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1、Unit 1 The OlympicsLesson 2: Swimming for Gold教学设计 西乡县骆家坝镇九年制学校 辛利利一、教材分析1、教材简析本单元的话题是The Olympics,主要介绍了奥运历史和几个中外奥运健儿及其比赛的情况,以弘扬奥林匹克精神。同时我对本单元内容做了整合,其中Lesson 2:Swimming for Gold和Lesson 6: Diving “Dream Team”分别讲的是我国奥运健儿庄泳和伏明霞夺金的情景。因此我打算学完Lesson 2接着学习Lesson 6。第二课的话题是Swimming for Gold,课文是庄泳在1992年巴塞罗那奥运

2、会上获100米自由泳金牌的一篇报道,这是中国运动员获得的第一枚奥运会游泳金牌,是我们全中国人民的骄傲,相信学生对本课的学习充满期待。2、教学目标 知识目标:(1)、掌握词汇:close, race, seem, tie, beat (2)、掌握短语:up and down, the other, set a world record能力目标:用所学知识谈论庄泳和其他游泳运动员。 情感、态度和价值观:培养学生的自信意识、竞争意识和集体荣誉感3、重点和难点(1)、运用所学知识谈论庄泳和其他的游泳运动员。 (2)、掌握短语:as.as.,seem,复习过去完成时。4、 教学辅助工具:录音机,图片。二

3、、学情分析本节课的话题贴近生活,具有很强的吸引力。大多数学生热爱运动,更爱游泳他们对体育活动充满激情,更是对08年北京奥运会充满期盼和热情。所以本节课学生会非常感兴趣。我将通过真实事迹来培养学生的爱国情感和竞争力。三、教学方法本课采用任务型阅读教学法, 采用小组比赛,提问、启发、讨论和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内容,理解阅读内容,培养学生的语言运用能力。四、教学过程设计1Review.播放ppt,对第一课的重点进行复习,并让学生完成有关第一课的几个练习题。(老师利用几分钟先讲解完重点,然后学生做题,并现场批阅。)2.New lessonStep1: Come to “THINK ABOUT

4、 IT.Talk about swimming. 1.What do you think of swimming?2.Where do you like to swim?3.Is swimming good for us? Is it dangerous?Let the students talk about the questions in pairs. Then give their answers in front of the class.If you like swimming, you must pay attention to the safety. Dont go swimmi

5、ng alone. Dont swim in the deep water. You must keep touch with the others.Step2:Teaching some important words and phrases.1.swim-swimmingswimmer2.close:adj/adv/v接近的,亲密的,势均力敌的;靠近,关闭。 a.We are close friends.(形容词) b.It was a very close race.(形容词) c. Be careful!Dont stand close to fire.(副词) d.please cl

6、ose the door.(动词)3.spectator: many spectators; a few spectators;Step3: Teaching asasand seem 4.数字间拥有连词符号(-),则数字以及单词均用单数。本课体现在:womens 100-metre freestyle。其他情况:a three-year-boy,two-day-work.5.文中出现:They go as fast as they can.(as.as one can=as.as possible)某人尽可能.做某事。需要注意两点:1.两个as之间一般是形容词或者副词的原形。2.one指任何

7、人称的主格,如you ,he,she,they.例句:Please drive as carefully as possible(possible=you can)You must do your homework as quikly as you can.(you can =possible)They go as fast as they can. 6.seem:V.好像,似乎。 1.seem +形容词 a. She seems quite happy today. b. He seemed alone.c.Everything seems easy.2.It seems/seemed+th

8、at从句。a.It seems that he is a boy.b.It seemed that nobody new what happened.c. It seemed that he was late for the train. Step4: had+pp 复习过去完成时1. When it was over,no one knew who had won. 2.Before the Olympics,her best time had been slower than Miss Thompsons. 3.Miss Thompson had set a world record in

9、 the 100-metre event,with a time of 54.48 seconds.概念:表示过去的过去-|-|-|-其构成是had +过去分词那时以前 那时 现在1.She said she had been to Paris once.2.When the police arrived,the thieves(小偷) had run away.3.He said he had learned some English before.4.Most of the guests had left when he arrived at the partyStep5: Discuss

10、Let the students talk about the swimming about China. They can talk according to the following order.The players names: Zhuang Yong, Luo Xuejuan, Qian Hong, Lin Li, Yang WenyiThe events: freestyleStep6:Doing exercise from ppt.Step7. Homework1. Finish off the exercise book.2. Go on the nest reading i

11、n the student book.五、 板书设计Lesson 2 Swimming for GoldBarcelona The other swimmers means the others.freestyle Have you ever gone swimming?close It was a close race.race They go as fast as they can!seem It seemed that tie The Chinese spectators at the swimmingThompson pool jumped up and down, cheering.swimmerSpectatorbeat up and downthe others六、教学反思1学生对阅读课的理解能力有所提高,表现在能迅速找到文章的中心句和课后反思的问题。2学生讨论后,做口头报告时,表达不够顺利,原因是学生词汇量有限,口语表达能力欠缺。3阅读与思考的时间较多,使得口语练习的机会相对较少



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