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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date新目标英语九年级翻译句子专练(一)备战2014中考 翻译句子专项训练 (一)备战2014中考 翻译句子专项训练 (一)I、 单项选择1. The astronauts were so interested in _ beauty of nature that they took lots of pictures in _ space. A. the ; /B. the

2、; the C. /; the D. /;/2. -Id like to book a room for tonight. -Sorry, sir, but we dont have any rooms _ right now. A. able B. comfortable C. available D. suitable3. Its an either-or situation. You can watch TV or play games, but you cant do _.A. others B. either C. another D. both4. When the star fe

3、ll _ the darkness quickly at night, all the people felt it amazing.A. downB. offC. behindD. through5. The research group _15 members has made great achievements in recent years. A. is made up of B. makes up C. made up of D. making up of 6. -Shanghai Pudong Airport please! I must get there by 7. - _,

4、 but Ill try my best.A. No problemB. All rightC. I cant promiseD. I cant do that7. Theres no way of knowing why the man fails, _ he is always hard-working and wise.A. whenB. althoughC. ifD. unless 8. -Millie hardly did the housework after she bought the robot, _? - _. She could relax and have time f

5、or her hobbies.A. did she; Yes B. didnt she; No C. didnt she; Yes D. did she; NoII、 翻译句子1. 你能递给我一张纸吗?Could you please pass me _?2. 根据我们的记录,你已经缺席六次了。Youve been absent six times _ our records.3. 国际奥委会主席巴赫认为索契冬奥会取得了巨大的成功。IOC president Thomas Bach thought the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympicswere _.4. 鼓励学生们积极参

6、与课堂讨论。Students are encouraged _ discussion in class.5. 中国合伙人一片终究不只是个创业故事那么简单。American Dreams in China was never about business _.6. 这场反吸烟运动主要是针对青少年的。This anti-smoking campaign is mainly _ teenagers.7. 睡前给孩子们朗读(一本书)是一个很不错的主意。 _ to kids just beforebedtimeis a greatidea. 8. 广告有时会诱导人们买一些根本不需要的东西。Sometim

7、es people _ buy something they dont need at all by advertisements.9. 在牛仔裤非常流行的热潮下,很多大明星都出现在电视上,替他们钟爱的牌子做广告。Now jeans are so hot that big name stars_modeling for their favourite brands. 10. 不论是对朋友还是对陌生人,美国人都喜欢在愚人节时搞些恶作剧。Americansplaysmalltricksonfriendsandstrangers_.11. 你最好尽快发电报告诉我你的答复。Youd better ra

8、dio your reply to me _. 12. 如果我有问题,我会征求我父母的建议。If I had a problem, I would go to my parents to_.13. 鹿一见到猎人, 就立刻跑掉了。When thedeersawthehunter, it_.14. 当今,作为二十一世纪最流行的时尚品,雪地靴被好莱坞的明星们台前幕后地穿着。_ , as the most fashionable icon in the _ , snow boots are worn by the hollywood stars on and off screen.15. 冯小刚有时太

9、过商业化了。_ Feng Xiaogang may be too commercial.备战2014中考 翻译句子专项训练 (二)I、 单项选择1. -Could you tell me _?-By speaking more.A. what I could do to improve my English B. how I can improve my English C. how can I deal with my English D. whats wrong with my English2. Icanstillrememberthesitting-room _ mymotherand

10、I _ intheevening. A.which; used to sitB.that; used to sitting inC./; used to sit inD./; are used to sitting3. As we all know, Paris is famous _ its fashionable products. A) for B) as C) with D) about4. _ is looking forward to studying with an I-pad in the math class. A) Somebody B) Anybody C) Nobody

11、 D) Everybody5. Professor Li gave us a very useful _ on how to prepare for the exam. A) advice B) information C) experience D) suggestion6. It is not very easy for the Chinese _ for a visa(签证) to the USA. A) apply (申请) B) to apply C) applying D) applied7. The waitress talked as _ as she could to mak

12、e the customers understand her. A) clear B) more clearly C) most clearly D) clearly8. A: _ I go to the airport to see Uncle David off tomorrow morning, mum? B: No, you neednt. You may join us if you want to. A) Must B) Need C) Should D) May9. The eggs will go bad soon in such hot weather _ they are put in the fridge. A) although B) because C) unless D) untilII、 翻译句子1. 在中国,人们关注电视选秀节目已经好多年了。Its been a few years since people _ Chinas TV music talent shows.2. 他开始生我的气了。He


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