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1、沈阳市初中统考2019年七年级上学期英语期末学业水平测试试题(模拟卷一)一、选择题1The telephone is not in my room. Its in my room.AparentsBparentsCparentDmom and dad2We play sports _.Aeveryday Bevery day Cone day Da day3They like _.AFrench fry Bstrawberrys Ctomatos Dsalad4_ Jenny,_ name is Tom.AIm;My BShes Her CIm His DHest His5Peter like

2、s vegetables. _ his mother gets some carrots in the shop.A.ButB.SoC.OrD.Then6Is she a star.Arun Bruning Crunner Drunning7 _ he? My grandfather.A.WhoB.WhatC.WhosD.Whats8My name is Jenny. Please call _ at 3266758.Amy Bme Cmine DI9Is that watch _?Amy Byour Cyou Dyours10You can add some sugar _ the wate

3、r.AupBtoCwithDat11boysyoucanbuysockswhiteforonlytwodollars.AOn,at BWith,for CFor,with DFor,in12are brothers. family name is Black.AThey; Theirs BThem; Their CThem; Theirs DThey; Their13(题文)My telephone number _ 2023678.Ais Bare Cam14We can buy socks_only $2.Aat Bfor Cin DTo15I have never heard of _

4、strange things.Aso Bsuch Cthat Dthis16-_can I ask you a question?Sure.A.Excuse meB.Thats OKC.SorryD.Thank you17Lets _ hamburgers .Ato haveBhasChaveDto has18This set of keys _ Jims.Aare Bis Cam Dwas19Sorry, this is not _ ruler.Amy a Ba my Can Dmy20isyourbirthday?AWhen BWhat CWhy DHow二、用所给的词填空21用所给单词的

5、适当形式填空1Are these your family _ (photo)?2Lucy and Kate are from(来自)two _ (family).3That is Liu Mei. _ (her) is my sister.4This is Anna and _ (that) are her brothers.5The boy in the picture is _ (he) cousin.22II. 用所给词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺。1The jackets _ (be) green.2-What is _ (she) name? - Shes Linda.3Eric

6、 comes from Germany, he is a _ (Germany) boy.4I study many _ (subject) in CFLS, and l like English best.5Those are their _ (photo).三、句型转换23句型转换1Dave has his birthday party on July 2nd.(改为一般疑问句)_Dave_his birthday party on July 2nd?2-Does Mike have a good trip?(作否定回答)-No, _ _.3My birthday is on June 4

7、th.(对画线部分提问)_ _your birthday?4They have an English speech contest every year.(改为一般疑问句)_they_an English speech contest every year?5-_ _ _your sister?(根据答语完成问句)-Shes thirteen.四、完形填空24I am 1 English boy. My 2 is David. I am twelve. My 3 name is Ann and we 4 students. My mother 5 a teacher. 6 a Chinese

8、teacher. My brothers name is 7 . Hes five. 8 father isnt here. Hes 9 Xinjiang. I think my 10 is a good one.1A.aB.anC.theD./2A.schoolB.nameC.homeD.class3A.sisterB.sistersC.sistersD.sisters4A.areB.amC.isD.be5A.amB.isC.areD.be6A.HeB.HesC.ShesD.She7A.SueB.LilyC.JimD.Alice8A.OurB.WeC.OursD.Us9A.onB.inC.a

9、tD.of10A.classB.familyC.homeD.school25My name is Wu Ping. I usually have two meals 1 daylunch and dinner at school. I dont have 2 .I 3 lunch at a restaurant. I 4 hamburgers, French fries 5 a banana for 6 . After lunch, I 7 with my friends. And in the evening we have 8 together. For dinner I like an

10、9 , chicken and salad. After 10 I always have ice cream for dessert(甜点)1Aa Ban C/ Dthe2Alunch Bdinner Cbreakfast Dmeals3Ado Bhave Cmake Dam4Ahas Beats Csee Dlike5Aand Bor Cwith Dhave6Abreakfast Bdinner Cthem Dit7Ahave Bplay Ceat Ddrinks8Abreakfast Blunch Cdinner Dthem9Aegg Bpear Cbanana Dapples10Ame

11、al Bdinner Cdesert Ddessert26My cousin Sandy is English girl. Her name is White. She is 2. The girl is . In her room, her books and tape player in the bookcase. Her pencil box is on the . Her ruler is on the desk, too. And a set keys are in her pencil box. A baseball is under the desk, its not Sandy

12、s. Its her brother . Sandy has a computer. on the table. There is a photo on the wall. Two girls are in the photo. Do you know the two girls are? Well, they are Sandys good friends, Mary and Anna.1Aa Ban Cthe D/2Afirst Bgiven Cfamily Dfull3Atidy Bfine Cgreen Dnice4Aam Bis Care D/5Atable Bdesk Cbed Dsofa6Aof Bin Con Dfor7Aand Bbut


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