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1、A powerful earthquake struck Taiwan late Tuesday, killing at least seven people and leaving several buildings leaning, near total collapse. 周二晚间,台湾地区发生强烈地震,造成至少7人死亡,一些建筑倾斜,几乎快要倒塌。The U.S. Geological Survey said the 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit around the middle of the night local time near the coast

2、al city of Hualien. 美国地质调查局表示,当地时间午夜时分,海滨城市花莲县附近发生了一场6.4级的地震。Search and rescue operations continued in an effort to save dozens of people missing. 目前,搜救人员仍在寻找数十名失踪人员。Taiwans President Tsai Ing-wen visited the damaged areas. 台湾地区领导人蔡英文视察了受灾地区。She promised that every effort would be made to rescue sur

3、vivors. 她承诺,将竭尽全力营救幸存者。At least 260 people were reported injured and more than 80 are missing. 据报道,至少260人受伤,80多人失踪。The earthquake split some roads in half and left about 40,000 homes without water. 地震导致一些道路断裂,4万多户家庭用水短缺。Nearly 2,000 others did not have electricity. 还有2000多户家庭断电。Some of the most powe

4、rful pictures and video of the disaster showed high-rise buildings tilting heavily after the earthquake. 一些受灾最为严重的照片和录像显示,地震导致高层建筑倾斜。Taiwans Central Emergency Operation Center said rescue efforts in one area were briefly halted over safety concerns. 台湾中央应急行动中心表示,某地的救援行动因安全考虑一度中断。One residential buil

5、ding continued to lean towards collapse causing rescuers to stop their efforts. 一栋居民楼仍在继续倾斜,救援人员被迫中断救援。Rescue workers put up steel beams against the building in an effort to prevent it from completely collapsing. 救援人员在这栋建筑上安装了钢梁,防止其彻底垮塌。Large concrete blocks were also placed against the beams for ad

6、ded support. 钢梁上还放置了大型混凝土块加强支撑。The building was among at least four in the area that sank and shifted because of the earthquake. 这栋建筑至少横跨四块因地震而沉降和移动的区域。Experts say the shifts were likely caused by soil liquefaction. 专家表示,这种移动可能是土壤液化造成的。This process can cause the ground underneath a building to lose

7、its solidity under great physical stress. 这一过程可能会导致建筑物所在地面因巨大的物理压力失去稳固性。Shifting destroyed the lower floors of several buildings, forcing rescue workers to enter windows to reach people trapped inside. 这种移动破坏了几栋低层建筑物,救援人员被迫从窗户进入救援受困民众。Hualien prosecutors said they had launched an investigation. 花莲县检

8、察官表示,他们已展开调查。They want to know about possible negligence in construction of buildings that collapsed or tilted from the earthquake, the Taipei Times reported. 据台北时报报道,他们想要了解,在地震中倒塌或倾斜的建筑物是否存在缺陷。Government officials are seeking building records and said they would question companies in the buildings

9、planning and construction. 政府官员正在调查相关建筑记录,并表示将对该批建筑物的规划和承建单位进行质询。The investigation will look into whether shortcuts were taken, if poor building materials were used and whether all government rules were followed. 调查这些建筑是否存在偷工减料、采用劣质建筑材料及是否遵守了政府的所有规定。Taiwan sits in a very seismically active area know

10、n as the Pacific Ring of Fire. Earthquakes regularly strike the area. 台湾地区位于“太平洋火环”这一地震活跃地带,该区域经常发生地震。Im Bryan Lynn. 布莱恩林恩为您播报。Almost 60 million young people who live in countries affected by conflict or natural disaster are illiterate, the United Nations Childrens Fund or UNICEF, said this week. 本周

11、,联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)表示,生活在冲突、自然灾害频发的国家的近6000万名青年成为文盲。More investment in education is needed, UNICEF said, to fight the crisis. 联合国儿童基金会还表示,应对这场危机需要更多的教育投资。Nearly 30 percent of people between the ages of 15 and 19 living in emergency countries cannot read or write. 在“紧急状态国家”生活的15到19岁青年中,近30%的人不会阅读和书写。UN

12、ICEF has found that illiteracy is a bigger problem among girls and young women. 联合国儿童基金会发现,女孩和年轻女性的文盲现象更加严重。Thirty-three percent of girls have not learned even the basics of reading. 33%的女孩没学过阅读的基本知识。The same is true of 24 percent of boys living in “emergency countries.” 24%生活在“紧急状态国家”的男孩同样如此。UNICEF

13、 Executive Director Henrietta Fore said the numbers are a clear reminder of the tragic effects that crises can have on a childs education and their future. 联合国儿童基金会会长亨利埃塔福尔(Henrietta Fore)指出,该数据明确地提醒我们,危机将对儿童的教育和未来造成悲剧性的影响。UNICEF is calling for more financial support for education programs, especial

14、ly during humanitarian crises. 联合国儿童基金会呼吁为教育项目提供更多的资金支持,尤其是在人道主义危机期间。It said only 3.6 percent of humanitarian money is used for the education of young people living in emergency situations. 该基金会表示,只有3.6%的人道主义资金用于救助紧急状态国家的年轻人教育。That makes education one of the least supported areas of humanitarian aid

15、. 这导致教育成为人道主义援助最少的领域之一。The agencys yearly Humanitarian Action for Children appeal began on Tuesday. 周二,该机构举办了一年一度的儿童人道主义救助会。It called for $900 million for countries damaged by man-made and natural disasters. 该活动为受人为和自然灾害破坏的国家筹集了9亿美元的善款。The money would be used on programs such as accelerated learning

16、, teacher training, school rebuilding and on school supplies. 所有善款将用于速成学习、教师培训、学校重建和学习用品等项目。UNICEF also proposed that governments provide young children with early-learning opportunities and illiterate young people with specially designed education programs. 联合国儿童基金会还提议,政府为儿童提供早期的学习机会;为文盲青年提供特殊的教育项目。The findings are based on the U.N. Educational, Science and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO,



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