对应单词)T:(指向一张单词卡片)When I say this word, you must clap like me. Ok, everybody stand up, if you are wrong, you must sit d

7、own. Are you ready? T: Ok, now lets change our role. When I clap, you must read the words. (3)趣味句型操练 (接下来用幻灯片展示每句新句子,教师先读一遍,让学生跟读一遍,并让学生猜是什么意思,最后在采用多种训练方式练习。) T: Ok, now Miss Zhu will ask you what you are going to do for Sports Day. Can you guess what it means? S: T: All together read after me.(句型一)

8、 What are you going to do for Sports Day? (采用分组读竞赛法训练)(句型二)Im going to run the 100 meters.(拿100 meters的卡片,采用大小声读法训练)(句型三)Im going to run every day.(拿着一张MP3按钮卡片,训练此句)(句型四)Im going to run in the park.(采用男女生分读法)(4)呈现新课T: Ok. Now lets turn to page 30.Listen to the tape carefully. (教师放录音带让学生完整听一遍录音。听完再重新

9、放,让学生模仿语调。但这时应注重学生跟读情况,学生边听边跟读,教师应认真听学生朗读情况,如果错应及时纠正,有必要可多加训练)Activities and consolidationNow lets play a game. (分小组竞赛) (教师取出一张表示运动项目的图片,提问组就用What are you going to do for Sports Day?被提问的组就用We are going to回答。最后评出哪组学生表现最好。)T: Group1 stand up and ask Group2 What are you going to do for Sports Day? S: (

10、接下来一组接一组训练) T: Ok, now lets see which group is the best. So GroupX is the best. I will send you a small gift.T: Yeah, so today our class is over. And we will see which group is the last winner.(根据黑板上的每组得到的图标评出冠军队。并以此深化学生对Im the winner.的认识。)T: Lets count your gift. Look at the blackboard, lets count! S: Group1: one,two,threeGroup2T: So today our winner is Group? Ok, now GroupX, you are the winner, so you can say what?(引导学生说出Im the winner.和You are the winner.) 四、 Homework: 学会如何用今天所交新句型和体育老师交流。



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