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1、Lesson 73 The way to King Street1. Know well 对很了解2. Lose ones way 迷路3. Say to oneself 心里想4. 问路的句型Can you tell me the way to King Street?Can you tell me how I can get to King Street?Can you tell me where is King Street?5. 副词的分类地点副词:homeabroad downtown时间副词:yesterdaytomorrow before频率副词:alwaysneveroften

2、usuallysometimes方式副词:warmly pleasantly slowly (构成:adj.+ly)程度副词:sovery pretty rather quite (副词修饰动词,程度副词和频率副词至于实义动词之前)It is raining heavily.I usually get up at 7 oclock. Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes1. 宾语从句一般宾语由名词或代词来充当。I want an apple. I like you. 宾语一般跟在动词或介词之后。 宾语从句:由一个句子来充当宾语。 宾语从句跟在两类词后边: 表示人的情感或心

3、理活动的形容词afraidsuresorry主语+be动词+这类形容词,主从句之间用that连接I am afraid that I cant come tomorrow.主句是一般现在时的时候,从句可以用任意时态They are sure that they will win. 普通动词think believe say hope understand主语+动词+that+从句I think that you are right.I believe I can fly.Lesson 77 Terrible toothache1. Have an appointment with sb. 与某

4、人有预约2. I have a terrible toothache. 我牙疼得厉害。3. 介词atonin的基本用法At用于小地方和钟点之前On 用于星期或具体的某一天之前In 用于月份,年,季节,大地方前Lesson 79 Carols shopping list1. Make a shopping list 制作购物清单2. Have 与have got3. 肯定句多用a lot of, 否定句和疑问句多用manymuchI havent got many tomatoes, but weve got a lot of potatoes.4. 在肯定句中need一般做实义动词, I ne

5、ed to go home.情态动词多用于否定、疑问句之中,I neednt study. Need you study.Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes1. Have替代普通动词Have a bath洗澡、have a cigarette 吸烟、have a glass of whisky 喝杯whiskyHave dinner吃晚饭、have lunch 吃午饭、have roast beef and potatoes吃土豆牛肉Lesson 82 Going on holiday1. Do you want to have lunch with me? 你

6、想和我共进午餐吗?2. Pack ones suitcase 行李打包3. Go on holiday have a holiday 度假4. 现在进行时:已完成,无过去,有联系I have already had lunch. (动作已发生,不与表示过去的时间连用,强调对现在造成的影响)I had lunch at half past twelve. (有确定的过去的时间,所以用过去时,不用现在完成时)未完成,段时间,要持续I have lived here since 1980. (要与段时间连用,这点非常关键)5. 现在完成时:主语+have/has+动词过去分词 否定:havent/

7、hasnt疑问句:把havehas 提前6. 过去分词的规则形式与过去式一样Buy-bought-boughtLeave-left-leftCut-cut-cutDo-did-doneGo-went-goneLesson 85 Paris in the spring1. Have you just been to 你去过哪儿吗?2. Whats on? 上演什么电影?3. Have been to 与have gone to I have been to Paris twice. (曾经去过,去过已经回来了)My father has gone to America. (已经去了,人不在此地)

8、4. I have never been there. 我从没去过那儿。Lesson 87 A car crash1. Work on 从事, 搞The writer is working on a new book.2. Have a look at it 能和动词搭配的介词也能和这个动词同根的名词搭配3. drive into 撞4. to tell you the truth 告诉你实情5. Didnt you have a crash? 否定疑问句表达肯定的含义,不表疑问。6. try ones best 竭尽所能have a try 尝试一下try to do sth 企图做某事,但

9、这种企图往往没有成功(manage to do sth)Lesson 89 For sale1. for sale 待售;on sale贱卖2. How long have you lived here?Ive lived here for twenty years. (未完成,段时间,要持续)Ive been here since 1976. (现在完成时中,表时间用since和for, since和时间起点连用;for 和段时间连用)3. How much does it cost? 它值多少钱?Sth+cost+人+钱-什么东西花了某人多少钱。4. Its worth every pen

10、ny of it. 它值这些钱。(be worth+钱=值多少钱)5. Women always have the last word. 女人总是拥有最后的决定权。Lesson 91 Poor Ian!1. 一般将来时:表示打算或将来要做的事。主语+will/shall+V.Will not = wont; shall not = shantIll miss him.Will you leave next week?2. Give him my regards 代我向他问好Lesson 93 Our new neighour1. Next door neighbor 隔壁邻居2. Fly to

11、 飞往某地3. At the moment 现在4. Return to 返回某地5. He has already been to nearly every country in the world. 他几乎去过世界上每个国家。6. Stay at home 呆在家里Lesson 95 Tickets, please1. Return ticket 往返票2. Plenty of = enough 足够的3. We had better go back to the station now. (had better do sth. 最好做什么)4. We want to catch the

12、eight nineteen to London. (第一个to为不定式,第二个为介词)5. In five hours time! (in与将来时连用表示将来,名词所有格表示时间和地点)Three days time 三天的时间;five minutes walk/journey 五分钟的路程Lesson 97 A small blue case 1. I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day. 几天前我把衣箱落在了去往伦敦的火车上。(leave+东西+地点-把什么东西落在了什么地方)(the other day 几天前)2

13、. Theres a label on the handle with my name and address on it.(衣箱的把手上有个标签,写着我的名字和地址。)3. belong to 属于This book belongs to me.= This book is mine.Lesson 99 Ow!1. Whats the matter?2. Hurt oneself (hurt+反身代词-伤到某人自己)Hurt+身体部位-表示某个身体部位疼痛3. Provide sth. to sb. provide sb. with sth.The government provides f

14、ood and drinks to the homeless.4. Help sb. do sth. help sb. with sth.I help my mother with housework.Ask for/ call for/ seek help 寻求帮助5. At once / right away立刻,马上Lesson 101 A card from Jimmy1. He doesnt say very much, does he?反义疑问句:询问某种情况是否真实,或者别人是否同意自己。分为两部分:逗号前为主句,后面为反意疑问句。形式:前否,后肯;前肯,后否。特点: 问句与主句

15、的主语一致 前后的助动词一致 前后的时态一致Sally can speak French, cant you?Sally cant speak French, can she?升调:表疑问,期待对方回答降调:语气肯定,不需要回答Youre a student, arent you?Its a fine day, isnt it?You went to the party yesterday, didnt you?2. Write to sb. / write sb. a letter 给某人写信Hear from sb. 收到某人的来信Lesson 103 The French Test1. Pas


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