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1、Unit 5 Have a Great TripLesson 2 教学设计【知识目标】1. Master language of daily greetings.Key vocabulary and phrases: delicious, felt happy2. Oral words and expressions: Where did you go? What did you do?【能力目标】1. Be able to listen and read the words and dialogues.2.Be able to ask and answer questions.【情感目标】M

2、otivate students interest in learning English. Make friends with all students.【教学重点】1. The relevant words and dialogues.2.Be able to talk.【教学难点】The relevant words and dialogues. PPT,audiotape, picturesstep1. Warm-upGreeting to students; 四、教学过程Step 1:Warm up1师生问好。2Free talk:T: Hello boys and girls! N

3、ice to meet you!Look at my microblog. What did I go last summer vacation?Ss: You went to Beijing.3. Enjoy a video 播放教师去北京旅游的图片,渗透重点句型“Where did you go?/What did you do?”【设计意图】通过问候和自由交谈,师生在相互了解中拉近了距离。引导学生说出与北京相关的景点,并以向学生不断渗透本课重点句型“Where did you go?/What did you do?”和难点词汇“went”,分解本课的重难点,通过头脑风暴挖掘学生对本课已

4、有的关联信息。Step 2:Lead-in1 .Listen to the tape and show the theme picture. Ask and answer. Where did Emma go? 2.观图,学生给图片标号。【设计意图】通过观图,引导学生说出本课基本的信息,步步为营的导入方式培养了学生的观图能力和思考能力。同时自然的过渡到新课的学习。Step 3:Presentation.1. Listen and answer.听录音,解决问题一 Where did you go?听录音,核对答案.T: Where did Emma go?Ss answer.Check and

5、 saylListen and underline the answer.听课文,解决问题二T: What did Emma do? (Ss answer)校对答案一: We went to Beijing zoo and saw many lovely animals there.随文学习went,saw.校对答案二: We also ate Beijing duck.随文学习ate校对答案三: We went to the Summer Palace. I rowed a boat on Kunming Lake. 随文学习rowed.【设计意图】通过听音,先解决“Where did yo

6、u go?”,紧接着,抛出问题“What did you do?”鼓励寻找答案。学生在自主学习的过程中,积极思考,乐于参与,整堂课环环相扣,层次感分明,课文的处理体现学生思维整合的过程。Step 4: Practice1.听音模范,指读课文。2.小组合作,分角色朗读。3.创设电视台主持人采访的活动,表演对话。【设计意图】让学生开口通篇朗读,落实对文本的掌握,加深对课文的学习,同时感受纯正的语音语调,培养良好的语感。与小组同学一起互帮互助朗读课文,感受语言,体验语言内化的过程。鼓励学生通过互帮互助的形式一起朗读课文。通过电视台主持人采访的活动,表演对话。让学生感受语言、感受朗读语速,检验学生的学习情况,同时达到语言输出的目的。Step 5: Homework1.Listen and recite the dialogue.2.Fill in the blank in Part C.3.Tell your friend about your summer vacation.【设计意图】延伸课堂,与他人谈论自己的暑假,让学生意识到暑假的乐趣,做一个积极健康的人。同时能让学生在课后利用时间巩固和运用英语,达到学以致用的目的。


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