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1、Revision2教学设计一、教学目标1. 复习有关身体部位的单词。2. 能听懂、读懂关于accidents, animals in danger, children of our world等话题的信息。3. 能读懂简单的英语海报,判断句子的正误,并尝试制作海报传达信息。4. 能看懂常见的标志牌,并与相应的英语表达正确配对。5. 运用句子Dont 提醒、劝告别人遵守各种规则。6. 复习形容词比较级。二、教学建议1. Listen and tick. Find the missing words.听一听,勾一勾,找一找。Step l 老师借助自己和学生的身体,复习身体部位名称。Step 2学生

2、打开课本到第50页,在图片的提示下,进一步复习身体部位的英文名称。 Step 3老师播放录音,学生独立完成听音打钩的练习。Step 4师生共同核对答案。Step 5学生根据录音,在图片中找出所缺单词,并用句子The missing words are.说出答案。Step 6学生将所缺单词mouth, face, hand写在图中人物相应的身体部位。录音稿:hair arm stomach head leg toe foot eye nose elbow knee shoulder答案:mouth, face, hand2a. Listen and tick.听一听,勾一勾。2b. Listen

3、 again and fill in the numbers. Then read.听一听,写数字,读一读。Step l老师播放录音,学生初步感知录音内容,可以利用课件或图片,呈现短文中的一些关键信息,帮助学生理解短文内容,如by bike, in Great Street, broke the right arm, the hospital next to the school等,但老师不作任何讲解。 Step 2学生在初步感知录音内容的基础上,打开课本到第51页,在老师的指导下快速理解问题。 Step 3 老师再次播放录音,学生根据录音内容独立完成练习,勾出正确答案。师生共同核对答案。 S

4、tep 4 学生快速浏览2b中的句子,根据录音内容给句子标上序号。师生共同核对答案。Step 5学生听录音跟读。录音稿:This coming Xiaogang went to work by bike. But he didnt keep to the rules. He rode on the left of the street. So he had an accident in Great Street. He fell off his bike and broke his right arm. The police took him to the hospital next to o

5、ur school.2a答案:1. In Great Street. 2. A bike accident. 3. He broke his right arm.4. Beside our school.2b答案:3 5 1 6 2 43. Think and match. Then read and keep to the rules.想一想,连一连,读一读,守规则。 Step 1 老师利用课件或图片创设一些情境,帮助学生认识一些交通标志,并理解和学说一些关于交通规则的短语和句子,如:Stop and wait when the light is red.等。Step 2 学生打开课本到第5

6、1页,阅读句子并根据交通规则将左右两边的句子连线。Step 3 师生共同核对答案。Step 4 学生大声朗读句子。Step 5 老师引导学生进一步交流,谈谈自己知道的交通规则。答案:4a. Listen and read. Colour the frames.听一听,读一读,涂一涂。First look,Stop and waitRide your bikeon the right of the street.Then cross the street.When the light is red. 4b. Read and fill in the names of the animals. 读

7、一读,填一填。 4c. Fill in bigger than or smaller than. Then read. 填一填,读一读。Step 1 学生打开课本到第52页,观察图片,正确说出三种动物的名称:cat, panda, rabbit,并尝试用所学的语言描述动物,在这个过程中,老师不要纠正学生语言表达中的错误,应给予学生积极的评价。Step 2 老师播放录音,让学生初步感知录音内容,可以要求学生简单复述所听到的信息。Step 3 老师分段播放录音,学生猜测: What animal is it?Step 4 学生阅读三段文字,判断它们分别描述的是哪种动物,并根据文字下地图颜色给相应动

8、物的图片边框涂色。Step 5 师生共同核对答案。Step 6学生大声朗读三段文字。Step 7通过游戏和活动,老师帮助学生进一步熟悉以上二种动物的描述,如: Listen and guess.老师说出:It lives in China. It eats bamboo.学生迅速说出动物:panda。Step 8 学生阅读4b的句子,填写动物名称。Step 9 师生共同核对答案,学生大声朗读句子。Step 10 老师设计活动,帮助学生复习比较级的表达:bigger than,smaller than, thebiggest等,如判断句子正误:The panda is bigger than t

9、he rabbit. ( T )The polar bear is smaller than the panda. ( F )等。Step 11 学生独立完成4c的填空练习。Step 12 师生共同核对答案,学生大声朗读句子。4a录音稿:Its black and white. It eats bamboo. Its smaller than the polar bear. It lives in China.It has got two long ears and a small mouth. It eats grass, and it eats vegetables, too. It ru

10、ns fast.It has got bright eyes. It can see in the night. Its favourite food is fish. It likes eating mice, too. Many people keep them as pets.4a答案:cat: 蓝色边框 panda: 绿色边框 rabbit: 黄色边框4b答案:1. panda 2. cat 3. rabbit4c答案:1. smaller than 2. bigger than 3. smaller than 4. bigger than5. Can you find the two

11、 hidden animals? Write the first letter of each word.找一找,写一写。Step l 学生打开课本到第53页,根据图片在横线上写出单词。Step 2学生将每个单词的第一个字找出来,比一比看谁最快找到隐藏的动物单词tiger, horse。答案: tea, ice cream, green, egg, run,hair, open, ruler, schoolbag, ear,tiger, horse 6. Listen and read.听一听,读一读。Step l 老师播放录音,学生初步感知对话。Step 2 学生打开课本到第53页,自读对话

12、,尝试根据短文内容提问,如:Whos the girl? Where is she from? How old is she? 等,师生核对答案。Step 3 老师再次播放录音,学生跟读。Step 4 学生两人一组,分角色朗读对话。Step 5 老师鼓励学生用简单的句子,表达读后的感受。录音稿:A: Whos the girl in the picture?B: Shes Lena.A: Lena looks lovely. Is she an American girl?B: No, she isnt. Shes from Africa. Shes thirteen.A: Oh, shes

13、as old as me.B: Yes, but she cant go to school like you. Her family is very poor, so she has to work every day.A: She is only thirteen, and has to work? What does she do then?B: She gets up at 5 o clock in the morning and starts working with her father.Then she rides into town and sells fruit in the

14、 streets.A: Poor Lena! I think she wants to go to school very much!B: Yes, she often dreams of studying at school! And shes got another dream.A: What is it?B: She wants to have her own little shop one day.7. Fill in the words in their correct forms. Then tell your partner the reasons. 填一填,说一说。Step 1

15、 学生读句子,将单词的正确形式填写在横线上。 Step 2 师生共同核对答案,复习一般现在时的动词变化形式。Step 3 学生根据句子内容相互提问,并进行展示。答案, likes 2. goes, go 3. study, studies8a. Listen and read the texts of 4a, Unit 6. 听听,读读。8b. Read out the questions loud. 读一读。Step l老师播放录音,学生边听边跟读课文。Step 2学生扮演Samshaad, Lena, Mark或Jimmy,老师运用8b的问句向学生提问:Whats your name? How old are you? Where are you from? When do you get up? What do you often do? What is your dream?Step 3学生开展小组活动,用以上问句进行对话交流。老师选出2-3组进行表演。8a录音稿:Samshaad is twelve. She lives in India. She gets up at six o clock i



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