PEP4 Unit4 B Let's talk.doc

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《PEP4 Unit4 B Let's talk.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP4 Unit4 B Let's talk.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

Task1: Tick and talkTick the things you will do and then talk in pairs. 勾出你要做的事,并与同桌进行问答Task2:Group workMake a theme birthday plan and talk in groups 小组讨论,为七月的小寿星们设计一个有趣又有意义的集体生日派对吧!When is the birthday party?Where is the birthday party?What will you do?Homework1. Listen and follow P41.2. Make a birthday party plan.3. Search the information about different birthday traditions.


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