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1、冀教版英语四年级上册第三单元Lesson 16 Cars and Buses一学情分析本节课为冀教版小学英语四年级上册第三单元的内容,四年级的孩子们经过两年的英语学习,具有了基本的听、说、读、写技能,这个阶段的孩子好胜心、竞争力都在不断增强,教师要适时采用激励性语言,以促进学生成长。本节课我尽量的想体现素质教育对教师们的要求,即老师们是教学活动的引导者,要以学生为主体进行教学,体现学生的主体地位,让学生成为积极的参与者和合作者。在讲授新知的同时,还需进一步培养学生的发散性思维,鼓励学生多思考,多运用,融会贯通,触类旁通。二教学目标:1. 认知目标:能够听、说、读、写几种常见的交通工具car b

2、us bike taxi和常去的几个地方school zoo restaurant home . 句型: How do you go to school? I go to _ by _.2. 能力目标:能够提问对方你怎么样去某地并作答,对不同的交通工具进行描述。通过本课学习,促进学生听、说、读、写能力的提高。3. 情感目标:激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生在活动中互助合作,发展合作精神,在场景中主动、灵活运用语言。三教学重点难点:1. 单词 car bus taxi bike 2. 短语 by + 交通工具 by car by bus by taxi by bike 3.句型 How do you

3、go to school ?4. 理解、巩固相关交通工具 四教学流程Step1:warmup Sing a song (Little fingers)通过唱数字歌和数数来复习一至九的数词,提高学生的英语学习兴趣并为后面数词的学习做铺垫。Step2:Presentation 1. Lead in T:I want to show you a picture, can you say what is it?S: Its our school.T: Yeah, How do you go to school?S: I go to school on foot.T: If you want to go

4、 to school by another way, how do you go to school? Today we will learn some other traffic tools. (板书课题)。运用学生身边熟悉的事物进行导入,激起学生的学习好奇心,创设问题,使学生尽快投入到思考中来。 2. Learn the new words出示实物及图片学习单词:(1)学习单词carT:Look, Whats coming?S:Its a T:Yes.Its a car.car car car.Whats this?S:Its a car.T:Good. What do I do ? By

5、 car. By car. By car.让学生理解By 是乘坐的意思。(2)学习单词taxiT:Is this a bike?S:No,Its a出租车T:Yes.Its a taxi . Taxi,taxi,taxi. Is it ataxi?S:Yes.Its a taxi.(3)用同样的方法学习单词busT:Whats this?S:Its aa.领读单bus(板书)b.Spell it with your hand.c.T:How many buses?S:four buses(4)学习单词bikeT:Whats this?S:Its aa.领读单词bike(板书)b. Spell

6、it with your mouth.c. T: How many bikes?S: five bikes.Lets read these words .bike ,taxi ,car ,bus.3. Lets chant.Car car car by car I go to school by carBus bus bus by bus I go to school by bus以小组PK的方式让学生带着动作读单词以及短语大大地提高了学生的学习积极性。4. Learn the sentence structure(1)Today we learned so many ways for goi

7、ng to school , I think you must want to go to school by different ways. Can you tell me how do you go to school?引出句型 How do you go to school? I go to school by_.(2)学生操练两人一组选择自己喜欢的交通方式练习,然后展示。(3) 正确运用询问如何去某地的句型并做出答:There are so many beautiful places in our countryside , Today I will introduce some to

8、 you. Is Guan shan mu chang beautiful? Do you want to go to Guan shan mu chang? How do you go to Guan shan mu chang?引出句型 I go to _ by _.How do you go to school? I go to school by bike.How do you go to the zoo? I go to the zoo by taxi.How do you go to the restaurant? I go to the restaurant by car.How

9、 do you go home? I go home by bus. (4)Group work and show.运用所学句型与组内成员进行交流,你是如何去某地的。Step 3. Numbers(1)复习数字单词119(2)学习新数字单词2030a.领读单词twenty(板书)b.学习数字单词21,22,23 c.学习单词thirty领读,拼写Sept4:practice 1.单词练习:看短语贴卡片游戏2.玩数字接龙的游戏,练习0到30的英文表达。3.对话练习Sept5:Consolidationandextension 1.调查亲戚上班方式,准备下一节课做汇报。2.做同步练习。3.课后练习数数字。板书设计: Lesson16: Cars and BusesHow do you go (to)_? By I go (to )_by_ car bus bike taxi


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