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1、Unit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 1 You look excited.Section A说课稿 吴晚霞. Material analysis本节课为话题的第一节课,建议用1课时上完。主要活动为1a和3。本课通过Jane 询问Kangkang兴致勃勃的原因,引出对话的主题:描述情绪与表达情感。对话呈现了本课所要学的语法重点:linking verb + adjective, 并呈现了新出现的短语:invite sb. to do sth., 复习了已学过的重点短语prepare sth. for sb., say thanks/ goodbye /hello/sorry

2、to sb. 和a ticket to 的用法,同时在对话中呈现了交际功能用语:How are you doing? Very well, thank you. Guess what! 和What a pity! 帮助学生学会如何表达和描述情绪。 通过Kangkang的父母邀请Jane, Maria 和 Michael的父母去看电影The Sound of Music, 把小伙伴们留在家里小聚,以及r. Brown没有买到The Sound of Music的票引出描述情绪的相关词汇和表达。要求学生在学会课本语言知识的同时,培养他们的互助互爱的精神,在能够正确处理个人情绪的同时帮助他人排解不良

3、的情绪。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:学生在交流中能自如地运用系表结构和以下短语:invite sb. to do sth. prepare sth. for sb.say thanks/ goodbye /hello/sorry to sb.a ticket to Difficult points:1. 学生对功能用语How are you doing? 的理解。 2. 描述他人情绪时连系动词正确形式的运用。. Learning strategies通过听力训练,鼓励学生通过图片和形容词的感情色彩大胆预测即将听到的内容,对所要

4、完成的题目进行初步的判断。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, the flash of the song, Do Re Mi. Teaching procedures教学步骤(根据需要增减)步骤与时间分配教师活动学生活动互动形式Warm-up(2)Greetings with ss and lead out the linking verbs.Ask and answer in pairs.T-ST-SSPresentation(5)Use pictures to let ss learn new words about feeling

5、s.Learn new words.T-SSPractice(3)Ask ss to work in groups to discuss their feelings in different situations.Talk about their feelings in different situations.SS-SSShow time(5)Ask ss to express the feelings one by one.The ss stand up one by one to show their feelings in different situations.S-TS-SS教学

6、反思:以旧帯新,循序渐进有利于学生掌握新知识。让学生体会在不同情形下的情感,并能开口说出正确的句子“I feel nervous when I give a speech.”. Blackboard designUnit 5 Feeling Excited Topic1 You look excited.Section A1. -How are you doing? -Very well, thank you. G1 G2 G3 G42. linking verb + adjective 2 4 1 23. Guess what! 3 2 2 24. invite sb. to do sth. 1 2 2 25. one of +最高级+ 名词复数6. prepare sth. for sb.7.say thanks/ hello/ sorry / goodbye to sb.8.a ticket to 3Unit5. Topic1. Section A


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