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1、Mr Wood Teaches a Lesson学英语(冀教版)Book 7 Lesson 11一、 教学内容1. 词汇:shape, circle, triangle, square, line2. 句型:Whats the temperature?Itsdegrees.二、 教学目标1. 知识目标(1)能听、说、读、写单词shape,circle, triangle, square, line;(2)会用句型Whats the temperature?Itsdegrees.2.能力目标(1)能运用“Whats the temperature?Itsdegrees.”谈论当天的温度;(2)能

2、运用“Whats your favorite shape? My favourite shape is”谈论自己喜欢的图形。3.情感目标(1)用温度计测量室内外温度和水的温度来验证猜测,形成自主探究的意识;(2)联想与所学图形相似的实物,建立知识与实际生活的联系,拓展想象空间,加强思维意识的训练。三、教学重点与难点1.新单词shape, circle, triangle, square, line;2.单词temperature的发音;3.运用句型“Whats the temperature?Itsdegrees.”谈论当天的温度;四、教学准备温度计,自制课件,录音机,包有若干小正方形、三角形

3、、圆形、线条的纸包,几杯不同温度的水五、教学过程Step1:WarmingupRevision1. 师生互致问候,自由交谈。T:Hello,boys and girls.How are you today?Ss:Fine,thanks. And you?T:Im very well, thank you. Today I feel warm. How do you feel?S1:I feel cool. S2:I feel hot.S3:I feel warm, too.T: I feel warm,so I wear my favorite clothesjeans.(to S1)What

4、 are your favorite clothes?S1:My favorite clothes are shirts.T: Whats your favorite color?S1:My favorite color is purple.(to S2)What are your favorite clothes?S3:My favorite clothes are dresses.S1:Whats your favorite color?S2:My favorite color is red.【设计说明】通过师生间的自然交谈,复习了“Whats your favorite? My favo

5、riteis/ are”这两个句型,为之后学习“Whats your favorite shape? My favorite shape is”做好了铺垫。2. 教师用课件呈现一张各地天气预报图,引导学生用英语谈论各地的天气状况。T:Look, this is a map of the weather forecast for today. Hows the weather in Beijing?S1:Its sunny.T:(手指图中北京的温度)How do you feel in Beijing?S2:I feel warm.S3: I feel hot.教师指向其他城市的温度,引导学生用

6、“ItsI feel”回答。【设计说明】以天气预报的形式引导学生复习有关天气特征的表达方式,不仅增加了学习活动的趣味性,而且让学生感受了不同城市的气温,为之后学习新的内容做好铺垫。用天气预报图把所学知识与实际生活相联系,有利于培养学生用所学知识解决实际问题的能力真正做到学以致用。Step2.PresentationPractice(1)1. 通过与学生谈论教室内外的温度,引入对新知识的学习。T:How do you feel inside our classroom?Ss:We feel warm.T:I feel warm, too. Whats the temperature?(拿出温度计

7、)Whats the temperature inside the classroom?(请一位学生读出温度计上的数值。)Ss:Eighteen.T:Whats the temperature? Its eighteen degrees.Ss: Whats the temperature? Its eighteen degrees.T:Please guess, whats the temperature outside the classroom?S1 Its sixteen degrees.S2: Its foureen degrees.S3: Its fifteen degrees.教师

8、把温度计放在教室外,几分钟后拿回温度计,并让一位学生读出温度计上显示的数值。T:Whats the temperature outside?S1: Its fifteen degrees.【设计说明】教师先与学生谈论天气情况以及自己在某种天气状况下的感受,然后让学生根据温度计上显示的信息理解单词temperature的含义,这样就把新知识的学习与旧知识的复习紧密结合起来,让学生在原有知识和经验的基础上,理解和掌握本节课的教学重点和难点。2. 测量一杯水的水温,在此过程中操练新学的知识。T:Look. Here is a glass of water. Its very hot. Whats t

9、he temperature of the water?S1 Its sixty degrees.S2: Its eighty degrees.S3: Its ninety degrees.教师用温度计测量水温,并请一位学生读出温度计上的数值。T:Whats the temperature?S1: Its ninety-two degrees. 学生分成四人学习小组,教师拿出几杯不同温度的水,分给每个小组一杯水和一个温度计;学生在小组内用温度计测量水的温度,并用“Whats the temperature?Itsdegrees.”进行对话。如果教具充足的话,这个活动也可以采用两人一组的形式开展

10、。学生活动期间,教师巡回指导,并特别注意学生对temperature的发音。【设计说明】通过让学生测量水的温度,加深他们对新学知识的感悟,让学生接近真实的语境中操练新学知识。3. 让学生听录音,帮助学生在理解课文内容。在让学生听录音前,教师提出以下问题让学生思考:Whats the weather like today?Whats the temperature inside the classroom?Whats the temperature outside the classroom?Whats the temperature of the hot water?学生听完录音后,师生一起核

11、对答案。【设计说明】让学生带着问题听录音和读课文,有助于集中学生听和读的注意力,提高课堂教学的实效;另外,开放式的问题情境能启发学生的思维,为学生的语言表达提供更大的空间。4知识运用教师用课件呈现一张天气预报图,并做播报天气预报的示范。T:This city is Baoji. It is sunny today. Whats the temperature? Its eighteen degrees. You may feel warm in Baoji. You can do some running in the morning.教师让学生模仿示范,播报全国各城市的天气预报。S1: Th

12、is city is Shijiazhuang. It is sunny, too. Whats the temperature? Its twenty-five degrees . Its hot in this city. You can wear shirts, blouse and coats. Maybe youCan wear dresses in the afternoon.Ss:This city is Hangzhou. It is rainy. Whats the temperature? Its twentytwo degrees. Please dont forget

13、to take your umbrella and raincoat.【设计说明】让学生利用已学知识,结合新学知识进行创造性的语言整合及输出,激发学生的创新思维,充分体现教学的层次性,让学生在活动中体验学习成功的快乐。Step3.Presentation Practice(2)1. 导入并介绍新知识。T: The temperature is comfortable. I feel good, so I want to learn English with me?Ss:Yes.T:(用课件呈现一条直线)Whats this?Ss: 直线。T:Its a line. (再次用课件呈现一条直线)W

14、hats this?Ss: Its a line.T:What looks like a line? 什么东西的形状像直线啊?S1:Pencil.S2:Ruler.S3:Noodles.T:(用课件呈现三条直线)Whatre these?Ss:They are lines.T: How many lines?Ss:Three lines.T:Yes. You are right.(教师用课件展示三条直线组成一个三角形的过程。)T:Whats this now?Ss:三角形。T:Its a triangle. (再次用课件呈现一个直线组成一个三角形) Whats this?Ss:Its a tr

15、iangle.T:What looks like a triangle? 什么东西的形状像三角形啊?S1:Pizza.S2:Ruler.S3:A cats ear.T:(用课件呈现四条直线)Whatre these?Ss:They are four lines.(教师用课件展示四条直线组成一个正方形的过程。)T:Look, this is a new shape. Is it a triangle?Ss:No.T:What is it? Its a(引导学生尝试读单词square。)T:Its a square.T:How many lines make a square?Ss:Four lines make a square.T:What looks like a square? S1:Window.S2:TV.S3:Paper.T:(指着教室内一个圆形的物品)What shape is this?Ss:圆。


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